Knee pain. Time to get moving as summer is coming

you are probably talking to one of the most stubborn guy here that you have ever dealt with. In 1999 I lost 1/4 of my heart to a heart attack. My doctor said I could never do millwright work again. I returned to my job 3 months later for 11 years. I was cut open 16 inches to repair a hernia, compound fracture broken right arm, two broken fingers, shoulder surgery, 3 knee surgeries, broken ribs, fractured foot, in hospital from hydrafloric acid fumes, and I’m probably forgetting a few. My doctor would just shake his head View attachment 1715885254 and say I know, you want to go back to work. He warned me about arthritis but I know people that say in chairs that are full of it too. Going out to shovel snow now.
Dude! You are the toughest guy I have ever heard of-----------------------Best of luck to you------------------
you are probably talking to one of the most stubborn guy here that you have ever dealt with. In 1999 I lost 1/4 of my heart to a heart attack. My doctor said I could never do millwright work again. I returned to my job 3 months later for 11 years. I was cut open 16 inches to repair a hernia, compound fracture broken right arm, two broken fingers, shoulder surgery, 3 knee surgeries, broken ribs, fractured foot, in hospital from hydrafloric acid fumes, and I’m probably forgetting a few. My doctor would just shake his head View attachment 1715885254 and say I know, you want to go back to work. He warned me about arthritis but I know people that say in chairs that are full of it too. Going out to shovel snow now.
I hear you...

I have 7 herniated discs at last count... three lower back...three thorasic and one in the neck. Plus spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease and arthritis in the spine.

Plus normal pressure water on the brain. And type 2 diabetes... And I' m 800 lbs overweight...

My Doctor tells me he has never had a patient that can tolerate pain like I can ( as he injects an 8" needle into my shoulder).

Thanks Doc...
Dude! You are the toughest guy I have ever heard of-----------------------Best of luck to you------------------

Not so much tough as stubborn. In my eyes if he’s saying I couldn’t work who’s to say I couldn’t race. The same doctors that signed my papers to have a competition drivers license to go 160mph could easily say ohhh no, not anymore. He told me what was necessary to get back to work and I did it.