Labor Day Weather?



Member #9641
Mar 31, 2009
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Heart of Georgia
It's 4:20PM here in Central Georgia, and it's pouring rain. Left overs from T.S. Lee. Temp is 84ºF.

I sincerely doubt we will be throwing any burgers and hot dogs on the grill today.
Same here in Alabama. The severe weather warning box just went off again.
We are lucky. It is a beutiful 73 degree day in St. Louis today. Big change from the 103 at the end of last week.
Low 50's here today, no sun and breezy. Sharp contrast to 93 last Friday with 105* heat index. Supposed to hit 40 tonight.
Just drove back from beautiful Myrtle Beach. Got home to heavy rain in central Carolina. Had hopes up of working on my fish but maybe by wednesday it will clear up.
Well, things got a little exciting here in Jones County Georgia about an hour or so, ago. Heard the tornado sirens, flipped on the local news and weather and they were tracking some wind shear, and a possible tornado in Northern Jones county, and there were reports of damage in S.E. Jones County, Ga.
I live in southern Jones Co. We got rain and some wind, but that was about it.

Don't know how StrokerScamp made out, though.
Windy hot raining/sun/raining/sun/raining you get the picture no grillin in palm harbor fla,plus we lost power 3 times today tomorrows suppose to be worse.
Mid 70's and not a cloud in the sky.....a few nights ago our heat came on.....our one leafy tree has lost all of its leaves so winter is coming.....bring it on....
It was a nice change here yesterday and today. It had been in the 90's, but yesterday was low 80s and today was in the low 70s. Great weather for working out in the garage. I was able to get some welding done today.
A little late but it rained here all weekend with flooding all over so we have been cooped up in the house all weekend in Biloxi MS TS Lee hit us hard with rain