Lost A Good Friend



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2006
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After 16 years, i lost my dog last night. She had been not well bout the last week and a half. She just stopped eating and got really weak. I tried and tried to get her to eat but she just wouldnt. But now, she is where she can be young again.

R.I.P. Ginger..... We will miss you.
I'm very sorry to hear that 321. It's never easy and with her sharing the name of one of my dogs, I'm getting a little misty over it right now. RIP Ginger.
So sorry to hear about Ginger. Been there and done that myself more times than I care to remember. It is never easy.
Losing your "Best Friend" is like losing part of the family...I know how you feel...Sorry for your loss.......

Sorry to hear about your dog, they become just like family after a while and it's hard to loose them. At 16 she had a good long life.
We lost our lab almost 2 years ago and I still miss her.

Now we have a 4 month old lab pup chewing every thing up and making a pest out of herself.
Very sorry for your loss 321Scamp. It is never easy. We had to put Cody down this year and I know how you feel.

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Sorry to hear of your loss 321scamp.I understand how hard it is to loose best friend.I lost mine 1 1/2 months ago after 17 years.she was truly my best friend and I miss her .Having to put her down was the hardest desicion I have ever had make.I would like to think she was there to greet your dog and have a good romp.R I P cheyenne
After 16 years, i lost my dog last night. She had been not well bout the last week and a half. She just stopped eating and got really weak. I tried and tried to get her to eat but she just wouldnt. But now, she is where she can be young again.

R.I.P. Ginger..... We will miss you.
Sorry for your loss. My dog Guinness is 7 now....I dread the day it happens. He is my best bud.

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Sorry 321Scamp. R.I.P Ginger. May she rest in peace and be in the "Land of the Slow Squirrels".

Like everyone else here, I don't know what I'll do when it comes to be my guy's time.

This is for 321Scamp and Ginger

... if he wakes in Your arms...

by R. A. S.

I can hardly see through my tears... today I sent my best friend of years
and years somewhere he had to go, where pain and sickness he won't have to know.
He's been with me ever since he was a pup... today I've had to give him up.
He was sick, we both knew it and I wouldn't put him through it.

Thinking back to the day my wife brought him, I told her then that I didn't want him...
"Noise and mess and bills to pay!" - I can't believe I felt that way.
Didn't know that in the end, he would be my dearest friend.
Didn't know that he would be the greatest gift that came to me.

How did one like me deserve a friend who wanted just to serve?
What was there that made him love me, with nobody else above me?
When I looked into his eyes, never did he criticize,
never did he hold a grudge, never did he try to judge.

Recently, an anxious day. "How come you don't want to play?"
Took him to the vet to see what might be wrong with my "puppy".
Worse by far than I expected, fatal illness was detected.
Nothing much that we could do but keep him comfy til he's through.

Back at home I tried to tell him of the bad luck that befell him
All I could see in his eyes was wondering why his master cries.
I don't think he understood - his eyes just asked "Wasn't I good?"
"How come now I make you sad? Let me kiss and hug you, dad!"

Two last weeks I had to try to find a way to say goodbye.
In that time I told him more than I ever had before
just how much I loved my pup, how it hurt to give him up.
How though gone, he'd always be inside my heart, a part of me.

Then today was no mistaking, I made the decision, my heart was breaking.
I called and asked the vet to come by - I didn't have to tell him why.
He arrived in awhile and asked "Are you ready?" I sighed, I nodded, I felt so unsteady.
Got down on the floor by my boy who was dying, and I just didn't care if the vet saw me crying.

As my pup slipped away, the last things he felt were the kisses and hugs of his master who knelt
On that "blankie" beside him to bid him goodbye, who had just one more minute to tell him, to try
to say thanks to his boy for a lifetime of love.... "Dear God, let me see him in heaven above!
But for now Lord, please hold him, watch over his rest... if he wakes in Your arms tell him I love him best.
So sorry to hear about your loss 321Scamp. We had to put our 13-year old Siberian Husky down a week ago. She'd been a 'comfort companion' for my wife when she went through breast cancer surgery, treatment, and follow-up. Both my wife and I were crying our eyes out when the time came.
Take comfort in knowing that both your Ginger and our Juneau are now both running free in wide-open green fields. Always remember the good times our faithful companions brought to our lives.
As much as I love having pets, that's the one big downside: their life expectancy. Our little girl, Angel, is 15 and we know she's well past her prime. It's gonna happen and I bet I'll feel as shitty as you do now.

Hang in there Bud.... time heals all wounds. Then it's off to the shelter to give another fur ball a home. It's an endless cycle that all of us animal lovers go through,


I can't imagine our house without a dog......
16 years is a long life 321Scamp, You must have been a great master :cheers:
It's hard loosing a friend :angry7: My condolences bud
Sorry for your loss 321Scamp. Take some time for "healing", then maybe you can give another "furball" a loving home too.

- Bloo-
Blue Doberman
1996- 2006

I Feel Your Pain.

- Bloo-
Blue Doberman
1996- 2006

I Feel Your Pain.

What a stunning Dobie. One of my ex fiances had a blue dobe named blue too. Her dad ended up taking care of him though and every time I went to visit and sat down, he'd growl at me until I petted him. If I stopped he'd start growling again..... Needless to say, we spent a lot of time together, lol.

As much as I love having pets, that's the one big downside: their life expectancy. Our little girl, Angel, is 15 and we know she's well past her prime. It's gonna happen and I bet I'll feel as shitty as you do now.

Hang in there Bud.... time heals all wounds. Then it's off to the shelter to give another fur ball a home. It's an endless cycle that all of us animal lovers go through,


I can't imagine our house without a dog......

You are so right Fastback. It takes a special person to be a dog/pet owner. Rudyard Kipling wrote something about this:

The Power of the Dog

There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie--
Perfect passsion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk your heart to a dog to tear.

When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet's unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find--it's your own affair--
But ... you've given your heart to a dog to tear.

When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!)
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone--wherever it goes--for good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.

We've sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer we've kept 'em, the more do we grieve:
For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-term loan is as bad as a long--
So why in--Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

Rudyard Kipling

I had sent this to friend today who also lost their best friend. I swore after Sandy I would never own another dog, but here I am with two. This is Sandy in her later years:

Your thread title says it all..........

Sorry for your loss :sad10:
Sorry for your loss, I know it sucks...
Condolences to you 321. Like someone mentioned before..."Your pet is where they can be young" and is waiting for you patiently.:grommit::angel10:
I can truly say that I know how you feel. I lost a "good friend" last week as well and I still find myself getting choked up about it.

Try to think about all the good things and rest assured that you made a good life for her.

Very sorry to hear about Ginger.. My deepest sympathies to you.. I too know what its like to lose a beloved dog... My lab 'Angel' has been gone for a long time now.. but even to this day I miss her alot... hang in there