Im so nervous

Well thats it, its over! Whewwww thank god thats done. Pretty intimidating but i prevailed. Tried act as cool calm and collected as possible. Answered all questions looking in the eye, the firm hand shake, thanked them for their time, and hoped to be hearing from them in the near future. I felt pretty good coming out of it. One thing i would change is the first 5 minutes they caught me off guard. Kind of told me that I will be doing all the talking and letting them know things. I did my best and went with it. Did my best not to pause, say "uhmm" or anything of that nature. I actually got so nervous my throat dried up and I could not swallow. They almost paused the interview to get me some water. I tough it out and finished strong. I finally had some positive interaction with one of the big bosses in charge of the whole security detail for port authority tunnels and bridges. He told me about the type of show they run and what I would be involved in if i get chosen. Well Im off to go fill out more job applications because this experience has me hungry for another interview. Possibly with another agency.

Thanks guys!
Good Idea,Keep putting applications out and do more interviews...
Only way to get a job.And if this place calls you in for second interview it will go even better.
man,i can relate.i get the jitters before stuff like that but its always a huge relief when its over(kinda like the feeling after taking a big dump)
You only get one chance to make a first impression, be 100% confident and walk in there like you own the place (but not cockie), don't show any weakness or fear and don't do the fake smile crap..