Last one to post in this thread wins!

I have a cheap HF hood that works pretty well!
Ya mine came with the blaster, I scoffed at the piece of junk for a while. Now I love it. I wasn't happy with the blaster when the phony little clamp that holds the blasting hose on let go. That was back when I was doing that old Chevy Truck. I'm still finding sand in places I didn't even know existed. LOL
Ya mine came with the blaster, I scoffed at the piece of junk for a while. Now I love it. I wasn't happy with the blaster when the phony little clamp that holds the blasting hose on let go. That was back when I was doing that old Chevy Truck. I'm still finding sand in places I didn't even know existed. LOL
Technically I'm not using sand nor do I suggest using sand. I use copper slag mostly. Crushed glass if I need something finer.
I think that is copper slag. Mine is black too. Looks like Hell on the landscape. The silica sand looks like a nice beach. lol
I use the silica sand because that is what I can find local and it taste better. lol
Ha Ha Fred. Lane mountain sand is cheap and plentiful for sure. They are right on the Hi-line.
I have more sand blasting to do and not wanting to do it in the garage but I can make sand castles with the grand kids all winter. LOL
I have more sand blasting to do and not wanting to do it in the garage but I can make sand castles with the grand kids all winter. LOL
There has to be some of the copper slag around your area. I sure hate to see ya breathing that silica.
A few pictures from yesterday at home and at the Melanie Pringles.
Note the cake I made guys. It was very good even if I say so myself.
That 57 Chev is a full size fibreglass body up on the wall plus has juke boxes at the tables and few big juke boxes as well and they all work. Nice atmosphere.
Good Morning from Ice Station Zebra!

Got just a little bit of ice and the over reaction is comical!

Looks like no serious issues from it at all.

Hope everybody else is OK!
Won't be on here for probably a week so Jeff you may have to do the Friday Burnout for me. I might be able to come on periodically if not be good.
Will do sir!

Be careful, if you can't be careful name it after Fred!
All this talk about sand reminded me of some time me and a bunch of good guys spent in the desert. We had been there long enough that when we would get our chow often times we would reach down and add a pinch of sand to the plate. In some small way it gave us victory over the desert. Rationale being " this time the desert didn't ruin our meal" We stole the victory and thwarted the desert. Twisted logic for a twisted time. Have a great day out there guys. I am going to make another run at the Demon today.