Material things


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
Dec 14, 2011
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With Christmas being so close to new years...I have been thinking about a lot the last few years and I cant help but come to some conclusions.

First main conclusion is that conventional human thought is very feeble and very much a waste of time.

what does it mean to "own" something.......well these items we "own" are made of many of the same materials that our own bodies are made of.

So if that is so then why as humans do we have the audacity to think that we are so separated from any other item in the world when in fact we Co- exist with the items that we think we own. if we truly owned these items then why do we die and the item stays as it is for hundreds of years before and after us and on the flip side some items will die and we will exist before and after its may be a bold statement to say that we don't "own" anything, we co-exist with everything. and we deceive ourselves into thinking we are superior in the world from any other piece of carbon on the planet.

Likewise, we do have a degree of power to induce change. when things "die" or change form then it is change and promotes an illusion of age....when we divorce ourselves from our own superiority of the world then its easy to see why it is wrong of us to induce an unnatural change to the world ....that is why it is wrong to kill a person. Even if a state did not exist to punish a murderer, the murder would become an outcast to society because we instinctively don't like the one who brings a drastic change because instinctively we know its not our place in the world ....we are not as superior as we think.

so if change gives us an illusion of age then its safe to assume that time don't exist which brings me to new years.........where does time go? don't feel pressured to answer that ...its a rhetorical question.

well my first thought is this: if a middle aged man bought my 68 Dart new most likely he is either dead or so old that he would have no use for the car now.

second thought: when a car is crushed, is it completely gone or only gone as the form of a car.

First theoretical answer: time don't exist....its all about change. Things change all around us including our own bodies so just like the car is changed as we knew it but still very much exists, then why wouldn't it be assumed that people are the same way. Just like when people are re-united with long lost childhood friends and all they have to do is look in each others eyes to see through this very changed person to see that it is the same person they knew as a child........same way we often don't look at the soul of the earth to see that it is the same earth but its face has changed ....has nothing to do with age or time ...has everything to do with change, after all time don't exist except in the man-made number system we created to index memories, but if an old photo don't have a date stamped on it can still be known which era it came from, so a number that is a so-called date stamp is highly inaccurate and un-necessary.

Divorcing yourself from the conventional thought and taking the thought that time and death don't exist, unlocks the magic of a life long childhood.....but even in childhood comes a responsibility to not induce an un-natural change for others around you, which is vital to a successful life. Taking the theoretical thought that time don't exist relieves a lot pressure that we have created for ourselves and makes it easier to face life with a positive outlook and no fear of age because it don't exist....this world is for us to share with each other and co-exist with the magic of the world before its changed again as it will do.

I can say I love the material things around me that are in place for my amusement because I don't "own" them ...I co-exist without the artificial pressure of time with things around me that are intended to make me happy.

if it all makes sense to you :-D
I will have to read this a couple more times to soak it all in Rani.:coffee2:
Action and the things I do are the things that make me happy :color:
I did get a nice quilt gave to me yesterday and I intend on enjoying :coffee2: and if I wrap a child that is cold in it I will enjoyed the action way more then owning a quilt, does that make sense ?
I will let my brain wake up a bit more and think about this right up you did on this thought and out look 8)
wow deep thought here young lady :coffee2:
You are nothing but the custodian of the items in your life. Every tangible item has a life cycle. Which ever is consumed first, the rest will survive until its life cycle runs out. In my beliefs my spirit will be around after all material things have eroded their life cycle.
I am a Pisces, so material things really don't mean crap to me anyway.
Yes my grandpa always said you dont own anything you are just 'borrowing it' and that you come into this world alone and naked and you will leave the same way..not sure about the leaving naked part for I intend to at least have my dodge hat on...these are some heavy thoughts to be a pondering about our puny existence in which we live in a fantasy world for the most part,we are but a speck in the massive universe of unimaginable magnitude, and what merit we think we have as humans is almost undetectable if taken as a whole in perspective to the total measurement of time as we know it to exist.....and now I shall pass the pipe...cough cough...had
I am a Pisces, so material things really don't mean crap to me anyway.

im a scorpio so I don't believe in astrology :cheers:

now, I think we need to draw straws to see who gets to explain to Rani what all goes into eggnog
Deep thoughts Ms. Rani. We are just caretakers of the material things we call our possessions. It's a interesting thought that we co exist with material things that we, as man, produced from earthly materials. I thought of what might happen to my car when I pass away. (if I am still a caretaker of it then). I hope to pass it on to one of my sons so they can enjoy it as I have. I need to get this one done so I can start on one for my other son. lol Mike made a valid point, as I get older the store bought material things mean so much less than the items I receive that come from the givers heart. I received 2 gifts this Christmas that mean much more to me than any other gift I got. My sister found some 4-o-clock seeds (flower seeds) that my step dad harvested from his plants last year before he died. A little part of him will live on in our lives because of his gift to us and my sister's act of sharing. The second thing I received that means so much was from my oldest son. He
boxed up most of our old photos (including our wedding album from 30 years ago) and scanned them onto a usb drive. He wrapped it up and had a laptop handy when we opened the box. He also had our wedding song playing in the background as we watched our wedding slide show with tears in our eyes. These two gifts mean so much more than the givers will ever know. Thanks for your thoughts Rani.
im a scorpio so I don't believe in astrology :cheers:

now, I think we need to draw straws to see who gets to explain to Rani what all goes into eggnog

I don't either, but that happens to be a trait of Pisces, and I do share it. Whether that means anything or not, I have no clue, nor do I care. lol
God owns it...we just borrow it till he says time to give it back
I respectfully disagree.
Time is a valuable resource that needs to be utilized wisely.
Time passes very quickly & we are not around for very long.
For me it's simple. I'd love to have lotsa stuff, but don't have the money. On the other hand, if having lots of money means "my name would be Oprah" then "no thank you very much!!!"

(Please LMFAO take the above in the semi-humorous way it was intended, now WHERE did that emotocon go??)
I am a Pisces, so material things really don't mean crap to me anyway.

Is that what it is? I dont put anything on a pedestal either.?Thought it was just me. But to answer Ranis question,I do own the material things created by others because I earned them thru my toils. As for my pets they own me.Just ask them.
I don't know Rani it seems you spend a lifetime chasing your dream for you and your family only to find out it is just that a dream. My Duster, tools ,guns nobody really wants when I am gone so why even bother getting that new paint job or collecting another tool or gun. Sometimes I go to the garage and just sit and listen to the radio just because. I have one son and he cares about none of it and now lives 800 miles away in an apartment. Last time he was home I opened the gun safe and asked what he wanted and he said not interested in any of it so I guess I should sell it off now.
Insomnia: or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep as long as desired!

Very deep thoughts there!! I don't own anything, this land where I live was here many many years before I was born and will be here as many years after I'm gone, Most all my posessions are things that have been made from the resources that are on this earth and will eventually return back to the earth from which they came. My body will eventually return to the earth and hopefully my soul will live on.

'Time' only exists on this planet, and only in presence of humans.
Humans have invented/created time as a tool to sort their actions, happenings and memories of things that happened.

In relation to Rani's posts... 'Time' is created to measure 'change' against.
All in your point (s) of reference, I guess. Many of us "think we don't have" much when there are many parts of the world that would be a fortune.

S' why "I don't care" that my car is not a show stopper. I bought it to drive and have fun
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more........

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

There are no pockets in shrouds.

(What did we do before youtube links?)
[ame=""]Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...Stuff - YouTube[/ame]
I believe that everything we have is on loan from the Almighty God above. Material things are not to be hoarded because no one takes anything with them when they die. I do have to disagree on the life/death part, because I do believe that our physical body passes away. Our soul doesn't die with the flesh but passes on to the next realm! Thank you God for your precious gift of Jesus to save us from our sins!
And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking

Ah yes, the Floyd and "Time"

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I'd something more to say.

[ame=""]Pink Floyd - Time - Pulse Dvd - YouTube[/ame]
I gotta vomit after the pink floyd. ewww
Cool thread, Miss Rani........I read it this morning before my morning cup of coffee and think a wisp of smoke came out of my ears. LOL Pretty heavy thinking, but I love it! I hate to think of myself as some kind of lover/hoarder of "stuff", so I actually consider myself more of a steward of these old contraptions and antique goodies, not so much an "owner".

Speaking of the humor of people thinking they own stuff, there's some empty property sites out here where I live, and the owner fenced it and planted a "No Trespassing" sign on it. I found it humorous......what was he worried about? That someone would put footprints in "his" dirt? LOL

As far as time goes, I'm definitely aware that I don't quite think like a lot of people my age, and don't think that I should "grow old gracefully". I'm exactly the opposite.......and I feel that there's an optimism to that thinking. Whenever I see a really old dude who still has, and drives his old hotrod (oh, and not to mention wrenches on it!) I have a tremendous amount of respect for them. So......time.....some fear it, some take it as a "cue" on how to change their actions and behavior........I like to think I stare it down, and look at it as my adversary, as long as God sees fit for me to.

Can time stop, or be looked upon as just some optional inclusion in your life? Sure! Why not?
my 8 year old grandson said it best.i want more stuff faster