Is there a law .....?

Know what you mean......
Wirebrushing small tapered screw, flew of visegrips to ground beneath me.
Searched 1/2 hour no luck. Went to 3 hardware stores to finally find one to work.
Went in house for dinner, took workboots off, noticed something caught in between tread on boots.......LOL!...WTF!.... Really?
Oh my! Yep, looks like the law is working. When you finally don't need it .........THERE IT IS!
Try dropping a nut, bolt, washer, working on a helicopter. You HAVE to find it, do not want spare hardware getting caught in flight controls etc. Had to pull a Helicopters main gearbox to have access to retrieve said missing hardware. Over 6 hours to retrieve it. Usually have rags or such around areas so this wouldn't happen, oops. Didn't drop it a second time !
Try dropping a nut, bolt, washer, working on a helicopter. You HAVE to find it, do not want spare hardware getting caught in flight controls etc. Had to pull a Helicopters main gearbox to have access to retrieve said missing hardware. Over 6 hours to retrieve it. Usually have rags or such around areas so this wouldn't happen, oops. Didn't drop it a second time !
You're a quick learner I see.
Another related law-
No matter where you drop a round battery in the kitchen, it will roll under the fridge, at least to the middle.
Heres one for ya!

I couldn't find the throttle return spring hold down bolt for the life of me when assembling my new engine. A year later I swapped intakes and OH MY GOD! I found it..... thank God I used that random square head bolt that was a little to long and slapped the nut on it.....

Heres one for ya!

I couldn't find the throttle return spring hold down bolt for the life of me when assembling my new engine. A year later I swapped intakes and OH MY GOD! I found it..... thank God I used that random square head bolt that was a little to long and slapped the nut on it.....

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I live in fear of this !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
How about buying something an a short while later find the same item at a much lower price!
How about buying a specialty tool and finding 2 of them in the bottom of your tool chest, with no wear on them! I ended up with 3 "Back in Black" cassettes somehow. I guess I really liked that album...