Killer Chrome Dash & Console Restoration



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
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I'm in the process of restoring the dash bezel & console in my '68 Cuda. I wanted to know your thoughts on the black and grey portions of the dash and console. Do you suggest applying the Killer Chrome to everything first, then masking off the areas that need to be black and grey respectively, or should I paint the black & grey first, mask that off, then apply the Chrome? My concern is that the black paint won't adhere to the chrome paint that well, and I'll wind up with peeling paint. So, anyone that has used this product before, please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance for your help.
You have to clear coat the Killer Chrome either with single or 2 stage clear. The clear will take the taping well, if you don't press too hard.....We usually do all the chrome work first, clearcoat, cure, then tape and detail the black and apply the woodgrains or veneers.

We've never tried it backward, so I can't really give much advice on it except to say that the black is generally put in smaller areas, and is clears are used to protect it.....taping can easily lift, or at the least stain the black detailing. I'd stick to base, chrome, clear, then details. 8)
There is an article on restoring your dash in the Aug. 2008 Mopar Muscle mag. Looks like a good article for anyone who is trying to restore their gauges and the panel.
You have to clear coat the Killer Chrome either with single or 2 stage clear. The clear will take the taping well, if you don't press too hard.....We usually do all the chrome work first, clearcoat, cure, then tape and detail the black and apply the woodgrains or veneers.

We've never tried it backward, so I can't really give much advice on it except to say that the black is generally put in smaller areas, and is clears are used to protect it.....taping can easily lift, or at the least stain the black detailing. I'd stick to base, chrome, clear, then details. 8)
Thanks for the info, that's what I was planning on doing, put the chrome base down first, then add the small detail work last. I'll just be very gentle with the taping after it's been clearcoated.