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Post Number 2800
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Brother called and said Mom is't gonna make it They will unplug her and let her die on her own and go in peace.
I'm fine with that just wish I could have said good bye but she knows I love her.
So sorry Fred but she has had a great journey. And with the Alzheimer's or Dementia it is a blessing really. Still tough on everyone though. Our thoughts are with you Fred.
Morning fellas. Monday it is and may not be a happy one for Fred's family but keep him and his family in your thoughts today.
May she go in peace.
We all gotta go sometime as long as we go in piece at a ripe old age I would be fine with that.
I'll miss her but memories count a lot.
Both my parents have passed, I’ll be doing something and see my dad’s hands in front of me, or hear mom’s voice. Their not here physically but will be in your head for ever. Making you smile, giving you **** when you need it. It’s not goodbye it’s see ya around, you’ll see.
Morning gents -12C and #*#%*€% snowing again. Heavy and small flakes. Like the old wives tale, big snow little snow, little snow big snow. Ugh this winter just won’t give up, what happened to global warming
Both my parents have passed, I’ll be doing something and see my dad’s hands in front of me, or hear mom’s voice. Their not here physically but will be in your head for ever. Making you smile, giving you **** when you need it. It’s not goodbye it’s see ya around, you’ll see.
So true Murray.
Shelton lost his brother Ronnie too. I cried like a baby when my mom passed. She was too young and suffered too much. Dad, we drank all his booze and partied:thumbsup: . Shoveling snow in the rain this morning.
Shelton lost his brother Ronnie too. I cried like a baby when my mom passed. She was too young and suffered too much. Dad, we drank all his booze and partied:thumbsup: . Shoveling snow in the rain this morning.
Sorry about loosing your mom so young and for dad that's what I would want my kids to do.
Nothing better to shovel then soggy snow.:BangHead:
Shelton lost his brother Ronnie too. I cried like a baby when my mom passed. She was too young and suffered too much. Dad, we drank all his booze and partied:thumbsup: . Shoveling snow in the rain this morning.
I still miss my dad and will well up when I see his picture. Maybe it's was because I wasn't there for him when he passed and it was a surprise at 67 yrs old.
I knew my mom was fading and had a two hour drive to get to her bedside at the hospital. We didn't make it by 30 minutes and like you guys I cried like a baby also.
Perfectly normal
My wife's Aunt passed away yesterday. She was 93 and had a great life and also had 8 kids. She and her husband were a rock and a prefect example how life should be. She'll be missed as well.
Unfortunately this is all part of life.
As one of her daughter's said today. "She saw me take my first breath and I saw her take her last". I though that was lovely.
Part of life unfortunately but glad I had her around for a good long time.
She's still alive but just barley.
Will you be able to make the funeral Fred? It's a long drive, at least 15-16 hrs I believe. But she would understand totally knowing how the weather can be.
On a happier note... the day had been very sunny but still cold
After I came home from shopping I fixed the cover over the pulleys. Just wasn't sitting right and the chute was rubbing on it interupting it's travel. That's what I get for doing it without my glasses on. Blind as a bat as they say lol
On a happier note... the day had been very sunny but still cold
After I came home from shopping I fixed the cover over the pulleys. Just wasn't sitting right and the chute was rubbing on it interupting it's travel. That's what I get for doing it without my glasses on. Blind as a bat as they say lol
Easy to miss things like that and when you figure your not missing anything let me know you secret. lol