
Oh gawd that's great

Guy goes out to a farm to see about a used tractor. He drives up, the dog comes out, says "hi, how ya doin?"

The guy is astonished. As things progress, he starts asking the dog questions and the dog answers!!! Pretty soon the dog is telling the guy all about his exploits, how he and the gang go out and run around at night, chase deer, harass the neighbors, and mess with the girl dogs. He brags about many exploits, and how many puppies he's fathered.

The guy is simply astonished. Out comes the farmer, and the guy tells the farmer what a tremendous and valuable dog he has.

"Oh," says the farmer, "he's for sale, too. Twenty bucks, he's yours."

"That's CRAZY," said the guy. "Why in the world would you sell that dog so cheap?"

"Oh," said the farmer, "that dog lies. He hasn't done a tenth of all that stuff he claims!!!"