Martial arts??



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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I wanted to see how many people we have here who are training in the martial arts. I trained years ago but stopped because I was an active musician and could not afford the damage I occasionally did to my hands but I am going to start training again. Not only because of the deterioration of society and increased danger on the streets but also because my old, fat butt needs to get in shape and stay that way. I have two little girls who I want to see into adulthood.

A friend of mine has a Kenpo school and is one of the highest-ranked Kenpo instructors in the country. Kenpo is a very effective real world style. I am sure I will do some training with him but I am pretty set that I am going to study Genbukan Ninpo Bugei, the authentic system passed down through 58 generations from the original Iga ninja clans. It is a style that has no real tournament application. It was developed to survive combat, period. It also involves a great deal of the mental training that is necessary to survive combat.

Which style do you study and what do you like about it?
I trained for a few years, I started at 11 years old and trained until I was 16.
My step-father was a Sensei in Jiu-jit-su/kick-boxing.
Lessons given in our basement, as all equipment was there.

Any and most martial arts are great for both physical and mental awereness.
It all depends on the trainer, and what outcome you expect.
Ditto on what he said except I went to a school for (SP! Get ready for it) Ti kwon do. I did a few years when I was young. BEst shape of my life.
At my age Qigong is the only traing I do
But I can still make myself invisible to the world around me.
Qigong helps me stay in shape and keep my self in check.
It keeps me humble and very capable to walk with a 4 foot 1 3/4 OD peace of bamboo through the wood's and roads of our world.
helping me keep my Chee. How every you spell it :-D
ran aroungd with a instructor in Korea macheon when I was younger. Never took classes but my friend showed me many useful moves like how to disarm an attacker with a knife and how to protect yourself against a dog attack. Came in handy when i was assaulted by a guy with a knife in an abc liquors in fl. I think i still have that knife.
ran aroungd with a instructor in Korea macheon when I was younger. Never took classes but my friend showed me many useful moves like how to disarm an attacker with a knife and how to protect yourself against a dog attack. Came in handy when i was assaulted by a guy with a knife in an abc liquors in fl. I think i still have that knife.
Glad you are still with us daredevil :cheers:
I run my hand down the dog's throat and squeeze there tough, It keeps the mouth away from my throat :-D and brake there neck. I have never had to do this thank goodness :-D
I didn't take any martial arts personally but I am a mom of a former student. My son had a brown belt in Shaolin Do. He also has a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do. He won several trophies for breaking boards and using a staff. He was known for doing the Chinese splits. This is a huge achievement because when he was born his legs were messed up. They were so bad he couldn't even run without falling. He didn't stop this until he was 4 years old. My son could do the splits and kick his leg over his head. Not for sure if he can do it know of not but I still got the memories.
Some people are just so freaking bad *** that they don't need to know karate.
I personally know karate, Jeet kun-do, jujitsu, and several other funny sounding words, but krav-maga is my favorite. LOL.

360 scamp looks so mean, he can whoop your *** just by staring at you LOL.
:-D I keep a rossi in the roses 8) :-D

Talkin about all these guns reminds me I need to get my gun permit for my 38 Special Stainless Steel Ruger. Better do it soon before I start doing home visits. You never know what type of crazies you might run into to.
Started at 12 in Judo until 19 then from 30 - 40 in Karate with a few years of Akido thrown in for good measure. My body finally said enough, still do some katas but my back isn't into it full out training anymore. Can still kick *** in a pinch though :-D
I take self defense.... I take 9mm every where I go! LOL

Talkin about all these guns reminds me I need to get my gun permit for my 38 Special Stainless Steel Ruger. Better do it soon before I start doing home visits. You never know what type of crazies you might run into to.

Just got finished passing the Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP) class not to long ago. The SLED (South Carolina Law Enforcement Division) should send my permit in about 90 days.