Just wondering..

I only read the first page of this thread but I can relate so I figured id post.

I may not offer up help to anyone and everyone that has a question or needs help but if there is something I know about than I am more than happy to chime in and help. And if someone is in need and I have a few bucks I can spare I try to do what I can to help out because I have been on the receiving end of that before and it only makes sense to give a little back.
Not many members live close to me so I have not made any trips to help someone pinpoint an engine problem or nothing (not that I could anyway with gas prices how they are and already feeling stretched for time as it is).

BUT I have hooked people up with great deals, I have done write up threads for people who wanted to know how I did something and how I did it so cheap and so on and so forth.

I will not name names but I have also MANY times been first to reply to a for sale thread and not got a reply.

certain someone's have posted up for sale threads of cars they are parting out and asked people to list things that they need and I gave a list of what I needed and never got a reply as to if they had any of the stuff (even after posting a reminder a few days later and being told they would take a look).

but I just try to let it roll of the shoulders....I guess they don't want money that bad?.

the biggest thing that P!$$'s me off is that I have done TONS of dealing here on fabo and only a FRACTION of those people have felt compelled to leave me any feedback on the deal ( even AFTER I left them feedback! ) .....the deals were all good deals of course .....but just like ebay, people use your feedback rating to judge if you are worth dealing with so they know your history with deals.....so it bugs me when someone is to lazy to return the favor.

Ill stop the rant there......Im not going to stop dealing with folks here or abandon fabo or anything like that.....just get a little irritated from time to time with certain things.

I can see where you might feel the way you do....some of it though you can use as a lesson learned though and just not bother to give those people a deal in the future. If you have something for sale and one of those people that screwed you tries showing interest....just jack the price up $5.00 or $10.00 on them to teach them a lesson LOL
And I'm taking it that wilbanks is backing out, since he has not returned any pm's since saying he'd sell the column to me..

The exact thing happened to me a while back with Wilbanks...agreed on a price and everything and then suddenly ignored me....sorry Wilbanks but if you treat people that way, you can expect to get flamed.
Someone earned it,got a lil' break last night....this mornin he didn't get so lucky, I greet people at the door when they come in and so does adam that don't make us Doormat's ](*,)

Bummer to see him be put on Bann ....hope to see him come back because he has been a good member to have around here and has helped some people in need like Bruce.

BUT some times its got to be done I guess.

Heck I have been on the bad side of Curtis's clicking finger before lol. you live and learn, I came back from it and have been here since.

that said, I think fabo runs along pretty smooth with the help of the mods ,even with as many members as we have now. Only every once and awhile do i see threads go past the point of no return any more.
The exact thing happened to me a while back with Wilbanks...agreed on a price and everything and then suddenly ignored me....sorry Wilbanks but if you treat people that way, you can expect to get flamed.

The funny thing was when he sent me pay info to pay but neber said how much shipping was, it was when I asked that that he disappeared from the radar....like I was gonna send him $$$ and lose my in the deal, no thanks.
He has 2 of my email addresses....but nothing sent.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, you never know if they had a family emergency or ??......but if I don't hear back from him then I think it's time for some site admin action on him cause guess what.....I have been told by at least 5 people in the last 24 hrs that had less than nice things to say about his way of doing/not doing business.

Just so everyone knows, I do straight honest business, if anyone screws me....I will drive/fly out to pay that person a visit.
Yeah He's a little different ,got that Southern time thing going on ,I had the best luck contacting him by phone if you need his # let me know I'll PM yeah with it
And I'm taking it that wilbanks is backing out, since he has not returned any pm's since saying he'd sell the column to me..

So thats how it is around here!! Im the first to respond and show interest to a classified ad but the seller ignores me and agrees to sell to someone else!!! Maybe i should have started crying like a girl over a F&CKING car part. F&ck this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So thats how it is around here!! Im the first to respond and show interest to a classified ad but the seller ignores me and agrees to sell to someone else!!! Maybe i should started crying like a girl over a F&CKING car part. F&ck this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, what he dose directly reflects what kind of seller he is.

I'd like you to be more clear, are you implying something toward me?

BTW his poor dealings have nothing to do with how the site is run.
Hey wild......I just uncovered the 67 today and the windshield is cracked :-(. I am sorry and should have looked before I leaped bud........I feel like a dumba**
Hey, what he dose directly reflects what kind of seller he is.

I'd like you to be more clear, are you implying something toward me?

BTW his poor dealings have nothing to do with how the site is run.

Im pissed off. I understand how he deals has nothing to do with how the site is run.

the type of seller he is well thats clear to me now!
that's not true.....i don't think......hell what do I know, if you werent' in bfe you could go root thru my junkpile and see what comes to the surface
don't worry about it, it's the thought that counts.

besides certain people would rather me not acquire what I need.
He'll be back it was only for a week,he's surely a good guy ...just needs to know there are boundaries.Like adam had said we don't wan't to ban anyone ...I think his vacation was warranted
Bummer to see him be put on Bann ....hope to see him come back because he has been a good member to have around here and has helped some people in need like Bruce.

BUT some times its got to be done I guess.

Heck I have been on the bad side of Curtis's clicking finger before lol. you live and learn, I came back from it and have been here since.

that said, I think fabo runs along pretty smooth with the help of the mods ,even with as many members as we have now. Only every once and awhile do i see threads go past the point of no return any more.
He'll be back it was only for a week,he's surely a good guy ...just needs to know there are boundaries.Like adam had said we don't wan't to ban anyone ...I think his vacation was warranted

just as a fellow supporter of this site, I feel obligated to say I dont feel his vacation was warranted based on this thread alone. yes he called someone a lier for perhaps not giving complete info, but was really only acting in self-defense throughout here.

I wanted to say this earlier but held my tongue, since I saw a thread asking us to let things go, get over things, and not look for trouble.

I'm not looking for trouble, not with a mod for sure. but feel its my civic duty as a member of the impartial jury.

as they say, just saying...

(i know its not my place to say whats a bannable offense or not..)
just as a fellow supporter of this site, I feel obligated to say I dont feel his vacation was warranted based on this thread alone. yes he called someone a lier for perhaps not giving complete info, but was really only acting in self-defense throughout here.

I wanted to say this earlier but held my tongue, since I saw a thread asking us to let things go, get over things, and not look for trouble.

I'm not looking for trouble, not with a mod for sure. but feel its my civic duty as a member of the impartial jury.

as they say, just saying...

(i know its not my place to say whats a bannable offense or not..)

I've never had an argument with stroker, I don't think the MODS made their decision based on this "one" thread.. The MODS on here do an excellent job and they watch for a pattern, they don't just pick on someone for no reason.. Rumble used to watch me like a hawk and for good reason, sometimes I didn't know when to shut da hell up, I try and think before I post now..
It's a point system, I didn't pay attention to this and it got booted too.

Thanks for letting me back Joey/wag/adam/rumble/onehellofadart/and the rest

Rob is a good guy, I was on th edge of saying something...but then you have to wonder if there is more to the picture than see....besides, Im on the thinner section of ice in this here in this pond...
I've never had an argument with stroker, I don't think the MODS made their decision based on this "one" thread.. The MODS on here do an excellent job and they watch for a pattern, they don't just pick on someone for no reason.. Rumble used to watch me like a hawk and for good reason, sometimes I didn't know when to shut da hell up, I try and think before I post now..

yah, now I'll probably get the eye. hope I can stop causing myself problems like some aforementioned members. haha

how did you know he was watching you? :toothy10:
Mods wont even return pm's to me anymore.

guess you should'a been honest, huh?
one tells me this, the other tells me that..
maybe the games werent a good idea, huh?

Dont know what you have to gain/lose by doing/say'n what ya did, but it's your bad...and your bed, so lay down and sweet dreams.