Lost a family member RIP Alex



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Apr 27, 2009
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Tampa Bay, Florida
My 4 you old nephew passed away on December 31. He had trouble at birth and needed special care 24/7. Alex was the second child of my oldest neice Amanda. I spoke with her and she is handleing this so well but i'm afraid she is going to lose it tomorrow at the service. I told her to let the joy he brought to you fill your heart.

Alex was such an angel. He is in a better place now.

Thank you my FABO family for taking the time to view this.


Alexander Scott Hamilton was born October 19, 2005 in St. Petersburg, Florida. He was the son of Scott Hamilton and Amanda Karp. Siblings, Zachary and Elizabeth Hamilton of St. Petersburg. His paternal grandparents Max and Connie Hamilton of Bradenton, Florida and maternal grandparents Tara and Michael Guinther of St. Petersburg. He has a large family of extended members of aunts, uncles and cousins as well as his great grandparents.

Alex had Cerebral Palsy a condition that resulted from trauma at birth. Even though Alex was what some would call a "Special Needs" child, his family tried to make sure he lead a normal lifestyle. Alex attended school at the Nina Harris Student Educational Center. Alex and his family celebrated his life, there were trips to Sea World and Busch Gardens, family vacations to Daytona Beach. There were trips to see the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, as well as other sporting events. Camping at the KOA, attending various fairs and festivals. There weren't too many places Alex didn't get to go and enjoy with his family. Alex was limited in what he was able to do, but the one thing he did well was SMILE. He had one of those smiles that could just light you up and make you feel good no matter your mood. Alex was loved by all who had the pleasure of meeting him. Alex passed away on the morning of December 31, 2009 the last day of the year of the last year of the decade.

Heaven’s Special Child

A meeting was held quite far from earth.
"It’s time again for another birth,"
Said the Angels to the Lord above,
"This special child will need much love.
His progress may seem very slow,
And he’ll require extra care
From the folks he meets way down there.
He may not run or laugh or play
His thoughts may seem quite far away,
In many ways he won’t adapt,
And he’ll be known as handicapped.
So let’s be careful where he’s sent
We want his life to be content.
Please, Lord, find the parents who
Will do a special job for you.
They will not realize right away
The leading role they’re asked to play, But with this child sent from
above Comes stronger faith and richer love.
And soon they’ll know the privilege given In caring for this gift from
Heaven, Their precious charge, so meek and mild Is Heaven’s very
special child!"
– Author Unknown
I'm sorry for your loss.A Innocent child passing is devastating my prayers go out to you and your whole family I'm sorry.
My prayers to you and your family homecloned [-o<
Alex past away on my mothers bith day R.I.P Mom.
To Amanda my prayers to be strong and know Alex put many smiles on some folks faces with his great spirit here on earth and is know in gods hands :angel5:
I am glad you will be close buy for Amanda homecloned, even by phone you can help here through this.
Prayers to heal all the broken hart's [-o<

Noel, the video I posted is a memorial to a young woman, but I posted it for the song. "Home Free" by Wayne Watson. Sarah and I had this played at Katie's funeral and the title is etched on her tombstone. Even now as I listen to it and I can't control my emotions. Not just for Katie, but for Alex. Our children are our most precious gift and the burden of outliving our babies is a tough one to bear.

This song says so much, "out in the corridors we pray for life, a mother for her baby, a husband for his wife. Oh, the good die young, it's sad, but true, and while we pray for one more heartbeat our real comfort is in You."

Heavenly Father, we pray to You, knowing that our children are our most precious gift. You said You knew us before we were knit in our mothers' wombs, so you knew the love and joy that Alex would bring to those who knew him. Wrap him in Your arms father, so that we may know he's being loved by Love stronger than all love, feeling Joy stronger than all joy. Comfort us, Father; death is never an easy thing to bear, and the death of a child, so full of promise, so full hope is even harder. Alex may have been describe as special needs, Father, but usually the people around children like Alex find the special need in themselves, of the love and joy and dedication a child like Alex brings into our lives. Alex brought that love to two young people who will live on without him, but know the love You gave them, through him, forever more.

Noel, I'm a complete stranger to your family, but give Alex's parents a special hug from Sarah and I today.

I'm very sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with Alex and your family at this time of sorrow.
My prayers to you and your family homecloned [-o<
Alex past away on my mothers bith day R.I.P Mom.
To Amanda my prayers to be strong and know Alex put many smiles on some folks faces with his great spirit here on earth and is know in gods hands :angel5:
I am glad you will be close buy for Amanda homecloned, even by phone you can help here through this.
Prayers to heal all the broken hart's [-o<

I spoke with Amanda for about 2 hours on the phone the other day. I don't think it has hit her yet. This has made her mature beyond her years.
Thank you memike and RIP to you Mom as well.
God Bless that family and prayers and condolences go out to your family during this very sad time.

Noel, the video I posted is a memorial to a young woman, but I posted it for the song. "Home Free" by Wayne Watson. Sarah and I had this played at Katie's funeral and the title is etched on her tombstone. Even now as I listen to it and I can't control my emotions. Not just for Katie, but for Alex. Our children are our most precious gift and the burden of outliving our babies is a tough one to bear.

This song says so much, "out in the corridors we pray for life, a mother for her baby, a husband for his wife. Oh, the good die young, it's sad, but true, and while we pray for one more heartbeat our real comfort is in You."

Heavenly Father, we pray to You, knowing that our children are our most precious gift. You said You knew us before we were knit in our mothers' wombs, so you knew the love and joy that Alex would bring to those who knew him. Wrap him in Your arms father, so that we may know he's being loved by Love stronger than all love, feeling Joy stronger than all joy. Comfort us, Father; death is never an easy thing to bear, and the death of a child, so full of promise, so full hope is even harder. Alex may have been describe as special needs, Father, but usually the people around children like Alex find the special need in themselves, of the love and joy and dedication a child like Alex brings into our lives. Alex brought that love to two young people who will live on without him, but know the love You gave them, through him, forever more.

Noel, I'm a complete stranger to your family, but give Alex's parents a special hug from Sarah and I today.

Thank you for that special video and prayer Robert. I ment to ask you about Katie and am so sorry for you and Sarah as well.
I often wonder if the call I finally get from my ex will be one with bad news about my son.:angry7:

Complete stranger you are not bud, we have never met(yet), but I feel I know you and will pass the hugs on.

She said Scott is taking it really hard.
I have not spoken to Amanda's mother(my sister) in over 5 years. Maybe this will help mend some bad blood in the family.

Everything happens for a reason.

God Bless
Thank you for that special video and prayer Robert. I ment to ask you about Katie and am so sorry for you and Sarah as well.
I often wonder if the call I finally get from my ex will be one with bad news about my son.:angry7:

Complete stranger you are not bud, we have never met(yet), but I feel I know you and will pass the hugs on.

She said Scott is taking it really hard.
I have not spoken to Amanda's mother(my sister) in over 5 years. Maybe this will help mend some bad blood in the family.

Everything happens for a reason.

God Bless

If I may suggest, since you say that Scott is taking it hard, suggest to Scott that he talk to someone. As someone who's been in this situation I will tell you that the father goes generally ignored throughout this by very well-intentioned people. The societal demands on the father is that he be the "strong one" and is usually seen as having to forego his own grief to be "strong" for those around him. If there's anger, he needs to vent, if there's dispare he needs to work through it, with comforting people around him. He needs to grieve as openly and expressively as he feels he should.

I worked through the initial stages of my grief in a very private manner which I won't devulge in such a public way. But still, months afterward, when I needed to continue to work through my grief, because I'm the father, those periods went ignored by folks who should have known better in a fashion that hurt. Simply because I'm the father and should have been "over it."

There will be those who will tell them this in the coming months. "Time to move on, time to 'get over it.'" Those people are wrong and clueless. The pain will subside, but will never go completely away. There is no "over it." There is only learning to accept our grief so that it doesn't overcome us.
Almost seven years later, I can attest to the fact that the grief never truly goes away. And it never will.
If I may suggest, since you say that Scott is taking it hard, suggest to Scott that he talk to someone. As someone who's been in this situation I will tell you that the father goes generally ignored throughout this by very well-intentioned people. The societal demands on the father is that he be the "strong one" and is usually seen as having to forego his own grief to be "strong" for those around him. If there's anger, he needs to vent, if there's dispare he needs to work through it, with comforting people around him. He needs to grieve as openly and expressively as he feels he should.

I worked through the initial stages of my grief in a very private manner which I won't devulge in such a public way. But still, months afterward, when I needed to continue to work through my grief, because I'm the father, those periods went ignored by folks who should have known better in a fashion that hurt. Simply because I'm the father and should have been "over it."

There will be those who will tell them this in the coming months. "Time to move on, time to 'get over it.'" Those people are wrong and clueless. The pain will subside, but will never go completely away. There is no "over it." There is only learning to accept our grief so that it doesn't overcome us.
Almost seven years later, I can attest to the fact that the grief never truly goes away. And it never will.

I will make it a point to have some words with him.
I cannot imagine how much pain they are going through. Thank you for sharing what was obviosly a horrible thing in your lives. I am sure a day does not go by when you dont think of Katie.
I can't begin to imagine the pain with the loss of a little one....my heart gos out to you and your family.
So sad for your loss. My thoughts and preyers are with you and your family in these times of need. May God bless your family.
Sad to hear of losing a young family member homecloned. Alex is now in the hands of the big man above.
i am new both to this site and to fatherhood but when reading of a tragedy like this, my heart breaks. Selfishly i immediately think of the greatest joy of my life, my beautiful daughter Olivia who at 19 months has shown me what truly maters in life and puts so many things into perspective. There are time when my brain wanders and thoughts creep in about what would ever happen "IF" .. and i need to get a grip on myself. I've never loved anyone the way i do my baby girl and to read of a family losing an innocent child just truly saddens me.

No words will take any of the pain away but i offer my deepest sympathies to the family. Now i just want to go home and give my girl a great big hug. please shower your kids with love - they are the true joys of our lives.
My condolences homecloned and to Amanda, all children are precious, and no parent should ever have to witness their child pass away. Prayers to you and your family

My heart goes out to you and the family! Prayers are sent your way! As a person that has burried three babies I know first hand the pain and suffering. You never forget them, time will pass and people think that you should be over it by now. Let me tell you, you never get over it, you never forget their little face, whether you were lucky enough to have them for a few years or a few minutes, they will always be a part of you and be in your heart! Keep in close contact to Amanda!
my prayers are with you and your family. Loosing a child is the hardest thing a parent can go through.
Homecloned,so sorry for your lose losing a child i think is the toughest thing handle..my prayers go out to you and your family..God bless....
Sorry for your loss I have a 3 yr old girl and I can't even imagine the grief of losing a child so young.