is this crazy or what??????? lol????????

Gotta have a Lap-Top (and a Cell Phone)! Don't need a motel to use it. These days dam near every burger joint has free wi-fi. Then ya can give us updates on the way lol. Oh opps you are going solo. Wish ya were heading along the I-20 coridor, I would go just for the trip.
Best of luck to you and Safe trip!
As we used to say: "Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up" 10-04!

Bruce B.
where on hwy 1 were u? i was born in Los Osos, near san luis obispo. used to drive one as often as i could!!

Actually, my drive was on the Canadian Trans-Canada Hwy#1 which stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific. I started in the middle. About as far from any ocean as you can be - 2000mi to the Pacific, 2000 miles to the Atlantic, 2000 miles to the Arctic, and 2000miles from the Gulf of Mexico :).

I have had the pleasure of driving 1/101 from San Fran to San Diego, then back to LA. Was always a dream of mine, and my new bride at the time agreed. We actually were looking for motel one evening, and pulled into a lot just north of you. There were like 10 different places, in the middle of nowhere. Got a nice room for $35, and the guy asks us - "Are you here to see San Simeon?". Whats a San Simeon, we ask? Needless to say, we ended up spending the next day there :)

*********** I AM HOME................

let me start off buy saying that thank you to "duster downs" from this site that helped me along the way. what a great guy. it is nice to know that there are people out there that do not even have to know you, and will go out of there way to lend a helping hand. thanks steve. thank you also for the hookup on parts.
well, the trip went so slowly, yet i did the 2600 mile trip in under 2 1/2 days, and i drove solo.
i drank too many of those 5 hr. energy drinks that they say that there is no crash afterwards............bullshit. after like my 5th one, i puked up my guts on the way out of a rest stop bathroom, just made it out the door and throw up everywhere. well, a lady that was walking in seen me, and shee too started throwing up. lol it was hilarious. lmfaos now. !but was not funny at the moment.
well, within the first hour of the trip, my windsheild got smached by a rock off of a semi. it cost 1/3 more than i was hoping, i would of taken some pics of the ride, but guys, let me tell you something. and i am sure that guys that have taken this route before, will confirm what i am about to say............
there was not ONE thing to take a picture of..........................

i will post pics of the car later. i am dead tired, and about to pass out
once again, thanks for all you kindness steve "dusterdowns" and also to "plumcrazy" for a deal and a half on the car. i unloaded it off of the trailer, and took it for a quick spin. well, let me just say that"bad to the bone" lol
whats ur paypal account Mary and me are sending U $5 for gp's

i will say that if i had to do it again, no, wait, i would not do it again. it was not worth the trip. i would just pay for the transport company
Congrats on getting the car home. I made a 6 hour round trip to get my Dart a month ago and that was tiring for me, I couldn't imagine driving the distance you did.
Congrats on a completing your mission. I have to say you barf story is much more entertaining than my hit a deer story. LOL
Happy moparing
Congrats,Glad to hear you made it. Will be waiting for pics.
yea, i will be posting a new thread on me doing all the body work and prepping it for paint. i am not looking for a trailer queen, but rather a car that i can drive EVERYDAY in the summertime, and still look good
what do you mean it wasn't worth it you got to meet me. guys this is one way cool yankee dude. plot please let it set long enough for the paint to dry! are you going to go with the same color or something different? I did like the white interior and the bucket seats should clean up nice. Sleep tight tonight and keep in touch. steve
what do you mean it wasn't worth it you got to meet me. guys this is one way cool yankee dude. plot please let it set long enough for the paint to dry! are you going to go with the same color or something different? I did like the white interior and the bucket seats should clean up nice. Sleep tight tonight and keep in touch. steve
My dad drove the van with my 360 from about 200 miles away. It had a 4.10 in the rear, so it was screaming all the way haha. He had to have a little fun too, he called me up and convinced me that the motor blew up on the way here. :angry5:
My dad drove the van with my 360 from about 200 miles away. It had a 4.10 in the rear, so it was screaming all the way haha. He had to have a little fun too, he called me up and convinced me that the motor blew up on the way here. :angry5:

HAHAHA!!!!! he had to get something out of it!:-D

This is a good thread. A good story to tell, and everyone having a good time. Good ****!

All we need now are some pics of this car when a tired 5 hour energy pukified brotha wakes up. lol:toothy10:
Glad to hear ya made it. Like been said, the trip will get better everytime you tell it :)

here is pics of me and the old lady cleaning the back seat, and a few of the engine bay. there is some surface rust in the trunk, but not bad at all.

here is a pic of the grille that i got with the car. it is in awesome condition with the headlight bezels too

70 4 speed project 011.jpg

70 4 speed project 010.jpg

70 4 speed project 012.jpg