Lost a friend. Dont drink and drive!

I hear ya brother, the ones with the problem never listen and never seek help or assistance from those who are willling to help. To many people go away from drunk drivers, to many Mom's and Dad's or even worse, there kids.
Sorry for your loss homecloned. This is an all too familiar scenario that's being repeated on an almost daily basis all over North America. And the bleeding heart judges keep letting these felons back on the streets with little more than a slap on the wrist. Pathetic society we live in these days.
sorry to hear that man. that sucks...

Early Monday, Brian Keith Ferry Sr., who has been arrested on at least four driving-under-the-influence charges in Florida and whose license was revoked more than eight years ago, ran a red light and killed Donahue, police said.

that douche bag should have been locked up years ago..
My condolences to you Noel,and to his family and friends
I wish I had a dolor for every time I would call Treva to come and pick me up at a friends shop playing music or just having a few.
There was a young lady in the next county over a couple weeks ago texting on here phone and side swiped a car in the turn lane :protest: No one was hurt but it sure could have been bad, She was doing 55 mph on hwy 49
Don't drink and drive folks especially around here where my friends and children are :stop: I will be the first to make sure it won't happen again ..........:stop:
We have a new law here in Arkansas that if you are under the age of 21 you can not use a phone and drive at the same time.
Thanks guys. This was a shock to hear about it on the news first thing this morning. Still in shock some. Josh was a cool one.
I thank the lord for helping me survive my young and dumb drinking years without hurting someone else with my careless actions.
This stool sample has gotten off to easy so far. My question is how can sombody with no drivers license aquire tags for a vehicle? If it was supplied from someone else they should be charged as well with some kind of fraudulant crime.

Sadly it won't bring back the innocient though.
Sorry for your loss homecloned. This is an all too familiar scenario that's being repeated on an almost daily basis all over North America. And the bleeding heart judges keep letting these felons back on the streets with little more than a slap on the wrist. Pathetic society we live in these days.
Agree 100 percent OldVart.
I am very sorry to hear about your friend.Noel. Yes, scumbags like that should never be on the road in the first place.:angry7: And you hit the nail on the head about our younger days of drinking and driving,I think we all did it but now realize how wrong it was and is.My condolences to the family he sounds like a standup guy.
Sorry for your loss homey. A tragedy that should never have happened.

As for that bottom-feeder pos that killed your friend.... He needs some prison style justice immediately. :violent1:

Again, very sorry for your loss.

The double bummer is my older brothers best friend for the last 35 years has stomach cancer and is on his final days. We have been kinda prepering for that. He's only 53.

This year was just getting good for me too.

I will always count my blessings.
............My condolances guys, i know how hard it is to lose someone........my thoughts and prayers go out to u guys and their familys and friends..............kim........
Sorry to hear that. I feel for his family and friends.

Thank you.

I hear ya brother, the ones with the problem never listen and never seek help or assistance from those who are willling to help. To many people go away from drunk drivers, to many Mom's and Dad's or even worse, there kids.

Marys brother had a breath device on his steering wheel from being a repeat offender. He could only drive with a special permit. That was in Ohio. He O.D. three years ago. Everybody tried to help him.
My condolences homecloned and great advice.

Thanks ramcharger.

Sorry for your loss homecloned. This is an all too familiar scenario that's being repeated on an almost daily basis all over North America. And the bleeding heart judges keep letting these felons back on the streets with little more than a slap on the wrist. Pathetic society we live in these days.

It is sad OldVart.

sorry to hear that man. that sucks...

that douche bag should have been locked up years ago..

I just don't get it. It is B.S.

My condolences. I lost one this weekend too. This kid used to work for me when I was in the USAF stationed in Okinawa. We've stayed in touch through the years and this came as a huge shock. Way too young...


Very sad to hear this as well.

My condolences to you Noel,and to his family and friends
I wish I had a dolor for every time I would call Treva to come and pick me up at a friends shop playing music or just having a few.
There was a young lady in the next county over a couple weeks ago texting on here phone and side swiped a car in the turn lane :protest: No one was hurt but it sure could have been bad, She was doing 55 mph on hwy 49
Don't drink and drive folks especially around here where my friends and children are :stop: I will be the first to make sure it won't happen again ..........:stop:
We have a new law here in Arkansas that if you are under the age of 21 you can not use a phone and drive at the same time.

Well said Mike. I feel bad for even doing it at all.
Back in my early twentys my stepdad worked for AAA. Called him a few times for tows.

Maybe I needed someone who worked for AA. Probably would have done better in the long run.
Homecloned I feel for you man. Stay strong and keep your head up. Damn man I dont even know what to say
RIP Josh!

Thank you chuckwagon. Life is just to fragile.

I am very sorry to hear about your friend.Noel. Yes, scumbags like that should never be on the road in the first place.:angry7: And you hit the nail on the head about our younger days of drinking and driving,I think we all did it but now realize how wrong it was and is.My condolences to the family he sounds like a standup guy.

Thanks Dave. Bad thing is I was pretty good at it. Or so I thought. Only wrecked one car while drunk. Luckilly I had just dropped my friend off or he would have been toast. Nobody hurt in the other car thank god.

Sorry for your loss homey. A tragedy that should never have happened.

As for that bottom-feeder pos that killed your friend.... He needs some prison style justice immediately. :violent1:

Again, very sorry for your loss.


Thanks Wylde. He's done now and will be sombodys beeeiiaatch.

Sorry to hear that.

SOB should have been in jail already

There getting it ready for him now.

............My condolances guys, i know how hard it is to lose someone........my thoughts and prayers go out to u guys and their familys and friends..............kim........

Thanks kimmer.
Just sad. There are functioning alcoholics out there driving every day. Like talking on the phone while driving , some can , some can't. Not every cowboy could ride a horse, roll a cigarette, play a harmonica, and shoot indians , all at the same time.
How do we make all those Brian Keith Ferry Sr idiots understand that they are "Can'ts" ?
Bottom line , it's illegal whether you're good at it or not so nobodies tollerence or intoxicated skills will be tested before issuing a lisence.
After reading the linked story and the comments (including those from his son?) just confirms the fact that our justice system is incapable of dealing with those that should be dealt with harshly. It is a sad time when those that are entrusted to keep us safe are constantly thwarted in their attempts by those who judge. Instead of using the court system as a deterrence, it simply becomes an inconvenience in the day of those that habitually commit crimes.

Condolensces are sent to you, the victim and his family.

sorry to hear about your friend.

Thanks ink.

Just sad. There are functioning alcoholics out there driving every day. Like talking on the phone while driving , some can , some can't. Not every cowboy could ride a horse, roll a cigarette, play a harmonica, and shoot indians , all at the same time.
How do we make all those Brian Keith Ferry Sr idiots understand that they are "Can'ts" ?
Bottom line , it's illegal whether you're good at it or not so nobodies tollerence or intoxicated skills will be tested before issuing a lisence.

So true. Part of this story is they could have just apprehended him at the bar getting into his vehicle with his keys if he was drunk. Something went very wrong here.

After reading the linked story and the comments (including those from his son?) just confirms the fact that our justice system is incapable of dealing with those that should be dealt with harshly. It is a sad time when those that are entrusted to keep us safe are constantly thwarted in their attempts by those who judge. Instead of using the court system as a deterrence, it simply becomes an inconvenience in the day of those that habitually commit crimes.

Condolensces are sent to you, the victim and his family.

They could have arrested him at the bar. They had a warrent on him. Why did they let him drive away? Sad Sad Sad
Sorry for your loss. Also sorry for his family and other friends.
I do not have any tolerance for those who drive drunk or under the influence of drugs. I also don't have any tolerance for those who text or talk on their cellphones without a 'hands free' device. We have laws prohibiting all of that, but the laws are not enforced forcibly enough for my taste.
Sorry to read this!
I drove for Clearwater Yellow for 2 years back in th '70's....
This brought back some of the bad memories of that carrer choice.

My condolences to your friends family......

Bruce B.