I'm Titan, Show Me Your Dogs

Hi, I'm Frankenstein (Frank) and I am a purebred Australian Cattle Dog (Australian Cattle Bastard). I am one of the smartest and most loyal (to my mom and dad only) dogs on the planet and I will figure out a way to piss you off if it is the last thing I do. I can clear a 4' fence like it was nothing just to grab the pant leg of that fat little kid down the street that rides his skateboard past my house everyday, I like to eat, sleep, make weird dog noises, I hate other people, most dogs, and anyone that comes with in 2' of any car I am in. Oh yeah I really hate Ross a whole lot too! :snakeman:
I like to hang out in the garage and work on cars and if you drop your socket and it rolls away I will bring it back to you...sometimes. I am getting used to the electric drill but the shop vac must die!

I love my tire bed...

I was a dork when I was a baby dog...



Weird dog noises "AAAROO ROOO ROOO"


Working on the 53.



Working on the 48...


Pimpin ain't easy.


First day home 7 weeks old.


"When I grow up I am going to be an a$$hole :-D."


I can fly...


Thats mine.

unfortunately, this guy is no longer with us. his name was Fred, and he was rather, um, unique. to this day everytime i see this picture i wonder how he did this on his own...

hey all, my name is Red. i am a knucklehead, at least that is what dad calls me but my mom says i am a redbone coonhound. here i am getting high. and that is me inspecting one of my many masterpieces. i was damn proud of my work, so much so i tried to duplicate it in another room...


hey Frankenstien, you are not alone in your hatred of most things. some days liesure time is more important than anything......Some people call me Queenie, dad calls me Demon and my Mom calls me Mama (that is the only one I can say in mixed company)


Hello, my name is Zoe and I am a 6 year old Boxer. I pretty much get to do what I want! My owners take great care of my. But, lately I've had swollen glands so I went to see the Vet. She told me that I have Lymphoma. I have no idea what that is but my owners are really sad. I keep going to see different vets so I guess this is serious but my owners are not giving up so I am not either.

I am Cody. Only here in spirit now but I was momma's baby. This was my favorite thing to do. Lounge around and take naps!

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Hello yall two legged people my name is Boogy I like jumping up in my masters lap and sleeping while he is on the this site, He don't know it but I can tell when he is on this site :-D he makes funny sounds when he is happy.Computer Repair Ken Slater 031.jpg

I started out in this world in a cage with two brother and people came and took them away :angry7: Till one day when I was 8 weeks old my masters son came and put me in a machine that made allot of noise and when we got out he handed me to a nice girl where I was put in another cage all by myself in a funny looking room with fuzzy things with eyes on them :shock:
Boy was I glad to get out of there :cheers: I went for another ride in a machine and I met my master Mike :cheers: He was happy all the time and played with me allot and never put me in a cage :love5:
I have been here for 8 years and he lets me go outside and watch him
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He took me to the Vet and they stuck me with sharp needles and put me in a cage and I cried and thought he was gone :sad7:
But a lady took me out of the cage and handed me to Mike and I was so happy to see him, I am a happy little girl that is glad that the doggie gods gave him to me :-D He has fun with me and cuts my hair and baths me when I need it, Some time's I feel like a little hippy and some times I don't :-D

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Hi, my name is Angel and this is my person Amy. She adopted me when I was just a few weeks old and I've been a happy little Mutt ever since. I'm a mix of German Shepard, Labrador, and Terrier.

As good as things are, I'm 15 yrs. old and I can no longer hear my people when they call me. Good thing I learned hand signals waaaay back when I went for obedience training when I was a puppy! Amazing what you remember when you need it!


I HATE THIS PICTURE! Yeah....my ear turned into a science project and this is what they did to me "for my own good" while it healed. I wanted to bite Daddy when he laughed at me, but I couldn't get my mouth around his leg!


When I'm not looking to eat or go for a walk I spend most of my golden years shedding and sleeping. Not a bad gig for an old Dog!
Good Morning,
Mom & dad got out of bed, finally. It's a whole new day they can spend petting and playing with me. Thanks for joining me here, I'm real glad to met y'all. From the looks of things we're all A-bodies. I'll get mom started while dad fixes my breakfast.
A few of us aren't with our peeps any more and I know they miss you big time but while you're chasing rabbits in doggie heaven think about all the joy you brought to their lives. Peeps need that.


Hi guys! My name is Brady and I'm a Rhodesian Ridgeback. I've heard stories that my breed was developed to hunt lions (whatever they are) but all I can say is I better never see a cat in my yard!
I was born in Ohio and brought out to California when I was just a pup by some people so I could add my bloodline to their dogs - I guess that must mean I'm kinda special. Anyway, something happened and I had to get fixed so they sold me to some old people. My then 'dad' got something that made him forget things a lot and he'd leave gates open and stuff so I got sent back to my first California people. I really didn't fit in with their plans so they gave me to the really great people I have now. I'm really happy now 'cause my Mom bakes me special home-made doggie treats! Both Mom and Dad really spoil me and I love it.
Gotta show you my ridge as that's what's really unique to my breed. As you can see, I can be quite a party hound but I really like to spend most of my time resting up between naps. Hey, dogs were born to sleep in the sun!
You can also see some pics of my former roommate, Juneau. I'm still not sure where she went but my Mom and Dad got real sad when she went away a couple of weeks ago. I sure do miss her 'cause we used to play together a lot. Oops! Busted! Here's a picture of us playing on the bed - we weren't supposed to be up there.
I'm only 5 years old but I've heard stories that Juneau was my Mom's companion dog while she went through some 'human vet' medical things way before I was born. Juneau especially wasn't supposed to get on the furniture 'cause she left her fur everywhere.
Humans! You never stop training 'em.

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This is me at a little over 2 years. I was a rescue dog but I am now waiting at the big pearly gates for my mom & dad. They were sad when I had to go but now they have Emma.

235.jpg hi my name is harley. my owners found me at the pound. i am mastiff red hound mix. i am watching racing with my owner.

Good Evening Pack,
It's cocktail time here on my patio. I'm letting mom & dad join me to hoist one for all our friends who are here only in spirit. Cheers.

Good Evening Pack,
It's cocktail time here on my patio. I'm letting mom & dad join me to hoist one for all our friends who are here only in spirit. Cheers.

Maxi says:

"My master just poured something in his glass that looks just like that! I always sniff it but he never gives me any. I see him drinking one now and he looks sad and happy at the same time."

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Great looking pups, I especially love the Rotties. Hope you guys like my dogs.
Heres my dogs: (From Left to Right Fridha[Mine], Noah, and Cinnamon[Parents say theyre theirs, but theyre really mine])

Fridha and Cinnamon:

This one is one of my favs. I still have no clue what she was doing, such a goofball:

Fridha doin some Marilyn Monroe pose:

Guess who won?


Looks like a bobble head here.
Great pics Cudaviking! Rotts are total clowns, lol! The things mine do crack me up on a daily basis.

It seems that the picture server you are using is a bit slow though. It took a good 3 minutes for the pics to pop up. I've been using Photobucket, it's free and quick. Just a thought!
Thanks Ramcharger, yea my Rottie is a complete clown but a total sweetheart(Super jealous one).

I use PhotoBucket aswell, I tried to size them down a bit but it didnt seem to work so well. Maybe their to big?
Thanks Ramcharger, yea my Rottie is a complete clown but a total sweetheart(Super jealous one).

I know where you're coming from. A female Rott is the most protective dog I ever had and that includes an female atypical 120+ GSD that I had named Turbo.

I use PhotoBucket aswell, I tried to size them down a bit but it didnt seem to work so well. Maybe their to big?

I think PB is just running slow tonight. Nope, not too big! :cheers::cheers: and thanks for sharing. :-D Is she still a pup? It looks like she's just getting her legs. I'm thinking that the date stamp is wrong.
Really cool new friends ! What's all that blue stuff next to the sand ? For some reason I need to go out now. RIGHT NOW !

Merlin says;


Some people tell my master out on our daily "hunt" that I look like I might have Dobie in me. I don't know what that means, but if it means that my mom or dad looks like you, life is good! You are a sharp looking pack mate. I also like the Dobie next door. He's really cool and sometimes I jump the fence to see him. My master didn't know until he found my necklace there. :grommit::grommit:"

"It sounds as though I might not be able to meet you and I am sad about that. My master sometimes talks of the "Land of the Slow Squirells" and I think that's where he must be. :grommit: I will see you there too when it's time."

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I think PB is just running slow tonight. Nope, not too big! :cheers::cheers: and thanks for sharing. :-D Is she still a pup? It looks like she's just getting her legs. I'm thinking that the date stamp is wrong.
Yea the dates are wrong on the pics. She'll be 2 in December. Shes is about 150 lbs right now, but our bravest dog is our girl Pomeranian.(White one.)She stays at the back gate and lets us know if the wind blows wrong, then Fridha gets into the mix, and if its REALLY bad the lazy boy Pom gets up out of his little house lol.

Sorry to hear about your pup MegaJolt, he was a beautiful dobee.