Migraines and cluster headaches



Tyr Fryr's Inc.
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Central, IL (Hooterville)
Anybody else here have migraines and/or cluster headaches? I started getting migraines in 99 then was just diagnosed having cluster headaches (a variation of a migraine with a few differences). Started out just getting 3-4 a year but since 06 has been anywhere from 3-10 days per month. I've seen several doctors and had every test known to man ran and they've tried me on several preventative med's and finally found one (Verapamil) that helps some and don't have terrible side effects but I still have 2-6 per month. Just wondering if anybody else out there gets them or has a loved one that gets them and if they've had any luck with any perticular medicine whether it be doctor prescribed or homeopatheic. Also if anybody's found a certain trigger. I found Ice cream triggers them with me. Sucks too cause that was my favorite eve. snack. So far that's all I have identified that triggers them. The rest can just happen any time. Can be feeling fine one minute than an hour later WHAM!! Might as well hit me in the head with a hammer. I even lost partial sight in my right eye in 07 for 3 days due to a severe 3 day migraine. That's my only good eye too, go figure. Thank God it cleared up.

I also have 7 discs in my back degenerated and causing alot of pain. C5 and C6 are bulging. T10-11-12 are worn real thin. L5/S1 bulge. Not sure if the C5-C6 discs have an affect or not but since their in the neck I guess they can but they say there's no way to tell for sure.
My mom gets real bad migraines, she also has back and neck issues causing her to have surgury. She had her thyroid removed when she was young too. Sometimes she has headaches for several days, I don't know how she can put up with them. I get migraines once or twice a month, I drive truck for work and I found that a bright light or flash from chrome, the sun, or head lights can trigger them for me. Usually my vision will get a little blurred in the corner of my eyes, can only see good if I look directly forward or close one eye. When this happens, my head ache is just starting so I take 4 IBP's and they seem to go away in an hour if I catch them soon enough.

I also seen on the TLC channel that a woman had severe migrains, she had to live in her basement to escape the bright light. She tried everything and nothing helped, had a doctor scan her heart, turns out she had a hole in her heart, got it fixed up and she was instantly better. I have been trying to get my mom to have this scan done (my wife is an heart-echo-tech at the hospital so she sees all kinds of stuff too) to see if this could be the case here too. My good friends dad also gets real bad migraines, he also has back pain issues. Not sure if this helps but I wish you the best!
My Mom had migraines until they found an infection deep in her nasal passage.
Took over 15 yrs to find it, she has never had one since.
I used to have cluster headaches, multiple daily..from when I was 13...I was hit in the back of the head in a school yard prank gone wrong...every time I would try to relax they would hit, I used to sleep sitting in a chair cause it was the only spot I could find that I didn't get a headache right away, I used to wish someone would shoot me, it had to hurt less. I couldn't stand light, noise, etc...etc... I went through all the tests and ran the gammet of drugs..In the early '80 I started going to a chiropractor, he gave me short term relief without much explaination. When I moved to PA I found an older chriopractor who told me he pinpointed the cause. Without knowing the lingo the only way I can explain it is the vertibrae at the base of my skull was twisted and he had to manipulate my neck in a certain way to adjust this. I'm down to seeing the chiropractor on an as needed basis, sometimes 12 month plus intervals, down from 2-4 times a week back then. I'm in physically better shape at 53 then I was at 33 because of those headaches. I can now feel them coming because of the way I sit or lean over a desk or have my steering wheel set..or I get the squigleys in my eyes..then I'll change positions or stretch and I don't end up with the headache. I have a routine now when I feel one coming on...I move around a little, and stretch and touch my toes. Instead of headaches right off the bat my back and neck will get stiff, not real bad but you can feel it, thats when I go to the chiropractor. And its taken a few different chiropractor to find the right one, not all of them I tried helped me. Good luck...

There are two non drug therapies that come to mind. Cranial sacral and Jin Shin Do. You will find that some chiropractors and licensed massage therapists know these techniques. If you find one that knows both, chances are you will be in good hands. It is best to find ones that are certified and practice the techniques, not ones that had a single class.

The techniques are subtle and relaxing. Headaches are sometimes a result of muscular tension that places strain on cranial bones (there is some flexibility in skull bone junctions), or the spinal nerves. Results vary, sometimes the help is immediate and results permanent. Sometimes the help is immediate, however headaches may happen again. The techniques involve you, and interaction with practitioner, and special breathing. The learned breathing / relaxation techniques are often enough for most to help themselves eliminate the headaches.
My mom gets real bad migraines, she also has back and neck issues causing her to have surgury. She had her thyroid removed when she was young too. Sometimes she has headaches for several days, I don't know how she can put up with them. I get migraines once or twice a month, I drive truck for work and I found that a bright light or flash from chrome, the sun, or head lights can trigger them for me. Usually my vision will get a little blurred in the corner of my eyes, can only see good if I look directly forward or close one eye. When this happens, my head ache is just starting so I take 4 IBP's and they seem to go away in an hour if I catch them soon enough.

I also seen on the TLC channel that a woman had severe migrains, she had to live in her basement to escape the bright light. She tried everything and nothing helped, had a doctor scan her heart, turns out she had a hole in her heart, got it fixed up and she was instantly better. I have been trying to get my mom to have this scan done (my wife is an heart-echo-tech at the hospital so she sees all kinds of stuff too) to see if this could be the case here too. My good friends dad also gets real bad migraines, he also has back pain issues. Not sure if this helps but I wish you the best!

Light is a killer for me too. I don't think it's actually a major trigger with me but has done it a couple times. I just can't handle light after I get a migraine. I have to lay down with the shades pulled and bedroom door closed when I get one and take my medicine (Maxalt) and sleep it off. Your real lucky IBP's work. Nothing except the Maxalt works to relieve me. That's pretty wild about the woman with a heart problem causing them. That's a new one on me and I thought I'd heard them all.

My Mom had migraines until they found an infection deep in her nasal passage.
Took over 15 yrs to find it, she has never had one since.

Hummm. I have chronic sinusitis also. I've always wondered if that could be the cause but every time I mention it to the doc he blows me off saying that can't do it.

I used to have cluster headaches, multiple daily..from when I was 13...I was hit in the back of the head in a school yard prank gone wrong...every time I would try to relax they would hit, I used to sleep sitting in a chair cause it was the only spot I could find that I didn't get a headache right away, I used to wish someone would shoot me, it had to hurt less. I couldn't stand light, noise, etc...etc... I went through all the tests and ran the gammet of drugs..In the early '80 I started going to a chiropractor, he gave me short term relief without much explaination. When I moved to PA I found an older chriopractor who told me he pinpointed the cause. Without knowing the lingo the only way I can explain it is the vertibrae at the base of my skull was twisted and he had to manipulate my neck in a certain way to adjust this. I'm down to seeing the chiropractor on an as needed basis, sometimes 12 month plus intervals, down from 2-4 times a week back then. I'm in physically better shape at 53 then I was at 33 because of those headaches. I can now feel them coming because of the way I sit or lean over a desk or have my steering wheel set..or I get the squigleys in my eyes..then I'll change positions or stretch and I don't end up with the headache. I have a routine now when I feel one coming on...I move around a little, and stretch and touch my toes. Instead of headaches right off the bat my back and neck will get stiff, not real bad but you can feel it, thats when I go to the chiropractor. And its taken a few different chiropractor to find the right one, not all of them I tried helped me. Good luck...


Wow that was a bad deal going that long with them. Unfortunately kids don't' think when young and cause things like that to happen. Know what you mean about wishing somebody would shoot ya when you go through that. I've wished the same. I have seen numerous Chiropractors and the one I've been seeing for the last couple yrs. is the only one that's helped at all and it's just temporary help. Lasts anywhere from 3-10 days. He also does acupuncture but I'm not sure if that really makes much diff.

There are two non drug therapies that come to mind. Cranial sacral and Jin Shin Do. You will find that some chiropractors and licensed massage therapists know these techniques. If you find one that knows both, chances are you will be in good hands. It is best to find ones that are certified and practice the techniques, not ones that had a single class.

The techniques are subtle and relaxing. Headaches are sometimes a result of muscular tension that places strain on cranial bones (there is some flexibility in skull bone junctions), or the spinal nerves. Results vary, sometimes the help is immediate and results permanent. Sometimes the help is immediate, however headaches may happen again. The techniques involve you, and interaction with practitioner, and special breathing. The learned breathing / relaxation techniques are often enough for most to help themselves eliminate the headaches.

Haven't heard of the Jin Shin Do but my chiropractor is Chinese so I'll ask him about it. I've had the cranial sacral therapy. It was relaxing but unfortunately it's so expensive I can't afford it at $65 per session. Plus I don't think mine are from tension cause I can be in a good mood just watching tv or banging on the computer here and they'll hit. I'm all for non drug therapies but so far I haven't ran into anything that really helps for a long term.

I appreciate all the replies. Tracy
i've had occular migraines all of my life.i remember my mom telling me i was too young to have a headache when i was around 5.i've recently started to put alot of pressure on my eyes as soon as i see it coming,and it seems to help.the aura goes away in 5 to 8 minutes now, where it used to take 20 minutes. the weird thing is that the headache isnt happening every time i have the aura now.i have a prescription for imitrex.and as soon as i see it coming i take one. it helps but not alot.i kinda feel like the anxiety i get when i see it coming is the worst part. i get bummed and frustrated and it gets worse. but if i rub my eyes and don't take my pills the aura goes away and the headache and anxiety are nowhere near as severe. i also have back/ neck problems. but it don't account for when i was a kid.good luck. i never met anyone i disliked badly enough to wish them on so, i still have them.
Anybody else here have migraines and/or cluster headaches? I started getting migraines in 99 then was just diagnosed having cluster headaches (a variation of a migraine with a few differences). Started out just getting 3-4 a year but since 06 has been anywhere from 3-10 days per month. I've seen several doctors and had every test known to man ran and they've tried me on several preventative med's and finally found one (Verapamil) that helps some and don't have terrible side effects but I still have 2-6 per month. Just wondering if anybody else out there gets them or has a loved one that gets them and if they've had any luck with any perticular medicine whether it be doctor prescribed or homeopatheic. Also if anybody's found a certain trigger. I found Ice cream triggers them with me. Sucks too cause that was my favorite eve. snack. So far that's all I have identified that triggers them. The rest can just happen any time. Can be feeling fine one minute than an hour later WHAM!! Might as well hit me in the head with a hammer. I even lost partial sight in my right eye in 07 for 3 days due to a severe 3 day migraine. That's my only good eye too, go figure. Thank God it cleared up.

I also have 7 discs in my back degenerated and causing alot of pain. C5 and C6 are bulging. T10-11-12 are worn real thin. L5/S1 bulge. Not sure if the C5-C6 discs have an affect or not but since their in the neck I guess they can but they say there's no way to tell for sure.

Check with doc first but...
Headaches might be caused from back problems.
In the early 80's I had a roomate who was into healthfood, veegan & such, believed in total healing by clamping thier ankles into a gravity table, Now called inversion, company name teeter on tv all the time. I used to use it once a day. stange but effective. I wish I had 1 now! At 48 now, I am really looking to get the inversion style table.
Basicly, you stand up against, reach down & clamp ankles, lean back and the thing inverts and hangs you upside down. It does awesome things to bad disk, might as well say rebuild, & extra blood flow to head (after some getting used to) has a whole slew of positive benefits. Say good by to the chiropractor! Mine has never mentioned one, you never see one in the office, but when asked, he had one at home!!
My $.02, just a thought, but wouldn't attempt without doctor approval.
Check with doc first but...
Headaches might be caused from back problems.
In the early 80's I had a roomate who was into healthfood, veegan & such, believed in total healing by clamping thier ankles into a gravity table, Now called inversion, company name teeter on tv all the time. I used to use it once a day. stange but effective. I wish I had 1 now! At 48 now, I am really looking to get the inversion style table.
Basicly, you stand up against, reach down & clamp ankles, lean back and the thing inverts and hangs you upside down. It does awesome things to bad disk, might as well say rebuild, & extra blood flow to head (after some getting used to) has a whole slew of positive benefits. Say good by to the chiropractor! Mine has never mentioned one, you never see one in the office, but when asked, he had one at home!!
My $.02, just a thought, but wouldn't attempt without doctor approval.

I managed the local Play it Again Sports a while back and sold a bunch of these, great item to reverse the effects of gravity on the body. Just be carefull as to much of it is not good for your eyes. 20 min daily, just like most excercises.
Headachs can be caused but a number of things, stress being one, back problems, etc.
Has anyone tried cannibis to elleviate the symptoms? You can ingest it to eliminate the nasty part. Despite what is said it does have medicinal uses.
Sorry if that statement is off base with some members. Please feel free to have it removed if so.
There is a local guy in town here, who happened to be a recipient of one of those houses that Ty Pennington builds for people on tv. They got the house because the guy was pretty much disabled with horrible cluster headaches. That all happened like... 2 years ago. Well he was just recently back in the news where it has been so bad with the cluster headaches that he hasnt been able to work and was going to lose this nice home. Strangely.. the community got together (again) and scraped enough money through donations to help that family save their house. Not only that they raised enough money to pay his medical bills AND pay for a major surgery that they think will cure him. So far after the surgery... things look promising. Just like on this site... people came together to help another human out. I keep losing faith in this world as a human and it keeps getting restored as I see these acts.

Anybody else here have migraines and/or cluster headaches? I started getting migraines in 99 then was just diagnosed having cluster headaches (a variation of a migraine with a few differences). Started out just getting 3-4 a year but since 06 has been anywhere from 3-10 days per month. I've seen several doctors and had every test known to man ran and they've tried me on several preventative med's and finally found one (Verapamil) that helps some and don't have terrible side effects but I still have 2-6 per month. Just wondering if anybody else out there gets them or has a loved one that gets them and if they've had any luck with any perticular medicine whether it be doctor prescribed or homeopatheic. Also if anybody's found a certain trigger. I found Ice cream triggers them with me. Sucks too cause that was my favorite eve. snack. So far that's all I have identified that triggers them. The rest can just happen any time. Can be feeling fine one minute than an hour later WHAM!! Might as well hit me in the head with a hammer. I even lost partial sight in my right eye in 07 for 3 days due to a severe 3 day migraine. That's my only good eye too, go figure. Thank God it cleared up.

I also have 7 discs in my back degenerated and causing alot of pain. C5 and C6 are bulging. T10-11-12 are worn real thin. L5/S1 bulge. Not sure if the C5-C6 discs have an affect or not but since their in the neck I guess they can but they say there's no way to tell for sure.

I have clusters. As a matter of fact I am going through them now. Sometimes I will go a couple of years without them and then tey will start and last as long as several months. Mine only occur when I go to sleep, including naps, they start almost exactly the same time every night and sometimes I will have 4 or 5 a night. I have tried everything, steroids, ergotamine, Imatrex, my Wife is a Chiropractor and some times she can help a bit, but not always. Something I have been doing lately and it seems to help is I take Benadryl before I go to bed. I use the sinus headache and allergy formula. It doesn't always stop them but it definitely decreases the intensity.
I feel for you brother! They are so frustrating to deal with and really sap the energy out of you. It's really hard for anyone that doesn't have them or isn't close to someone who does to really understand the pain that they cause. The only way I can describe them to anyone to tell them to imagine having a brain freeze, like eating ice cream to fast, that last for 45 minutes to an hour.
One more thing, stay away from all alcohol, and I mean all including most mouthwashes and cold medicines! PM me if you want to talk about them.
I'll be sure to pray for you!

The worst headache I ever had was right after I had 2 discs in my neck removed and replaced with donor bone. it was explained to me that the loss of ceribrial fluid lets the brain sink, thus the headache. Mine lasted 3&1/2 days.
Could it be that an increase in ceribrial fluid pressure would do the same ?
A shrinking spinal column could inrease the fluid pressure.
I have headaches all the time. I blame much of it on sinus issues and (don't laugh) weather changes. My headaches usually happen when the weather clouds up and gets rainy, often at night while I'm asleep. I wake up with a so-so headache but by the time I'm up and moving it gets much much worse. I can take drugs like Ibuprofen, Aspirin or Tylenol to blunt the pain but it always leaves me feeling drained and worthless. I usually don't feel better until I've slept for an hour or two. This occurs on a very frequent basis, as much as a couple of times a week in the rainy season but much less often in the summer. I have found that using breath-rite strips to keep my sinuses open and making an effort to sleep on my back has helped some. I also saw a specialist and he told me I had a somewhat deviated septum and therese things called turbinates that were pinched together that might be causing the headaches. He said he could fix it but I'm not sure I want sharp instruments so close to my brain. I need all the cells I have!

It's interesting that you say that these headaches happen while watching TV or using the computer. It makes me think that it may be vision induced, have you seen an eye doctor lately?
I have headaches all the time. I blame much of it on sinus issues and (don't laugh) weather changes. My headaches usually happen when the weather clouds up and gets rainy, often at night while I'm asleep. I wake up with a so-so headache but by the time I'm up and moving it gets much much worse. I can take drugs like Ibuprofen, Aspirin or Tylenol to blunt the pain but it always leaves me feeling drained and worthless. I usually don't feel better until I've slept for an hour or two. This occurs on a very frequent basis, as much as a couple of times a week in the rainy season but much less often in the summer. I have found that using breath-rite strips to keep my sinuses open and making an effort to sleep on my back has helped some. I also saw a specialist and he told me I had a somewhat deviated septum and therese things called turbinates that were pinched together that might be causing the headaches. He said he could fix it but I'm not sure I want sharp instruments so close to my brain. I need all the cells I have!

Mine seem to flair up when ther seasons change also, mostly summer to fall or spring to summer. Tried the breathing strips and even an oxgenater which didn't help at all.
I too have had them so bad my vision will tunnel down in 1 eye or both & edges of vision out side the tunnel are stars going off. sometimes wonder about mini stroke. I have found if caught in time I can majorly increase caffine intake with hot coffee and excedrin (More Caffiene) and lay right down in dark cool quiet room for 4-8 hours sometimes it goes away. Have really been staying away from beer etc. Anymore I drink a 7oz beer and 15 min later, BAM, instant headache. Funny about 10 years ago me and 2 other guys could drink 4 12 packs on Sat before riding our Harleys to the bars!
Not anymore! Wisdom does come with age!!!
my stepsister used to have bad migraines that would make her sick. The only way for her to get rid of them was to lay down and sleep for awhile, sometimes a few hours.. She wound up having neck surgery to clear out the drain passages from her skull, I guess. They said it wasn't draining right and putting pressure on her brain, eyes, etc.. After that, I don't think she got any more bad headaches..

My wife's friend also had to have the same surgery, but I don't know if it was for headaches or not.. I think she just had neck pain, and her neck sort of locked up and she couldn't turn it one way.

I get bad migraines or maybe clusters, really don't know which, and at the time I'm having them, don't care cause it hurts so bad. Mine are usually triggered by sinuses, I think.. My neck gets soo stiff, if I take my hands and clasp the back of my neck at the base of my skull, and sort of stretch my neck out, it eases the pain. But if you have neck problems, I wouldn't recommend that.

I have only found two things that work... Excedrin Migraine, at the first sign of one.. and a REALLY cold round icepack right at the base of my skull.. Just slap it on there and hold it till the headache goes away or at least decreases. I hate taking so much Excedrin because they say Acetaminophen is bad for your liver. The caffeine helps, and probably the Aspirin too.

Its getting to the point with me to where I'm thinking about going to the doctor and seeing what's up. I might go a week or two without one headache, and the next week I'll have one all day, maybe everyday, and sometimes for several days in a row, regardless of what meds I take.

I AM thinking about getting one of those Netty Pots that you can use to flush out your sinuses with salt water. I've heard that helps.. don't know. But I do know what horrible headaches are like. Mine sorta feel like someone impaled me on a spike at the base of my skull and ran it out right between my eyes, and dried my sinuses out completely while they were at it. Meanwhile, they are playing drums on the back of my head with a 2 lb sledgehammer.
Ive been suffering from them since I was eight years old,they would start with the vision and then go into the headache and the neurological nightmare to where I get numb,out of it and unbelievably sick.I remeber getting them at school and feeling so depressed and un normal,they would last four to eight hours and sometimes would repeat just about the time I started feeling better,Ive been so sick that I dry heaved so hard I popped blood vessels in my eyes,it bothers me so much I hate to even think about it.I always heard your too young to get them and now I hear Im too old and should have grown out of them by now,its been 24 freaking years,although I manage them alot better now.I also have a couple friends that get them so it helps with support.From my experience the best thing for me is plenty of rest,low stress-if somethings really bugging me Ive learned to blow it off,eat regularly and good-it keeps the body balanced,I drink ALOT of water,it helps immensely,no alcohol and very little caffiene-highs and lows are a bad thing,and lastly I get a good amount of physical labor as well as regular massage and chiropractic visits every few months.I am now doing much better and knock on wood I havent had one in eight months and dont plan on one with any help form above.For me there were no triggers,zero zilch nadda and that was really frustrating over the years since I couldnt combat them but now I take a whole life examining approach and it seems to be working,I just try to really be in tune with my bodys needs and feelings and take car of it.Its good too share with others who have had the same experiences,not too long ago I found out from a friend migraines are officially a diesease which is a good thing since Ive missed alot of work from them.I will say having to have your boss pick you up from your route and take you home is a bit humiliating but not much you can do about it.
I get headaches all the time. At least twice a week. I don't really know if they are migraines or not to be honest.

Maybe someone can help me figure this out. Sometimes when I get a headache, a certain spot on top of my head (can be in a different spots) gets tingly or what I call "sensitive" It kinda hurts or when I touch the spot it is very uncomfortable (and no its not because I bumped my head).

It's really weird and I wish I knew what it is? I've been trying to figure it out for some time now. Any ideas? Or has any one else experienced this also?

I have had Migraines for over 25 years. I have seen numeruos neurologists with no relieve. I was recently prescribed Topamax, Furicet and Relpax. I see some minor improvement. Instead of headaches 4 to 6 times per week, I now get them maybe 2 to 4 times per week.
I get migraines. Mine are triggered by irregular sleep, muscle tension in my shoulders & neck, dust or too much sun. I'm not sure about foods yet. I'm trying to narrow that down. Anyway, Imitrex works for me if I take it right when I'm feeling it come on. I get nausea sometimes, but the big thing is a real bad pain behind my eye. Seems to be more on the right than the left, but I do get them on the left side once in a while. If I don't get it with the Imitrex right away, it's pretty much a wasted day for me recovering from it. Luckily (for me), my boss' wife gets them, so when I call in sick because of one, he totally understands.

My mom got me this book called "Your Migraine Brain". It's very interesting and quite helpful. It's geared more toward women, but it does apply to men. I highly recommend it.

I get headaches all the time. At least twice a week. I don't really know if they are migraines or not to be honest.

Maybe someone can help me figure this out. Sometimes when I get a headache, a certain spot on top of my head (can be in a different spots) gets tingly or what I call "sensitive" It kinda hurts or when I touch the spot it is very uncomfortable (and no its not because I bumped my head).

It's really weird and I wish I knew what it is? I've been trying to figure it out for some time now. Any ideas? Or has any one else experienced this also?


I believe those are called silent migraines,you get the pain and some nerve issues without the other effects.
i've had occular migraines all of my life.i remember my mom telling me i was too young to have a headache when i was around 5.i've recently started to put alot of pressure on my eyes as soon as i see it coming,and it seems to help.the aura goes away in 5 to 8 minutes now, where it used to take 20 minutes. the weird thing is that the headache isnt happening every time i have the aura now.i have a prescription for imitrex.and as soon as i see it coming i take one. it helps but not alot.i kinda feel like the anxiety i get when i see it coming is the worst part. i get bummed and frustrated and it gets worse. but if i rub my eyes and don't take my pills the aura goes away and the headache and anxiety are nowhere near as severe. i also have back/ neck problems. but it don't account for when i was a kid.good luck. i never met anyone i disliked badly enough to wish them on so, i still have them.

I've noticed pressure on my left eye (that's the eye it affects usually) does help some but it only seems temporary. I take Maxalt which has basically the same ingredients as Imitrex and it will usually knock it out if I catch it soon enough. But it leaves me totally wiped out for several hrs.

Check with doc first but...
Headaches might be caused from back problems.
In the early 80's I had a roomate who was into healthfood, veegan & such, believed in total healing by clamping thier ankles into a gravity table, Now called inversion, company name teeter on tv all the time. I used to use it once a day. stange but effective. I wish I had 1 now! At 48 now, I am really looking to get the inversion style table.
Basicly, you stand up against, reach down & clamp ankles, lean back and the thing inverts and hangs you upside down. It does awesome things to bad disk, might as well say rebuild, & extra blood flow to head (after some getting used to) has a whole slew of positive benefits. Say good by to the chiropractor! Mine has never mentioned one, you never see one in the office, but when asked, he had one at home!!
My $.02, just a thought, but wouldn't attempt without doctor approval.

I've looked into the inversion tables. In fact sears sells them and they had displays set up and let me try one. I don't know if it's my uncontrolled high BP or what but as soon as I laid back I nearly passed out from the head rush. My BP usually runs about 170 over 100 even taking 3 pills a day for it so I can't bend over without problems.

I managed the local Play it Again Sports a while back and sold a bunch of these, great item to reverse the effects of gravity on the body. Just be carefull as to much of it is not good for your eyes. 20 min daily, just like most excercises.
Headachs can be caused but a number of things, stress being one, back problems, etc.
Has anyone tried cannibis to elleviate the symptoms? You can ingest it to eliminate the nasty part. Despite what is said it does have medicinal uses.
Sorry if that statement is off base with some members. Please feel free to have it removed if so.

Never tried cannabis but I have heard they used to use it for eye problems. I have only one problem with that. When I was young I was a drug addict and when I finally quit I swore an oath to never touch it again. that was 89 and I'm 100% clean since. Even if I knew it would help I'm not sure I could do it. Even taken internally like you mentioned. I appreciate the thought. I know it was meant with good intent.

There is a local guy in town here, who happened to be a recipient of one of those houses that Ty Pennington builds for people on tv. They got the house because the guy was pretty much disabled with horrible cluster headaches. That all happened like... 2 years ago. Well he was just recently back in the news where it has been so bad with the cluster headaches that he hasnt been able to work and was going to lose this nice home. Strangely.. the community got together (again) and scraped enough money through donations to help that family save their house. Not only that they raised enough money to pay his medical bills AND pay for a major surgery that they think will cure him. So far after the surgery... things look promising. Just like on this site... people came together to help another human out. I keep losing faith in this world as a human and it keeps getting restored as I see these acts.


I hope he does good. Sounds like he sure lives in a good community. I also lost my job due to missing work from the migraines. I worked there 11 yrs. and had numerous customers ask for me by name cause they knew I'd do them right and even that wasn't enough. You know how it is with some places. If they can't get rich off of you your nothing.

I have clusters. As a matter of fact I am going through them now. Sometimes I will go a couple of years without them and then tey will start and last as long as several months. Mine only occur when I go to sleep, including naps, they start almost exactly the same time every night and sometimes I will have 4 or 5 a night. I have tried everything, steroids, ergotamine, Imatrex, my Wife is a Chiropractor and some times she can help a bit, but not always. Something I have been doing lately and it seems to help is I take Benadryl before I go to bed. I use the sinus headache and allergy formula. It doesn't always stop them but it definitely decreases the intensity.
I feel for you brother! They are so frustrating to deal with and really sap the energy out of you. It's really hard for anyone that doesn't have them or isn't close to someone who does to really understand the pain that they cause. The only way I can describe them to anyone to tell them to imagine having a brain freeze, like eating ice cream to fast, that last for 45 minutes to an hour.
One more thing, stay away from all alcohol, and I mean all including most mouthwashes and cold medicines! PM me if you want to talk about them.
I'll be sure to pray for you!


That's how mine do too except I haven't gotten any good time off from them. The longest I've went in the last 5 yrs. is 3 weeks without a flare up. Sometimes they're really bad and I will have a 2-3 day flare up then a couple days off then another 3-4 days of them. I don't drink at all but do use mouthwash once in a while. Never though about it but I'll keep it in mind. Rest of this week I'm pretty booked up but early next week I'll pm you. Thanks for the prayers. Prayers are all I feel has gotten me through this.

The worst headache I ever had was right after I had 2 discs in my neck removed and replaced with donor bone. it was explained to me that the loss of ceribrial fluid lets the brain sink, thus the headache. Mine lasted 3&1/2 days.
Could it be that an increase in ceribrial fluid pressure would do the same ?
A shrinking spinal column could inrease the fluid pressure.

Wow that sounds painful. I'd bet an increase in fluid could cause more pressure. I have lost almost an inch due to the disc problems so maybe that has something to do with it.

I have headaches all the time. I blame much of it on sinus issues and (don't laugh) weather changes. My headaches usually happen when the weather clouds up and gets rainy, often at night while I'm asleep. I wake up with a so-so headache but by the time I'm up and moving it gets much much worse. I can take drugs like Ibuprofen, Aspirin or Tylenol to blunt the pain but it always leaves me feeling drained and worthless. I usually don't feel better until I've slept for an hour or two. This occurs on a very frequent basis, as much as a couple of times a week in the rainy season but much less often in the summer. I have found that using breath-rite strips to keep my sinuses open and making an effort to sleep on my back has helped some. I also saw a specialist and he told me I had a somewhat deviated septum and therese things called turbinates that were pinched together that might be causing the headaches. He said he could fix it but I'm not sure I want sharp instruments so close to my brain. I need all the cells I have!

I know weather changes and sinuses can have an impact. I can always tell when a front is coming through. I use the Breath Right strips also. Does help some and lets the wife get some rest from my snoring.


It's interesting that you say that these headaches happen while watching TV or using the computer. It makes me think that it may be vision induced, have you seen an eye doctor lately?

Yeah I just got new glasses a couple months ago. I also have special computer glasses. They happen alot of other times also. They can hit just in the middle of the day. Or I may feel fine for days then one eve. when I go to bed I wake up 2 or 3 hrs. later with a migraine or cluster headache.
I too have had them so bad my vision will tunnel down in 1 eye or both & edges of vision out side the tunnel are stars going off. sometimes wonder about mini stroke. I have found if caught in time I can majorly increase caffine intake with hot coffee and excedrin (More Caffiene) and lay right down in dark cool quiet room for 4-8 hours sometimes it goes away. Have really been staying away from beer etc. Anymore I drink a 7oz beer and 15 min later, BAM, instant headache. Funny about 10 years ago me and 2 other guys could drink 4 12 packs on Sat before riding our Harleys to the bars!
Not anymore! Wisdom does come with age!!!

I have notice caffeine does help me too but I have so much problems with trying to keep my BP down that I can't use much caffeine. I also have been laying off the Acetaminofen since I read about it's negative affects. Beer affects the oxygen content in your blood so maybe that's why it does that to you. Know what you mean about being able to drink alot awhile back but not now. I drank alot and drove (I know, shame on me) drunk when I was a kid in the early to mid 80's but things changed in my body. Even if I wanted to I'm sure I couldn't do it now. Have no desire now anyway..

my stepsister used to have bad migraines that would make her sick. The only way for her to get rid of them was to lay down and sleep for awhile, sometimes a few hours.. She wound up having neck surgery to clear out the drain passages from her skull, I guess. They said it wasn't draining right and putting pressure on her brain, eyes, etc.. After that, I don't think she got any more bad headaches..

My wife's friend also had to have the same surgery, but I don't know if it was for headaches or not.. I think she just had neck pain, and her neck sort of locked up and she couldn't turn it one way.

I get bad migraines or maybe clusters, really don't know which, and at the time I'm having them, don't care cause it hurts so bad. Mine are usually triggered by sinuses, I think.. My neck gets soo stiff, if I take my hands and clasp the back of my neck at the base of my skull, and sort of stretch my neck out, it eases the pain. But if you have neck problems, I wouldn't recommend that.

I have only found two things that work... Excedrin Migraine, at the first sign of one.. and a REALLY cold round icepack right at the base of my skull.. Just slap it on there and hold it till the headache goes away or at least decreases. I hate taking so much Excedrin because they say Acetaminophen is bad for your liver. The caffeine helps, and probably the Aspirin too.

Its getting to the point with me to where I'm thinking about going to the doctor and seeing what's up. I might go a week or two without one headache, and the next week I'll have one all day, maybe everyday, and sometimes for several days in a row, regardless of what meds I take.

I AM thinking about getting one of those Netty Pots that you can use to flush out your sinuses with salt water. I've heard that helps.. don't know. But I do know what horrible headaches are like. Mine sorta feel like someone impaled me on a spike at the base of my skull and ran it out right between my eyes, and dried my sinuses out completely while they were at it. Meanwhile, they are playing drums on the back of my head with a 2 lb sledgehammer.

Wow. That's the 2nd person that said they knew somebody that had drains in the back of their head blocked up and surgery fixed it. Just had a guy PM me earlier about his mom having that. I also get the neck locking up thing but since I have 2 discs bad I figured that's what's doing it. Don't wait to have a doctor check you out. The longer you go the harder it is for them to tell. That was my problem with my back. I went for several yrs. in pain and by the time I went to the doc he said I have so many discs bad they can't help me and put me on disability which pays the bills but still sucks cause I'm only 45 and can't do any hard labor anymore. I had another guy tell me he's using a netty pot and it's helping him but he didn't have headaches much. Just sinus problems.

Ive been suffering from them since I was eight years old,they would start with the vision and then go into the headache and the neurological nightmare to where I get numb,out of it and unbelievably sick.I remeber getting them at school and feeling so depressed and un normal,they would last four to eight hours and sometimes would repeat just about the time I started feeling better,Ive been so sick that I dry heaved so hard I popped blood vessels in my eyes,it bothers me so much I hate to even think about it.I always heard your too young to get them and now I hear Im too old and should have grown out of them by now,its been 24 freaking years,although I manage them alot better now.I also have a couple friends that get them so it helps with support.From my experience the best thing for me is plenty of rest,low stress-if somethings really bugging me Ive learned to blow it off,eat regularly and good-it keeps the body balanced,I drink ALOT of water,it helps immensely,no alcohol and very little caffiene-highs and lows are a bad thing,and lastly I get a good amount of physical labor as well as regular massage and chiropractic visits every few months.I am now doing much better and knock on wood I havent had one in eight months and dont plan on one with any help form above.For me there were no triggers,zero zilch nadda and that was really frustrating over the years since I couldnt combat them but now I take a whole life examining approach and it seems to be working,I just try to really be in tune with my bodys needs and feelings and take car of it.Its good too share with others who have had the same experiences,not too long ago I found out from a friend migraines are officially a diesease which is a good thing since Ive missed alot of work from them.I will say having to have your boss pick you up from your route and take you home is a bit humiliating but not much you can do about it.

Sounds like you've had them bad too. Glad to hear you haven't had any in a while. Your description is the classic migraine. My headaches are mostly (2/3 of the time) cluster which hurt just as bad but I don't get sick to my stomach with them. I did pop a blood vessel in my right eye a couple of times. Didn't even know it the first time. Next day after a migraine my wife noticed my rt eye extremely red. I do drink alot of water also. Your definetly lucky your boss understands. You might have noticed I mentioned in my earlier reply I got fired from my job of 11 yrs. because of mine.

I get headaches all the time. At least twice a week. I don't really know if they are migraines or not to be honest.

Maybe someone can help me figure this out. Sometimes when I get a headache, a certain spot on top of my head (can be in a different spots) gets tingly or what I call "sensitive" It kinda hurts or when I touch the spot it is very uncomfortable (and no its not because I bumped my head).

It's really weird and I wish I knew what it is? I've been trying to figure it out for some time now. Any ideas? Or has any one else experienced this also?


Wow, I never heard of them symptoms. Sorry. Have you seen a doctor?
I have had Migraines for over 25 years. I have seen numeruos neurologists with no relieve. I was recently prescribed Topamax, Furicet and Relpax. I see some minor improvement. Instead of headaches 4 to 6 times per week, I now get them maybe 2 to 4 times per week.

John be careful with Topamax. That was one of the first prevention drugs they tried on me and it worked ok for a while but after about 7 months I got a nasty kidney stone and man was that miserable. They tested it when I finally passed it and it was from the Topamax. I later went to a different neurosurgeon and he said that's a common problem with Topamax. It's really not even designed for Migraine prevention. It's a Epileptic seizure drug. They found by giving doses 4-5 times the test dose it helps with migraines but then later they discovered the nasty side effect of kidney stones which can damage your kidneys.

I get migraines. Mine are triggered by irregular sleep, muscle tension in my shoulders & neck, dust or too much sun. I'm not sure about foods yet. I'm trying to narrow that down. Anyway, Imitrex works for me if I take it right when I'm feeling it come on. I get nausea sometimes, but the big thing is a real bad pain behind my eye. Seems to be more on the right than the left, but I do get them on the left side once in a while. If I don't get it with the Imitrex right away, it's pretty much a wasted day for me recovering from it. Luckily (for me), my boss' wife gets them, so when I call in sick because of one, he totally understands.

My mom got me this book called "Your Migraine Brain". It's very interesting and quite helpful. It's geared more toward women, but it does apply to men. I highly recommend it.


Good luck figuring yours out too lilcuda. Sounds like you've got a good start. When mine is a Migraine (not a cluster headache) I get pain behind the left eye. Typical for migraines to have only one eye affected. Know what you mean about the wasted day. Even when I catch mine early I'm usually down for at least 4 hrs. Sometimes all day. Thanks for the ref. to the book. I'll check it out.

I had no idea I'd get so many responses from others having migraine and cluster headaches. I appreciate all the replies and ideas but am sad to see it affects so many of us. I swear even as bad as my back pain is it doesn't put me down one bit more than these headaches.