Inmate adds pig image to Vt. police cruiser decals



1971 Dodge Dart Swinger
May 10, 2011
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Williams Lake, BC, Canada
MONTPELIER, Vt. — A prison inmate who makes stationery and license plates pulled a fast one on state police by adding the image of a pig to the state decal on their cruisers.


On the 16-inch car door decals, made by prisoners in Windsor, one of the spots on a cow in a scene with mountains and a pine tree has been changed to the shape of a pig, a derogatory term for police.

A Vermont state trooper discovered the pig while inspecting his vehicle on Wednesday. State police say they believe the decals have been added to about 30 cruisers in the past year.

About 60 altered decals were made over the last couple of years, said Andy Pallito, commissioner of the Department of Corrections, which is looking into who made the modification and when.

New decals will be made by Monday at a cost of $780. The expense will be covered by a surplus in the revolving fund that supports the offender work program, Pallito said.

State police Maj. Bill Sheets wasn't amused by the prank.

"While some may find humor in the decal modifications, the joke unfortunately comes at the expense of the taxpayers," he said Thursday.

The Burlington Free Press newspaper first reported the pig decals.
Is it really necessary to replace them and use tax payers money? No. They have been on some of them for the last couple of years so why is it a problem now that they know it's there?
I doubt most of the pubic gets close enough to "really look" at the things, anyway. Hell, I can't even tell you what's on our local or state PD cars
That there is funny, I don't care who you are... :D :yawinkle:

If they had a sense of humor, they wouldn't have to replace the decals and save the taxpayers money.... :finga:
We all know that cops have no sense of humour, but really?

They're worried about that little piggie? On the side of a cow?

When their crest has those three stylized whatevers on it? Like what the sam heck are those things supposed to be anyway? The middle one almost looks like Hello Kitty :shock:.

Are they mushrooms?

I'm sure they have bigger things to worry about. Why not redesign the whole thing and really cost the taxpayers some money?
Good people on the outside need jobs, let them make the decals and not the prisoners.

The people in prison could do other work, like help keeping the prison clean, washing the inmates clothes, ect
Quote New decals will be made by Monday at a cost of $780

What type of BS is that ???

The state paid the inmates NOTHING to make the first decals, the stickers can't cost more then a few dollars each
Instead of having cars that look like rolling art, how about the good ole black and white with the city name on it.

I think it was funny though.

I saw a deputy here once who had a pig for a tie tack. If you cant laugh at yourself....
Hahaha I see it now. Seems like 50 cents of vinyl dye could fix it
inside the cow drawing (on it's shoulder).

Took me a minute, too- I thought the weird little thing on the left was supposed to be it at first lol.

Same here, I was looking at the thing on the left and saying "how does that look like a pig?" until i actually looked closely at the cow
I read that earlier,comical !!! They used to respond to these kind of comments with :

P - Pride
I - Integrity
G - Guts .

I guess that doesn't cut it anymore !!