Is there ANY TV commercial more annoying than..



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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This POS

[ame=""]Good2Go Auto Insurance: Traffic Stop - YouTube[/ame]
That is why I don't have cable TV.

waste of time ...not that the internet is any more productive LOL but there are already enough ads on the internet.

Ads on the net are better anyway because they always seem to know what I am looking for.
That is why I don't have cable TV.

waste of time ...not that the internet is any more productive LOL but there are already enough ads on the internet.

Ads on the net are better anyway because they always seem to know what I am looking for.

I don't have cable, Rani

This is on "ME TV" and whatever the John Walsh 'Justice" thing is called, and the incredibly annoying "Antenna TV" channel.

The last one is particularly aggravating because the local FOX outfit used to have THIS network, played old movies. Now many of those were "junk" but about 2-3 times a week would be something worth watching.

There is almost NOTHING on "Antenna TV" network I want to watch.
Yes there is: Geico's f*cking gecko, as well as Lois from Progressive. They should both be drawn and quartered!!
Yes, Unfortunately it's a Fiat Chrysler one.
Every 15 mins on the Rock Radio you hear the song.
Then they play the ad.
I am so tired of hearing Renegade.
But I guess that's not the same.
Or.... "Sprinkles are for winners" :p

I'm surprised they don't have the cop drag the person out of the car and cap them on the spot... I mean we all know it happens every day right? ;)
Yes there is: Geico's f*cking gecko, as well as Lois from Progressive. They should both be drawn and quartered!!

Not as irritating as "Flo"

[ame=""]Progressive - The Most Annoying TV Ad Ever Meets The Best Cry Ever [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
Yes there is "more annoying"
The new drugs and then lawyers wanting to help you sue for the side effects of those drugs.
Mesothelioma!!!! My gawd shut up!!!!!! Or Cialis and the like ....."if you have an erection lasting over 4 hours..."
That's an annoying insurance commercial for sure!

Ho 'bout this one I used to hear when I visited Savannah.

I have to admit that had I seen that about more than twice, it would become pretty annoying!!!
Them dog abuse ones asking for money. And they are like 5 minutes long. Change the channel and its on that channel too. Absolutely cant stand those stupid little ads they put on the corner of the screen while the program is playing.
What's annoying is all the ads that portray men as idiots/dumbasses! I'm pretty sure I could write a damn masters thesis on that bs.
There other thing I find annoying (see it for yourself just pay a little bit more attention to the ads) is that the vast majority of ads that have kids (doesn't matter the kids age) you don't see boys/son in them. If the ads does happen to have a boy/son in it, the kid is no more than 5 to 7 years old (I don't know how the kid really is but appears in that age group) and the girl/daughter is always older. You'll also notice that the amount of screen time given the boy/son is very low in comparsion of the girl/daughter. I could go on but you get the point I'm trying to make here.

All that said if you're talking about just annoying in general, I can't stand those damn toyota ads the feature that lady in them (fern, Fran, jan or whatever the hell her name is) and the dumbass background music. I wish I could slap the **** outta the person/people who thought that was a good idea!
We hate the Go-Daddy ad with the woman yelling "Stick it" at everyone who doubted her. Our dog hates it too. He seems to be outraged by her, charging the TV, snorting, barking and growling. Hilarious.

All forms of tv including commercials target the average educational level of the country, in our case somewhere between the 4th and 5th grade. Think about how many things we are all subject to, merely bacause of the shortcomings of others.
How about the ''Swiffer Sweeper and Swiffer Duster'' commercials?
Especially the one about the lady that moved to the north west and lets her kids run in the house with muddy shoes.
That's retarded and makes her look retarded too.
It gives me a headache every time i watch it. ''Ba Bam!'' the mess is gone!
I like the Geico one where he lands on the USS Wisconsin, since I'm from Wisconsin and my dad served off of it in WWII. I hate Geico since its owned by a rotten person.
The new Colonel Sanders for KFC. He creeps me out. He seems like a guy that would like little boys. Another one we have around here is KIA radio commercials. They try to impersonate George Bush and Bill Clinton. They are FU@&ING annoying.