Lost my Dad yesterday........



Confused in Confusion
Feb 8, 2010
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.....and I'm kinda hurting tonight.
I know, our parents all go at sometime, just didn't think that @ 4 months shy of being 71, and him being in pretty good shape for his age, that it was his time to go.
I guess God had a different timeline to work with...............

At least I had the chance to take my dad for a ride in my (new to me) truck, a 2010 Ram 1500 w/5.7L Hemi, 2 weeks ago. He enjoyed the ride, (thought i was trying to kill him), as my Hemi puts out about 45 more horses, than his 2005 Hemi..........
Just wish he would have been around this summer, so I could have taken him for a ride in my Barracuda, that we are installing the 340 that I built.
You see, it was my Dad that got me interested in cars in the first place, and it was a common bond that we shared up until he died. I'll always cherrish the memories of us, working on the family cars together, having a few beers, and a lot of laughs together. Good times, good times..........

Here's to you Dad, and all of the other Dads who have passed on.
sorry to hear of your dads passing, its hard no matter what. i lost my dad 3 yrs ago the 13th of this month he was 75,you will always have the memories both good and not so good but cherish them all no matter what.
Sorry to hear that man, too young to go, makes you cherish ever minute you have with your parents even more!
My condolences, and a good bonding story. My old man passed,at 67. Cars,no. Football, political, and poker. Thanks,and I am sorry.
My condolences. Lost mine in 2005 at 69. Sad times for a while no doubt. Just keep the memories close and over time even though you'll still feel the loss, things will get better.
Cheers to your Dad and God Speed! I lost mine in '96..... Your Dad is right there with you....
My condolences. Lost mine at 71, back in '95. He had been battling high blood pressure, hypertension, and worst, Lupus.
My prayers are with you. I am currently going through some things with my father and it makes you appreciate the times you had and makes you wish for more.
Sorry to hear about your loss. You have good memories which some are not privileged to have, you are on of the blessed ones!
Very Sorry Steve to hear of your Dads passing. Prayers and best wishes to you and your family at this difficult time.
Sorry for your loss.
My father passed 8 years ago and I still cannot move the last tools he used while building a barn. AS long as you can remember him he will still be with you.

Steve, Sorry to hear about your loss. I wish there were words that could make it better for you, if there are, I certainly don't know them.

My condolences and prayers to you, your family, and friends.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Prayers sent for you and your family. I lost my Dad a couple weeks ago and I feel your sadness but it's comforting to know that your memories of him will live on forever. Mike
Sorry to hear of your loss of your dad

We all have a time stamp, just hope we get thru most of our bucket list before it expires.

My dad also was there helping me on my cars, I helped him when I was too little to really be help, he helped me when I couldn't get it right later.

Have great memories of the time working with dad. My parents said I would never get my dart back together. He never seen the finished car, but with top on it, no fenders, hood, trunk lid or lights he did get to drive it down the road with open headers before it went for paint.

So I can at least know he got to drive it after all the years of working on it.

You can never get back what you had but all you have to do is sit down and reflect on the years he taught you how to do what you do. When you pick up a tool that was his or one he used he will be there with you.

May he rest in peace

Condolences to you and your family
I'm very sorry for your loss Steve.... as I know how hard it is, because
we lost our dad 13 year's ago, at 58. We worked with him on building car's
for him and us. Hold on to those memories, as they are the best. Prayer's
for you and your family at this difficult time.:prayer::prayer:
Always sad to hear the lost of a family member. Sorry for your lost. Stay strong and focus on the good times spent together.