
Another common leak is the dip stick seal. It'll run right down the bellhousing and sometimes onto the pan making it look like it's leaking from one of them.
I can tell ya a little trick I learned in a past life.
Wipe it off then shoot the pan and lower part of the bellhousing with some silver spray paint.
In next day or so there will be a really obvious track in the paint where the fluid took it off.
thanks for the tips guys! before I got old wornout and not enough $$$$ , I wouild pluck it oput, rebuild the darn thing, add new u joints, rebuild the front end, BUT now................................... LOL thanks again!
Jack it up roll your wife under there on a creeper and tell her to dry it off and keep an eye on it. I find the cause of many leaks using this proceedure.
the supply of wive's has run low. most of them don't want to even help me pulkl a motor much less wipe up atf!? dunno know why !????
I cleaned mine and let it sit there on stands for days and never saw a drop. Started it up and watched the drip begin at the inspection cover. This leak began a short time after I had replaced the selector shaft seal. I wasn't surprised really since all the seals are the same age.
cleaned it off best i could and put a coat of spray paint on. hopefully tomorrow i can run it down the road a ways ( will try it in neutral first), this ain't okla but its close! trust NO more tornados or monsoons. you guys further west can have some of our rain ( not all!).
this car sat till '96 when some guy got it and started doin a little work on it (very little!???)
women:??? never understood their lack of enthusiasm for mechanical things ( 99%) of them anyway. for a man to bring an old (40 yr old Mopar) car back to life should place him on a pedistal of equal elevation to a doctor!??? maybe this should a topic of discussion in the local church??
Jack it up roll your wife under there on a creeper and tell her to dry it off and keep an eye on it. I find the cause of many leaks using this proceedure.

I'm thinkin' you're ..............divorced, LOL?
divorced, yes, i've practiced lookin for the "right" woman now 3 times. i've decided maybe i'm not what they're lookin for or maybe its the other way around!
I am not divorced. I have her down there right now painting the teeth on the Excavator bucket. and when she's done with that. she'll be sweeping off the Dumptruck.

I would like to get a little more out of her today. But she has the house hold chores and then she has to go to work. One thing that worked out great for My son and I is that I had 2 daughters.
I am not divorced. I have her down there right now painting the teeth on the Excavator bucket. and when she's done with that. she'll be sweeping off the Dumptruck.

I would like to get a little more out of her today. But she has the house hold chores and then she has to go to work. One thing that worked out great for My son and I is that I had 2 daughters.

And as long as your wife does not see this you'll be ok, right? :D
course here in the sticks of the Ozarks, Mo. most women run around barefoot, pregnant, and snaggle toothed. most would be happy to paint the loader bucket and wash the dump trunk, if they had one! most start the day by cleaning either a chicken, rabbit, or deer, sometimes a turkey! a holiday is goin to Sonic after 8 for dessert! some even love goin there in the old car (beATS WALKIN!).. LOL