Look Mommy... a 1969 Dodge Dart GT convertible!



South Florida Member
FABO Gold Member
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
North Palm Beach, FL
Funny story:

I was grabbing a cup of coffee as I waited in the local Goodyear for my new (and well needed) tires. See link:


There was a kid (about 4yrs old) sitting in the customer area with his Mom- looking out the window to the shop where my Dart was up on the lift.

He looks out and says, "look Mommy!... that looks just like my Matchbox car!" lol

The new generation.
At least his matchbox car wasn't a ricer with a 5 foot high (to scale) rear wing that makes it go faster.
That's cool, but they can't all have good taste, because the other day a 10 yr. old neighbor kid was riding his bike in front of my driveway and stopped and was looking at my dart and Fury. He asked if they were old and I replied "both are over 40 yrs. old". He then pointed at my dart and said "I don't like that one, because it's too loud and I just don't like it". Then he just rode off. I was speechless, because what would make a young boy not like a loud hotrod? Then it occured to me that he must be a future hybrid owner.
That's cool, but they can't all have good taste, because the other day a 10 yr. old neighbor kid was riding his bike in front of my driveway and stopped and was looking at my dart and Fury. He asked if they were old and I replied "both are over 40 yrs. old". He then pointed at my dart and said "I don't like that one, because it's too loud and I just don't like it". Then he just rode off. I was speechless, because what would make a young boy not like a loud hotrod? Then it occured to me that he must be a future hybrid owner.

Yeah I guess you can't use the old saying "If its too loud your too old" there! Hopefully he will come around and like the rumble of the old cars, and not the sound of the fast spinning hamster wheel in the ricers.
I had a lowered ricer chase me down yesterday as my wife and I were comin back from the beach. I could hear the Glasspacks poppin as he downshifted at the red light.

I looked over and started to laugh when he said, "hey- is that thing as fast as it sounds?"
Before I could say anything, my wife turned to him and said, "faster"...

I was speechless- then just cracked up.

Of course he took off on green (or at least tried) waiting for me to take the bait. I saved the gallon of gas I would have wasted and just turned up the radio. Nothin better than good tunes on a sunny day with the top down.
Oh yeah, with my wife... lol
Hey Doug,
I like the rice patty story, never show'um what you got till it's time to rock, thats my moto. Carlisle is only a couple of weeks away, can you get a break in the games and come up?
They'll learn. At 10 years old I agreed with my parents. "Don't like the neighbors Mustang. It shakes our windows and makes sparklies on our tv. At 12 years old I loved that car.
Our preacher standing on our front porch talking with dad when the Mustang goes out the drive, " Those huge tires on the back make it look like a fat lady bent over".
My reply ( at 12 mind you ), " Go for a ride in it. A fat lady can't move like that". Dad pushed me off thw side of the porch. LOL
Later I was told again, "speak only when you are spoken to".
Martin... aint gonna happen this yr, but hopin to schedule it in next yr.
Ive been on the road 10days now headin back home tomorrow to my 2 ladies (wife/car) and my son who I have missed like crazy.
Its amazing how sometimes you forget how much you love something until its not there...

Best to you and yours. Lets talk soon.

ps- RedFish> that was too funny. Would make a great commercial.