Last one to post in this thread wins!

Omg Mark it’s canada for gods sake hockey . Is what we live for when we can’t drive our cars . ! And last.....
Omg Mark it’s canada for gods sake hockey . Is what we live for when we can’t drive our cars . ! And last.....
Wouldn't walk across the road to watch hockey. It's not just a game anymore. It's a bunch of overpaid goons trying to put your head in the net and not the puck. Yeah...there are a few good players but mainly a group of millionaires who think they are gods. Remember, every time they get more money to play everyone lands up paying by higher overpriced tickets and overpriced cheap clothing etc. And if you're going to get food at these places you better see you financial advisor first. My rant is over. Morning guys LOL
I would rather watch golf, but I must admit I have never watched Hokey as a young'en growing up so :D:D

Good morning Mark, today is going to be a fishing day because the wind has shifted out of the south and second, my freezer is empty :lol:
Morning Mike...good luck with the fishing my friend. The last time I watched a hockey game was with my dad when there were only the original 6 teams. That's a few years ago lol. I don't watch any sports really except maybe Australian Rules Football. The only thing I watch is NHRA drag racing. I've followed that for years. Have a great day.
Well ok Mark , you had your coffee now all better you grumpy old fart .........

Yes I did Mark , was not that bad down here . I heard you guys got it pretty bad!
I think Toronto got it worse than us and there was a big pile up on the 400 near Barrie. Did you see the house here in Oshawa that had the bricks blown off the side of the house? We came out of it just fine.
I think Toronto got it worse than us and there was a big pile up on the 400 near Barrie. Did you see the house here in Oshawa that had the bricks blown off the side of the house? We came out of it just fine.
Glad to hear you came out ok ! I didn't hear about the house in Oshawa , but did see the big pile up on the 400 .
I would rather watch golf, but I must admit I have never watched Hokey as a young'en growing up so :D:D

Good morning Mark, today is going to be a fishing day because the wind has shifted out of the south and second, my freezer is empty :lol:
Dilly Dilly .:poke: