Me no understand some folks...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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See this behavior every place I have ever driven. Driving down a road where the speed limit is 30mph..I will be going 34 or so......and there is someone close enough to you that if you were to :fart: they would smell it.....yet when the limit jumps up to 60mph, and I am going 63 or so...the clown slowly disappears out of the rear view mirror.....holding up everyone behind them...can one of you fine folks please explain this to me?
Sounds like they have cruise control on.
Just joshing.
Bad drivers are everywhere. Just like rednecks.

Yup...saw what had to be the luckiest SOB on the planet when I was on the bike the other day. Rolling up to a traffic light on Division....the road that runs thru downtown Spokane....lights everywhere. Was coasting up to a red light in the middle lane. Light had been red for 10-15 seconds. Guy in the left lane cruised on thru it at 35-40mph.....and did not get clobbered...
In California women in minivans/SUV's speed up ,when you pass them. Usually takes an extra 8-10 miles an hour to pass the right lane,then back to under 65...... Drives me nuts.
Sounds like stupidity to me.
we live in a nation of morons.Today I drove like everyone else does.It was fun messing with morons
In California women in minivans/SUV's speed up ,when you pass them. Usually takes an extra 8-10 miles an hour to pass the right lane,then back to under 65...... Drives me nuts.

See this very frequently as well. There is a short but steep hill with a corner on the top of it on the way home from town. It is the only two lane section of the road for many miles. Speed limit drops from 50 to 40 half way up it. Seen more than one knucklehead, that was going 30 in the 50 zone, stay in the left lane....yet when they get to the top of the hill, after the bend, they will get right on the bumper of anyone who passed them.....and of course now they have sped up to do so :banghead::banghead:
The slow ones who speed up after you pass them were not paying attention, and didn't realize they were going 10 mph under the limit. As you pass them they look at their speedo and step on the gas. After you're past they drift back into lala land and slow down.
"Up here" especially before they upgraded the (still unfinished) goat trail of Highway 95, there were a couple- three spots that had 4 lane passing zones----it's a two lane highway.

You'd get behind some Alpha Hotel going slow, with 8 cars jacked up behind, AND THE SECOND THEY HIT THE PASSING ZONE they do 10 or more miles over the limit. Only way to "get around" these clowns is to stick your foot in there and hope there are no ISP in the area, because as soon as the dammned 4 lane ends, they are back down to 10 UNDER the limit

I've passed countless slowpokes (had the cruise on so I knew my speed) and immediately "I'm getting tail gated."

In Idaho, the guy on the on ramp, like many states is supposed to yield and merge. Yet THEY expect ALL OF US who are already on the freeway to get over, slow down, replan our day, and lay out the red carpet for THEM while behind them they leave a path of destruction
See this very frequently as well. There is a short but steep hill with a corner on the top of it on the way home from town. It is the only two lane section of the road for many miles. Speed limit drops from 50 to 40 half way up it. Seen more than one knucklehead, that was going 30 in the 50 zone, stay in the left lane....yet when they get to the top of the hill, after the bend, they will get right on the bumper of anyone who passed them.....and of course now they have sped up to do so :banghead::banghead:

This rings, bells..... We street raced at a 1400-ish foot spot,in a valley. Always felt safe at 100-110 at the end.(you shut down...). Dealing with inexperienced idiots, scare the hell of me at 60 nowadays. Getting older has some effective, these people are idiots.
I remember following some dillhole one winter- he was going 50 (I'll use MPH for the benefit of the yankees here :D) in a 60 zone because of the bad weather. Then when we hit the 50 mph zone he slows down to 40. Ummmm so you could do 50 in the 60 zone, but no way you could go that fast in the 50 zone:scratch:
It happens all the time when I'm driving. The highway is even better. I can maintain 70-75 mph and get passed by the same person several times. It's like they travel anywhere from 60-90 mph. Stupid people!!!
Here's a couple of examples I have seen. Coming out of a town the bypass joins the highway very much like an interstate on ramp(yield sign for bypass), this woman coming off of the bypass does not yield and drives for a mile on the shoulder along side of me, I could hear the rumble strips she was running over, finally she speeds up (speed limit in that area is 60 and by this time we are both around 65-70)and cuts in front of me and I never saw her again.
I live on a rural state highway, and must make a left turn into my driveway, for about a week this same vehicle follows me home from work(think they live just the other side of the hill from me), right on my bumper and when I slow down to make the turn into my driveway(turn blinker on about 1/8 to 1/4 mile from driveway)the other vehicle jerks to the right (thought they were going to take out the mailbox)and passes me on the right on the shoulder at full speed. Really you follow me everyday and you don't know where I am going to turn?
"Valley of the Sun" area folks will know what I am talking about....the Grand Ave. disaster.....Was on my way over to see my tattoo guy, he is in Glendale. Got stopped at one of the lights, railroad crossing was flashing. After about 5 minutes and no train I got off the bike to go take a look. There was a car full of guys that misjudged the turn and ended up on the rail road tracks....for some reason after hitting the tracks they continued to drive until they tore some vital parts off the bottom of the car. When I dialed 911 the operator did not believe me at first....
"Valley of the Sun" area folks will know what I am talking about....the Grand Ave. disaster.....Was on my way over to see my tattoo guy, he is in Glendale. Got stopped at one of the lights, railroad crossing was flashing. After about 5 minutes and no train I got off the bike to go take a look. There was a car full of guys that misjudged the turn and ended up on the rail road tracks....for some reason after hitting the tracks they continued to drive until they tore some vital parts off the bottom of the car. When I dialed 911 the operator did not believe me at first....

In California women in minivans/SUV's speed up ,when you pass them. Usually takes an extra 8-10 miles an hour to pass the right lane,then back to under 65...... Drives me nuts.

This happened to me on the freeway a bunch of times-but one in particular:

I was north bound on I-95 coming from Tulsa Welding school & heading to work (Navy).

I was passing a 55mph car in the slow lane (from slow lane & around them {3 lanes total} via middle lane).

The 55mph car sped up to 80mph, which did not upset me, after constant repeats of this experience it seems like competitive human nature, no biggie.

For some wierd reason a semi was in the fast lane going about 75+

a guy comes up thru traffic going as much as 100mph+

he flashed me, but my civic's 1.5 was topped out and I did not want to get behind the original 55mph slow lane car.- I should have.

I had my accelerator floored, and was only inching past the slow car.

This guy loses his mind and is repeatedly revving up to my bumper, honking, flashing, screaming. - I am in the middle lane..! What gives?

So after a few moments of this I am getting up set and when I watch it happen where it looks like he is going to kill me, the 55guy and him altogether I start to lose it.

I tap the break peddle asking him to back off.

He bumps my car.

I punch the break peddle with about 80% of my maximum and he slows down accordingly.

All traffic north-bound, three-lane on the interstate slows down to 40 mph.

He comes up to cuss me out, but I am done negotiating.

I just give him my angry face, and gently start turning in towards his car like I am done with the small ****.
He left.

-This was in 2006 before you guys gave me techniques for dealing with these guys.

Watching traffic now definitely reminds me of this:
people don't care, are pre-occupied, are extremely aggressive, incompetent, or a deadly combination there of.

Not getting upset on my part prevents most craziness now.

I definitely keep my eyes peeled while behind the wheel, these are exciting times we live in.
I've always had an issue with people who insist on either riding next to you on a fairly empty road, or riding just off your rear bumper.
Here in Georgia we have I-16. It runs east/west between Macon, Ga. and Savannah, Ga. and is about 165 miles long. It's a standard Interstate, with two lanes in each direction, and, for the most part a 70 MPH speed limit, and not much traffic.

Over the years I've traveled that road countless times, and it's not uncommon to 20 to 30 miles stretches of road with no one around you. I usually cruse at about 80 mph. Inevitably there will be someone driving faster, or slower than me, who, when we get into each other's proximity, will either speed up or slow to to match my speed.
Most times they will fall in behind me, but on many occasion, I've noticed that these people find it necessary to ride next to you, or just off your rear bumper, so that if it becomes necessary to change lanes to avoid debris, or perhaps someone entering the road way from an on ramp, you can't with out adjusting your speed.

The innate stupidity of this practice does increase the chance of an accident, too. If something, anything, goes wrong, say for example, one of the cars gets a blow out, it's almost a sure bet that there will be an accident.

The idea of riding next to another vehicle at 80 Miles an hour, on a relatively empty road simply makes no sense, whatsoever.

Usually I'll ride the right lane in light traffic, and there is always the guy (girl) who is going faster than you, moving up in the left lane, and for some idiotic reason, when they get next to your car, they slow down and stay there for miles. Eventually they will either speed off, or exit the road.

There are also those who are driving slower than you are until you go to pass them, then the speed up to either attempt to stay in front of you, or match your speed for some reason. Again, they will eventually drop off for one reason or another, but they HAVE to ride next to you for a spell, for some unknown reason.

Another thing: Why do some people take a "flash to pass" signal as an insult? Common courtesy of the road is to yield to faster traffic, yet I've seen so many people who refuse to yield, or take it as an insult, after being passed by faster traffic , get behind the faster car, speed up to match the other car's speed, and repeatedly flash their light, or just ride behind the faster car with their high beams on. This is a stupidity that I see very often.

"Flash to pass" isn't an insult, it's a simple common practice, and a Common courtesy. There are many occasions where I will be traveling faster than a car in the Left lane ( I never flash at cars in any lane but the left lane), and most times, as you approach them,( even without flashing) they will simply move over, let you pass, and it's done. Also in most cases when I do flash to pass, the car in front moves over and allows me to pass without incident, but there is ALWAYS the occasion when some idiot, takes it as a challenge, and either stays there without allowing you to pass, or worse yet, slows down, because they are personally insulted that you flashed your lights at them. THAT is sheer stupidity, ALWAYS.

If I'm in the Left lane and some one obviously wants to pass, whether he flashed his lights , or not, I simply let him. It's not a big deal, it's not an insult, and it's not a personal challenge. The stupidity in taking that sort of thing personally is just incredible.

I don't know anyone who gets into a car for the purpose of pissing off another driver.

I drive about 60 to 70 thousand miles a year, and I'm always amazed at the stupidity, and the
most people on the road these days are clueless and think they own the road. How many times do you see people on cell phones which directly affects their ability to drive period. Maybe its the american attitude, because its becoming worse every year. It would be nice if they actually made people pay or prove they can drive their cars.
Best approach is stay alert at all times. Learned that a long time ago riding motorcycles on the street.
We have a lot of 4 lanes that merge down to 2 lane roads on the way out of town. There is usually a sign telling which lane merges into the other,but the other day I had this woman push her way in with her trailblazer. Well I honked at her and and the next light she got out and started screaming at me about how I had to let her in because she had on her blinker. Well after a lot of calling her white trash and other choices words by now the light turns green and she finally gets back in her truck. Then drives half a block and turns into her driveway. I thought WTF what a moron she lives 1/4 mile from the merge and pulled that ****.

Saw her the other day getting her mail, I sooo wished it was winter and I had my plow truck.
I've always had an issue with people who insist on either riding next to you on a fairly empty road, or riding just off your rear bumper.
Here in Georgia we have I-16. It runs east/west between Macon, Ga. and Savannah, Ga. and is about 165 miles long. It's a standard Interstate, with two lanes in each direction, and, for the most part a 70 MPH speed limit, and not much traffic.

Over the years I've traveled that road countless times, and it's not uncommon to 20 to 30 miles stretches of road with no one around you. I usually cruse at about 80 mph. Inevitably there will be someone driving faster, or slower than me, who, when we get into each other's proximity, will either speed up or slow to to match my speed.
Most times they will fall in behind me, but on many occasion, I've noticed that these people find it necessary to ride next to you, or just off your rear bumper, so that if it becomes necessary to change lanes to avoid debris, or perhaps someone entering the road way from an on ramp, you can't with out adjusting your speed.

The innate stupidity of this practice does increase the chance of an accident, too. If something, anything, goes wrong, say for example, one of the cars gets a blow out, it's almost a sure bet that there will be an accident.

The idea of riding next to another vehicle at 80 Miles an hour, on a relatively empty road simply makes no sense, whatsoever.

Usually I'll ride the right lane in light traffic, and there is always the guy (girl) who is going faster than you, moving up in the left lane, and for some idiotic reason, when they get next to your car, they slow down and stay there for miles. Eventually they will either speed off, or exit the road.

There are also those who are driving slower than you are until you go to pass them, then the speed up to either attempt to stay in front of you, or match your speed for some reason. Again, they will eventually drop off for one reason or another, but they HAVE to ride next to you for a spell, for some unknown reason.

Another thing: Why do some people take a "flash to pass" signal as an insult? COMMON COURTESY of the road is to yield to faster traffic, yet I've seen so many people who refuse to yield, or take it as an insult, after being passed by faster traffic , get behind the faster car, speed up to match the other car's speed, and repeatedly flash their light, or just ride behind the faster car with their high beams on. This is a stupidity that I see very often.

"Flash to pass" isn't an insult, it's a simple common practice, and a Common courtesy. There are many occasions where I will be traveling faster than a car in the Left lane ( I never flash at cars in any lane but the left lane), and most times, as you approach them,( even without flashing) they will simply move over, let you pass, and it's done. Also in most cases when I do flash to pass, the car in front moves over and allows me to pass without incident, but there is ALWAYS the occasion when some idiot, takes it as a challenge, and either stays there without allowing you to pass, or worse yet, slows down, because they are personally insulted that you flashed your lights at them. THAT is sheer stupidity, ALWAYS.

If I'm in the Left lane and some one obviously wants to pass, whether he flashed his lights , or not, I simply let him. It's not a big deal, it's not an insult, and it's not a personal challenge. The stupidity in taking that sort of thing personally is just incredible.

I don't know anyone who gets into a car for the purpose of pissing off another driver.

I drive about 60 to 70 thousand miles a year, and I'm always amazed at the stupidity, and the

Common courtesy, or lack of it, is a big part of this nonsense I think. See the ride next to you crap all the time as well. They will come barreling up your ***, get next to you and just sit there. Old neighbor did this...until the cement mixer he was driving next to had a tire come unglued...$8500 worth of damage to his 1 year old Cherokee.
I really feel riding the bike has made me a better driver. Near constant scanning of the mirrors, no tailgating, keep my distance from folks, watch other drivers hands when ever I can.
How about the morons that refuse to move over for emergency vehicles? Soon as I hear a siren I am scanning, looking for where it is coming from and how to get out of the way. Seen some bimbo on the phone the other day, being the only hold up for an ambulance with the lights & siren on. She was just blabbing away, without a care in the world. That is until the WSP had her on the side of Highway 2. Idiot....
Ernie does not like driving with me when I have the car trailer behind the truck. If we are on a 2 lane freeway I head immediately for the left lane just to avoid the moronic merging process. If we are in a mass of people I will step on it a bit, in an attempt to get a head of the pack. Washington has the "no trailer in the left lane law".....I have been pulled over for it. After explaining that I had my cruise set at 73, limit was 70, and why I was in the left lane the WSP officer did not cite me for it.
There is 2 ways for me to get home from town. And both involve some twisty roads. I can set the cruise on my 4x4 Diesel pickemup and pretty much safely maintain that speed thru all but a few of the corners on either route. Really annoys the crap out of me when I get stuck behind a newer car, one that is more than capable of doing the same, and they are going 20 under the limit. No problem if it is winter, when there are plenty of four legged vehicle wreckers around, or if it is dark or rainy....but on a dry sunny day it just sets me off.

I think Frankie hit the nail on the head, so to speak. Common courtesy...Our dirt roads are private. There is 3 speed limit signs on them, but being private no enforcement. We have a new bunch living down the road. He comes flying down the road at 40 or so daily. Neighbor down the road has confronted him several times in the past month or so. Jim is a short tempered drunk, patiently waiting him to confront the guy with a firearm in his hand....

Interesting reading others road nightmares. I pity the folks that drive for a living.
I was driving one time on the highway going a tad over the speed limit, my cruise control was on and I was in the slow lane and there was essentially no traffic. So all of the sudden this lady pulls up behind me going much faster than the speed limit and even other cars, she honks and then pulls into the passing lane and gives me the middle finger as she drives by. Don't think she quite grasped the idea of a passing lane...