Lost a friend. Dont drink and drive!

So sorry for your loss homecloned. We just had the same situation here in albuquerque. Two women out for lunch break t-boned by a bank robber running from the cops. Both women in their early 30's and left young children behind. One of the women was a single parent. Such a senseless loss.
I am very sorry good man's life was taken from his family and friends.

The title of this thread says it all.....don't drink and drive. I know I have had one too many and gotten behind the wheel....not recently, probably has been in the past decade though. Just being honest about it.

Talking about what's wrong with the cops, courts, laws, etc., is fine, but all can make our roads safer if watch our own actions and those around us, and 'don't drink and drive.'
So sorry to hear about your loss..God bless your friend and family...
Very sorry to hear of the loss Homecloned. This is one of those things that makes you take a minute out of a busy day to reflect.

I know that the article can't cover all the facts but there were a few things that raised red flags for me on the police side of things:

1) If they got a tip (which doesn't happen too often like this) about this guy, why didn't they get him inside or outside the bar before he got behind the wheel of a car? He had an outstanding warrant for Christ sake.

2) It said they tried to pull him over but he sped away. They followed without their emergency lights. Does that mean thy pursued him with just lights (and no sirens) or no pursuit at all? This guy knows they were after him; that's why he was running. Is there a chance if the police had their lights and sirens on, that maybe people could have had a chance (maybe just for a few seconds) to know something was coming their way?

3) The police spokeswoman said, "Officers did not chase Ferry because his misdemeanor warrant did not qualify as grounds for pursuit." So, they followed him but did not pursue him after they just attempted to pull him over? I don't know of many cops (once the adrenalin is flowing) that give up like this. This sounds like the typical police statement disclaimer- basically saying we didn't do anything wrong to provoke the suspect into creating this fatal accident.

I guess what I am trying to get at is that besides this scumbag being a complete waste of space, the police accounts look somewhat suspicious.

Again, I am really sorry to hear of the loss.
Damn...the guy could get out of jail for $50,000...or 5 grand with a bondsman...that is so sad that we allow killers back on the street for any amount of money...he should just be allowed to sit in one of those comfy chairs with the cool headrest while a switch is turned on.
Sorry to hear that brother.

Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend the soul of thy servant, and beseech thee to grant them rest in the place of thy rest, where all thy blessed Saints repose, and where the light of thy countenance shineth forever. And I beseech thee also to grant that our present lives may be godly, sober, and blameless, that, we too may be made worthy to enter into thy heavenly Kingdom with those we love but see no longer: for thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of thy departed servants, O Christ our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Four priors? Put a bullet in his liver and let him bleed out. Even that is better than he deserves.

So sorry for your loss :-(
Sorry for your loss man.

I feel strongly that we need to return to an "old west" style of justice. When some one does something like this, with the track record they have, there is no reason why a 30 cent bullet shouldn't stop him from causing such devastation in the future.

Being in College, I drink a fair amount (well, actually alot), but the one thing I do when I know I'm gonna be drinking is walk wherever I'm going or leave my keys with someone else...there is just too much to risk by driving drunk.
just found out this mornig my little sister passed out and total lost her car last night. the cops gave her a berathalizer and she blew way over the limit thank god nobody else was involved and she was ok. i hope that this teaches her a lesson shell never forget. but the magestrit says she may be able to get out with a 10day suspension of her license. how is that gonna teach anyone a lesson. i drive a truck for a living and see people with open container driving everyday. and its a shame mores not done to stop it.

prayers for you and their family in this time of need
my condolences, Its always sad when a life is ended needlessly...Sorry my new friends....my prayers are with you and your friends families.
All too often this story is heard, and nothing will change. Our legal system is at max capacity now, the courts are a revolving door, and no one in power gives a **** until it hits home. Too bad people have to be killed by these assholes. Condolences to Homecloned and Hotwheelsjr.

Maybe they should start a Liquor License tax with the proceeds going to the victims and their families. The more swill you pedal, the higher your fee. Or imagine being charged an extra $7.00 a beer in taxes? It would go perfectly with the $11.00 a pack of cigarettes from the vending machine ....

Amazing what people do to themselves and others. Simply F`in amazing.....
Sorry for your loss. Also sorry for his family and other friends.
I do not have any tolerance for those who drive drunk or under the influence of drugs. I also don't have any tolerance for those who text or talk on their cellphones without a 'hands free' device. We have laws prohibiting all of that, but the laws are not enforced forcibly enough for my taste.

Thanks oc. Just read this guy had a blood alcohol level of .20, more then twice the legal limit here of .08.

Sorry to read this!
I drove for Clearwater Yellow for 2 years back in th '70's....
This brought back some of the bad memories of that carrer choice.

My condolences to your friends family......

Bruce B.
Thanks Bruce. I actually saw some pics of the crash. He was hit on the passanger side.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Hope the guy that hit him gets what he deserves.

Thanks greendart.

So sorry for your loss homecloned. We just had the same situation here in albuquerque. Two women out for lunch break t-boned by a bank robber running from the cops. Both women in their early 30's and left young children behind. One of the women was a single parent. Such a senseless loss.

Very senseless loss is right dartman. I am still angry.

I am very sorry good man's life was taken from his family and friends.

The title of this thread says it all.....don't drink and drive. I know I have had one too many and gotten behind the wheel....not recently, probably has been in the past decade though. Just being honest about it.

Talking about what's wrong with the cops, courts, laws, etc., is fine, but all can make our roads safer if watch our own actions and those around us, and 'don't drink and drive.'

Thanks goldfish. The local online paper is filled with people pointing fingers at everyone and few who even mention Josh. Some blame the cops and others blame the guys family. Sad.
So sorry to hear about your loss..God bless your friend and family...

Thank you stroked.

Very sorry to hear of the loss Homecloned. This is one of those things that makes you take a minute out of a busy day to reflect.

I know that the article can't cover all the facts but there were a few things that raised red flags for me on the police side of things:

1) If they got a tip (which doesn't happen too often like this) about this guy, why didn't they get him inside or outside the bar before he got behind the wheel of a car? He had an outstanding warrant for Christ sake.

2) It said they tried to pull him over but he sped away. They followed without their emergency lights. Does that mean thy pursued him with just lights (and no sirens) or no pursuit at all? This guy knows they were after him; that's why he was running. Is there a chance if the police had their lights and sirens on, that maybe people could have had a chance (maybe just for a few seconds) to know something was coming their way?

3) The police spokeswoman said, "Officers did not chase Ferry because his misdemeanor warrant did not qualify as grounds for pursuit." So, they followed him but did not pursue him after they just attempted to pull him over? I don't know of many cops (once the adrenalin is flowing) that give up like this. This sounds like the typical police statement disclaimer- basically saying we didn't do anything wrong to provoke the suspect into creating this fatal accident.

I guess what I am trying to get at is that besides this scumbag being a complete waste of space, the police accounts look somewhat suspicious.

Again, I am really sorry to hear of the loss.

Thanks GTX. Yes the police really messed this one up. I have seen the Clearwater police in high speed persuit in the middle of the day. They have issues there.


They should just chain the drunkerd in disabled car on the railroad tracks to be wiped out...after they shoot some drano into his sack.

We can only hope.

Damn...the guy could get out of jail for $50,000...or 5 grand with a bondsman...that is so sad that we allow killers back on the street for any amount of money...he should just be allowed to sit in one of those comfy chairs with the cool headrest while a switch is turned on.

It make you wonder. Also, how many innocient people are locked up because they have no way to defend themselves from the system.

Sorry to hear that brother.

Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend the soul of thy servant, and beseech thee to grant them rest in the place of thy rest, where all thy blessed Saints repose, and where the light of thy countenance shineth forever. And I beseech thee also to grant that our present lives may be godly, sober, and blameless, that, we too may be made worthy to enter into thy heavenly Kingdom with those we love but see no longer: for thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of thy departed servants, O Christ our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Thank you MoparMuscleGuy. Very nice prayer.
Four priors? Put a bullet in his liver and let him bleed out. Even that is better than he deserves.

So sorry for your loss :-(

Thanks Super T.

What awful news, sorry about your friend. what a waste.

Thanks you hypermite.

Sorry for your loss man.

I feel strongly that we need to return to an "old west" style of justice. When some one does something like this, with the track record they have, there is no reason why a 30 cent bullet shouldn't stop him from causing such devastation in the future.

Being in College, I drink a fair amount (well, actually alot), but the one thing I do when I know I'm gonna be drinking is walk wherever I'm going or leave my keys with someone else...there is just too much to risk by driving drunk.

You got that right. I drink like a fish and know better.

just found out this mornig my little sister passed out and total lost her car last night. the cops gave her a berathalizer and she blew way over the limit thank god nobody else was involved and she was ok. i hope that this teaches her a lesson shell never forget. but the magestrit says she may be able to get out with a 10day suspension of her license. how is that gonna teach anyone a lesson. i drive a truck for a living and see people with open container driving everyday. and its a shame mores not done to stop it.

prayers for you and their family in this time of need

Hopefully it was a good wakeup call for her. Thanks.

my condolences, Its always sad when a life is ended needlessly...Sorry my new friends....my prayers are with you and your friends families.

All too often this story is heard, and nothing will change. Our legal system is at max capacity now, the courts are a revolving door, and no one in power gives a **** until it hits home. Too bad people have to be killed by these assholes. Condolences to Homecloned and Hotwheelsjr.

Maybe they should start a Liquor License tax with the proceeds going to the victims and their families. The more swill you pedal, the higher your fee. Or imagine being charged an extra $7.00 a beer in taxes? It would go perfectly with the $11.00 a pack of cigarettes from the vending machine ....

Amazing what people do to themselves and others. Simply F`in amazing.....

Some, OK most people could care less about how they effect others lives.

Wow I am so sorry to hear about both of your friends....That is horrible....

Thanks chas.