Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

just me and the wife. she is as bad if not worse than I am. i have covered somewhere in the area of 300k miles on a bike and this no doubt has changed the way I drive 4 wheels. i watch hands alot, and do my best to stay out of blindspots. and if this means doing something that some may view as offensive, so be it. it beats me being dead. people don't realize that when they are *** dragging at below the speed limit they are creating a hazard. i have seldom been on a road that the posted speed limit is to fast. my last trip from az to wa i had my f150 in my car trailer. got stuck behind some yahoo that just would not go the speed limit. my tourque convertor would not lock up at the speed we were going and was watching the trans temp climb. first passing lane i came to around we went. i could understand if it were a windy mountain pass, but it was just a uphill straight shot. sorry, i am not going to cook the 6k trans in my truck just because you refuse to go the speed limit. not asknig that people haul ***, just at least go the speed limit. when you come to a curve with a yellow suggested speed limit sign, slow down to it if you must. but when i get the chance to come around you, car trailer in tow or what have you, don't look at me like i am a mass murderer...sorry about the length, but his is just one of the things that makes my blood boil. and to the individual that may say i could just slow down, my question is why should you not speed up and go the speed limit?
my dad talked on his cell while driving got charged with a moving violation 225$ i almost got hit by some dum braud txting while driving
:D Aggressive people are silly. Life's too short to get upset while driving a car.

Drive defensively. You won't crash as often.
never have crashed, except for when i got rear ended and was nailed by a fool attempting to turn at 30mph in the snow, so i fail to see how either one of those incidents were caused by my agressive driving....:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
I just don't like tailgaters, and people that don't use a signal.

The Cummins fixes the tailgaters, but the turn signal is just a sign of how intelligent the person actually is.

But the only time I have lost my cool, is when someone does something stupid, and then has a great attitude about it, and is bouncing around in their car yelling at someone that isn't me.

The ones that get mad at me, I blow kisses to.

Mad people are fun to pick on.
I don't lose it in the car anymore (mostly) since my kid is in back. I used to get all worked up though. That's NYC for you. It's never worth it though, just let it go. You'll get there, probably no faster than if you would have made an angry move around someone.

Amazing though what I saw on the road yesterday. Made the drive from Boston back home to the Island and I can't tell you how many people my wife and I saw TEXTING. I mean literally, staring at their phones, pressing the buttons doing 60mph. People are insane. She yelled out the window at some guy and he kind of just looked up with a dumb smirk on his face.

I'm guilty of talking on a cell phone every now and again but I make an effort to keep it short. You can always tell when you're behind someone on a cell phone, they brake inconsistently and generally drive much too slowly for whatever lane they happen to be in which is usually the passing lane.
If you like to drive fast, you would love Arizona or any hard-core Western state. Our trailer was rear-ended at 2 am in 1994 on an empty interstate. Fortunately, the car was an indestructible 65 Newport. The highway patrolman didn't cite the other driver, saying we were probably going too slow and we couldn't prove the lights were working (one was lying on the ground, the trailer cable was still connected but severed). The other guy was un-insured. I suspect his attitude was due to our having CA tags and moving back to GA, and the other driver had NM tags. Neighborly folks out west.

My only accidents have been idiots running into the back and sides of my cars, and 90% have been un-insured.
I lost it today, if the basspole had've taken up my offer to stop and discuss it, I would have beaten him with his forking car.
I watch my mirrors closely when driving, especially on interstates and if I see someone coming up behind me, I will more over when there is a clear space. In most cases, I will be out of the way when the faster vehicle gets there. What gets me mad is someone who is approaching fast (in most cases I drive a little over the limit anyways) and start flashing their lights when I have nowhere to go. That may result in me slowing down to the speed limit, touching my brakes, failing to move over and make them pass me on the right when they find a spot. DO NOT FLASH THOSE LIGHTS AT ME, I will move over when it is clear.

Couple years ago, driving on a crowded interstate in NC and an 18 wheeler comes up behind me flashing his lights. I had cars in front of me, cars to the right, what did he expect? He got on my bumper flashing his lights. I touched my brakes with my left foot so he could see my brake lights. I saw smoke coming off his trailer tires as he had to slam on his brakes. At that point he got the message and backed off. Once we cleared the traffic, I moved to the right and away he went. Hopefully much wiser.
Any of you lose it while behind the wheel, and regret it later?

Ha.....I live in Pittsburgh......that happens every day here....we must have some of the most moronic drivers around!

Cell phones are the abomination of driving!
Not looking to fire that old argument up again....but it has been proven that cell phone use while driving distracts you to at least some degree.

Not to mention when you are on the phone, eating and/or drinking, and yelling at the "idiot" who just "stopped short" in front of you (did they really stop short or were you pre-occupied?)

Driving isnt about being macho or studly.....and driving while yapping isnt gonna get you any awards for that abaility..b.ut it may get you a ticket these days.

My driver instructor back when I learned to drive was an old greya haired gent with years under his belt....never forget his words:

"When you are driving, there should be ONE thing one your mind...driving. Both hands on the wheel, even if your best gal is in the seat next to you, eyes on the road and mind on the road."

There is no phone call that is so important that it needs to be done that very moment. And if it IS that important, pull over.

I am guilty though..try to only use it in the car for urgent stuff and when stopped....

I watch too many people around here on cell phones trying to drive....riding a motorcycle everyday I watch extra careful....and believe me, you can tell who is yapping on the phone versus who isnt.

We are very much a "gotta do it all right now" society, no worry about the side effects.

Jsut my two cents.
I tend to get annoyed by people who sit in the fast lane on the highway and drive the speed limit or less.
Frequently, these people end up causing backups on the highway just because of their poor driving skills, and this really bothers me.

However, I tend to do nothing more than flash my highbeams at those who genuinely annoy me.

In high school, right before I got my license, there was a senior who drove a Ford Taurus SHO, one of the ones with the Yamaha V6. He was a pretty nice guy, sometimes a little cocky, but the car was sweet, nice set of rims, tinted windows, lowered, all black and chrome.

One night he was on a local highway where the speed limit is 65. Its a two lane road, some minor hills and gradual sweeping curves, but mostly straight, and therefore almost entirely a huge passing zone.
He was apparently behind roughly 5 cars, being led by someone driving well under the speed limit.
From the eyewitness accounts of the accident, he flashed his brights, honked his horn, and finally whipped out and around the cars to pass all 5 of them at once. As he did this the lead "slow" car turned left, directly into his path. He cut the wheel, but slammed directly into the driver's door of the car, going well over 80 MPH. He died at the scene, and paralyzed the driver of the Cavalier he hit.

If that wasn't a reason for me to not develop road rage, then there wasn't one for me.
this past june 1 was my daughter's first bday so we took her to a local zoo. got out at about 5pm and hit traffic on 95 going home. no biggie. got off the first exit to take backroads and i the exit ramp is prob 1/4 mile long. well i see a guy flailing his arms and on his cell phone and he is on my ***. my baby is in the backseat and when she is in the car i drive much more carefully AND have even less tolerance for fu&kheads.

well i get to the light and figure i'll go left, he'll pass me and that will be that. nope he takes a left. still on my *** and yapping away. ok next light i take a right, as does he. now i have gestured politely to back off and he hasn't so, like an ***, out goes the 1 finger salute. then i see him flash his undercover lights.

damn. now in 18 years of driving i have NO tickets, no accidents, and between all the cars/trucks/bikes i've ever owned i cant say how many thousands of miles i've driven. it's a warm june day and the baby is in the backseat with the sun pouring on her. this jackhole cop keeps my family there for more than 30 minutes. makes me get out car, searches me, asks me why i am driving in mass with a NH license, why i am driving my girlfriends car and not her, blah blah. i looked him straight in the eye and said "i do not appreciate anyone riding my bumper while talking on a cell phone and gesturing wildly - esp when my daughter is with me" to which he respoded that he "ddrives every day and knows what a safe following distance is".
uhm no you don't. it is at least 2 car lengths and if he was 1 car length behind i'd be surprised.

no ticket cos i didnt do anything wrong but i really wanted a ticket so i could see him in court and have his phone records solicited. i appreciate the true plice officers, i dont really have much use for the egomaniacs with a badge as this guy was.

to top it off the town's police department called me to donate to there chapters fundraiser. yep the check is in the mail..........
Well, easy, you have two hands on the wheel, all of a sudden, you have to avoid something, not only do you have to paw all over the wheel, but the force from sliding is pulling you around.

IF you have one hand on the wheel, and same thing happens, you can steer with one hand, and grab ahold of your seat, something to steady you, so you don't slide all over the place inside your car.
It's a lot easier to move an arm, than your whole body, and thats what you are doing, at ten and two.

Using the race car driver argument wont work, because they are belted in tight.
I find that wearing my seat belt (whether its a lap belt only or a lap/chest belt as is standard on cars since the 80s) holds me in place enough to not have to reach out to stop from sliding.

If you are sliding around in your car, then that should be addressed. Staying behind the wheel is critical to controlling the car. ANd relying on your reaction time to reach out and grab something is risky at best.

If you are relying on one hand/arm to reach out and grab something in an emergency, its a risk that you WON'T or will slip or even grab the wrong thing.

I find that holding onto the wheel with both hands bolsters me ensures that if one hand loses grip on the wheel during an emergency maneuver the other is there already.

Dont get me wrong....I drive with one hand most of the time (my instructor would be shaking his head right now)...but when things get interesting both hands go to the wheel.

But whatever works for ya. :-D

Drive safe.
Well, easy, you have two hands on the wheel, all of a sudden, you have to avoid something, not only do you have to paw all over the wheel, but the force from sliding is pulling you around.

IF you have one hand on the wheel, and same thing happens, you can steer with one hand, and grab ahold of your seat, something to steady you, so you don't slide all over the place inside your car.
It's a lot easier to move an arm, than your whole body, and thats what you are doing, at ten and two.

One hand on the wheel, one on the back of the seat to brace himself.. A TON of adrenalin pumping and he still went flying... I like my seatbelts and shoulder harness...