It's getting painful to read some of the posts on here.



Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2016
Reaction score
Is it just me or have the posts gotten way worse lately? Horrendous spelling, run on sentences, atrocious grammar, and a complete inability to convey one's own thoughts seem to be becoming commonplace. I consider my comprehension skills to be pretty good. Even after rereading a post several times, I sometimes find myself at a complete loss as to what the hell the poster is trying to say.
It's usual ,this time or year... Seen it every year, I have been here... People argue..
Is it just me or have the posts gotten way worse lately? Horrendous spelling, run on sentences, atrocious grammar, and a complete inability to convey one's own thoughts seem to be becoming commonplace. I consider my comprehension skills to be pretty good. Even after rereading a post several times, I sometimes find myself at a complete loss as to what the hell the poster is trying to say.

I have met alot of people..... The greatest mechanical mind I personally have ever interacted with had horrible penmanship..... It was his life's balance and I suspect he wasn't Christopher Columbus in that regards lol...

I will take this problem over being a know it all prick in life. If you can't decipher what they are conveying just move on and don't worry about it. It's really just that simple.....

As for squandering amidst the tribe.... It happens and with everything going on in our country right now I am surprised it's as low key IMO......

Well, I am not a Horrendous speller as you put it :D but damn near close, tiny spell is my friend as I try to make myself clear when I need to ask a question or help a member.. so how did I do teach, did I pass your expectations of a clear noted post ?
It's getting very close to winter and I know I will be seeing more and more post's complaining about something :lol:
Give us a break, if you don't understand , Number 1= be polite and help them understand that you can't understand part of there post and or move on. JMO, I am not a good writer, or speller so ... :popcorn:

Just saying.....
Thank you MegaCab , I will indeed learn from it sir :thumbsup: That is what I call helpful posting sir :D

I find it difficult at times to post and answer on here. I'm pretty sure I have a mild form of dyslexia or something similar. Reading has never been a problem but writing spelling and expressing ideas has always been a problem.

Google is my best friend when it comes to spelling, I don't know how it even figures some of the **** out I type in there lol.

I have to re-read something I post 10x before sending. But still I will manage to have wrong or missing or extra words. Or complete sentences missing.

I feel people get me most of the time :)

But I have seen some post like you said. That posted on here that are pretty bad and the OP could spend a little more time on it before posting.
It is just you. :) I joined this site ten years ago, and the spelling and grammatical mistakes are about the same. Best to just roll with it because some people struggle in that area and they are doing the best they can.
Must be nice to have a life that is so carefree that the most you have to worry and complain about is the spelling and grammar of the posts on a web forum. Not everybody is as edumacated as the next person, so like has been said: If you don't know, ask for clarification, or move on. Simple as that.
Eye half know eye deer y grahamer poleese eggzits on a foreum.

No but really, I get frustrated with punctuation and stuff at times too, but I just accept it and move on. Nothing you or I can do to change anything, so I don't spend much time worrying about it.
Eye half know eye deer y grahamer poleese eggzits on a foreum.

No but really, I get frustrated with punctuation and stuff at times too, but I just accept it and move on. Nothing you or I can do to change anything, so I don't spend much time worrying about it.
That one was just about over my head ! LOL No wait it is under , I think ! Any way , I don`t get it !
Spelling?...itz bin pruven u only nead half uv the letters correkt to b understood.
I hope you never have to text your kids!
As for the arguing it's usually the racers that get their hackles up if you disagree.Some of them seem to be extra sensitive.
Is it just me or have the posts gotten way worse lately? Horrendous spelling, run on sentences, atrocious grammar, and a complete inability to convey one's own thoughts seem to be becoming commonplace. I consider my comprehension skills to be pretty good. Even after rereading a post several times, I sometimes find myself at a complete loss as to what the hell the poster is trying to say.

Irregardless, you are here.

Irregardless - Wikipedia
Well, I am not a Horrendous speller as you put it :D but damn near close, tiny spell is my friend as I try to make myself clear when I need to ask a question or help a member.. so how did I do teach, did I pass your expectations of a clear noted post ?
It's getting very close to winter and I know I will be seeing more and more post's complaining about something :lol:
Give us a break, if you don't understand , Number 1= be polite and help them understand that you can't understand part of there post and or move on. JMO, I am not a good writer, or speller so ... :popcorn:
Mike, I remember when you first joined this forum. I have always enjoyed reading your post. I am very proud of you for the way you have improved in your writing ability.
Iv bin onn thiz wibsiite 4 miny ears buut i'v nevr no tisted eny incorrict speeling?? Eye mayy hvae scene may be won or 2 ixamplse of Pooor gramr butt 4 teh mosst parrtt iz usuilly prety desent. Eye theek thaat speeling reely eznt thhat empurtent inny whay becuasse it reely dozzent mitter howw pooly eu speel teh werds or howe baadlly Eu hues ur gramr...poepel wil allmozt allwhiz b ible 2 fijure oute whut ur tri-ing 2 saaay!!!
Eu allzo hvae 2 taake intu akkounnt teh fakt thaat minny mimbrs R frum othr countrees witch giives thim a desaddvantidge!! I hoope taht i'v maade mi piontt??

PS - f u whir abel 2 reed evrythng Eye rote thenn eur purfictly normul!!

Hapeee Holowheeen!!
Well, I am not a Horrendous speller as you put it :D but damn near close, tiny spell is my friend as I try to make myself clear when I need to ask a question or help a member.. so how did I do teach, did I pass your expectations of a clear noted post ?
It's getting very close to winter and I know I will be seeing more and more post's complaining about something :lol:
Give us a break, if you don't understand , Number 1= be polite and help them understand that you can't understand part of there post and or move on. JMO, I am not a good writer, or speller so ... :popcorn:

I boared/bored already.:lol:



Oh the "painfulness".:poke:



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yes the FABO grammar police arrested my sorry *** 6-7 years ago, threw me in he grammar jail for several weeks. learned my lesson, but not well enough. I am ashamed to say. still misspell, run chit sentences together, and the most hard to forgive scewed up on my part is hitting the space key too many times between words!!! yes I can blame it on old wore out finger with "arthritis" ( wow the hell did spell that!?)....... screwed up nerves in my hands, or, correctly, just take credit for being a piss poor typist!!??? all in all, I really don't want the FABO grammar police to show up at my house in the middle of the night again, and haul my sorry *** off the grammar jail another time!!!!
Iv bin onn thiz wibsiite 4 miny ears buut i'v nevr no tisted eny incorrict speeling?? Eye mayy hvae scene may be won or 2 ixamplse of Pooor gramr butt 4 teh mosst parrtt iz usuilly prety desent. Eye theek thaat speeling reely eznt thhat empurtent inny whay becuasse it reely dozzent mitter howw pooly eu speel teh werds or howe baadlly Eu hues ur gramr...poepel wil allmozt allwhiz b ible 2 fijure oute whut ur tri-ing 2 saaay!!!
Eu allzo hvae 2 taake intu akkounnt teh fakt thaat minny mimbrs R frum othr countrees witch giives thim a desaddvantidge!! I hoope taht i'v maade mi piontt??

PS - f u whir abel 2 reed evrythng Eye rote thenn eur purfictly normul!!

Hapeee Holowheeen!!
That was actually easy to read. But then, I used to do Cryptograms in the newspaper on lunch break before I had a cell phone with the interweb.
I'm no English professor, and I know I have fat-fingered a few posts from my phone. So, not gonna beat anyone up for a few errors. I have only seen a few posts here that I could not read(or did not want to give the effort) Mostly run on sentences- like through their entire LONG post. With no punctuation and either no caps or all caps, after about 10 words I'm out.:BangHead:
You make a good point that not everyone here speaks/writes English as a first language. Some of them try harder and are actually clearer than us locals though. :thumbsup:
Not everybody has the same skill set and hardly anybody I know speaks perfect English either. I usually just ask for some clarification if I can't decipher it.

Sometimes you're dealing with a non car person trying to describe a car issue. Sometimes it's slow going.