Misplacing things



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Damn, I am good at it. I have 2 tripods, and the piece that screws to the bottom of the camera is missing from both of them. I used one on the video camera the last time I fired the 50bmg rifle at the steel rabbit I had, just dug thru the shed looking for the video camera, it is not on the camera nor is it in the bag. Used one on my chronograph when I was loading some .223 ammo. The chronograph was in the shooting bag for the longest time. Took it out and put it on the end of one the shelves in the garage, now I can not find the damn chronograph. Does anybody else go thru this crap, or is it just me??? Couple of weeks ago I was running around looking for my truck keys.........they were out in the ignition of the truck because it was sitting in front of the house warming up.....I am only 44, what the hell is it going to be like 25 years from now???
All the time. My problem is tools. I'll be working on something and set a tool down and go across the garage to get another tool to do something else and go to get the tool I was using and then can't remember where the hell I last put it. I end up spending more time looking for it than I do working on whatever it is I'm working on. It drives me nuts. I thought about making a pair of pants with magnetic strips in the legs. Just stick it to my leg when I'm done.
Just walked out to the garage so I can take another look, forgot the keys to unlock the garage......:angry7:
Just wait. It get's worse.
I was talking to a friend of mine, about this very same subject the other day.
When i tell you that i forgot what i did with a gold coin a few weeks ago, that has got to be the worst one yet for me.
A Very expensive item to lose track of.
Oh well, what can i do, i have to man up to it.
And by the way, i'm 58. #-o
Same thing happens to me. Scary thing is, Alzheimer's runs in my family. I'm only 38 and it's getting worse.
It's reading glasses for me!! I have a pair in just about every room of the house and half the time I still can't find them when I need them.:angry7:
So one day I'm standin in the living room, talkin' to a buddy, and I look down, and there's my cellphone holster, but no phone. "@@#$@#%$%@$%" I says.

"What's the matter?" says my friend

"There's the holster but no cellphone," says I

My buddy says "how many do ya NEED, you're talking to me on ONE of em!!!"
My Doctor tells me new studys indicate short term memory loss is a result of a vitamin
B12 shortage. I rushed out to buy some for my wife, now I cant remember where I put the damn things when I got home.
It gets worse; I'm 59 as are all my buddies. We all do it; need something, remember where it is, walk in the room to get it, and: total blank; what did I need?. 2 hours it hits you, but you already spent time to work around it.
I swear, I have 2 of everything, because I can't find the first one, and buy another. I have 2 chainsaws, how can you lose a big chainsaw? I did, for a month. I hid something from a potential burgular 20 years ago, still can't find it.
At the point that I have a pencil and notepad in my pocket at all times.
My Doctor tells me new studys indicate short term memory loss is a result of a vitamin
B12 shortage. I rushed out to buy some for my wife, now I cant remember where I put the damn things when I got home.
Are you SURE you bought them:toothy10:? How many times have you gotten to the store and realized, s..t, I left the list at home? No problem, I just whip out the handy dandy cell phone only to realize you left it on and the battery is dead??? Usually about this time a store employee will ask can I help you with something???
Im in that boat right now. Putting together my front end. I looked everywhere and I cannot find the prop valve I took from the donor car.
I did find what I was looking for. Who what have ever thought the chronograph was in a box marked......damn this is embarassing.......chronograph??