Mississippi WWII Vets charge manorial

I guess after charging the Germans and Japs...this should be easy...LOL
There's nobody in their right mind that would dare stop these guys from seeing THEIR memorial! They bought and paid for that memorial with their own blood, sweat, and tears. Nobody has the right to tell them that they cannot visit it, government shutdown or not!
From my 90 year old uncle today via email regarding this.
He was in bomb disposal.
He is in good health and has been interviewed by a prestigious college for their living history project.
I have it from him personally that his medicare is being rationed under Obamacare.
They have denied him a spinal Xray already.
Check the link

No one should be surprised about Obama's actions or the WWII veterans reactions. He is simply following his
"Hugo Chavez" approach to governing, an arrogant dictator with no regard for the U.S. Constitution. Shame on those who voted to elect him president! As a WWII veteran, I couldn't agree more with the actions of the veterans. This is certainly not the nation for whom we laid our lives on the line.

You're uncle is right too. He and his generation have the right to call people krauts, gooks, japs, or whatever else they used at that time, because at that time, that's exactly what the enemy was. People forget that we DID have enemies once. You cannot get along with everybody, no matter how hard you try. We should stop trying. The world is gonna hate us anyway.

From my 90 year old uncle today via email regarding this.
He was in bomb disposal.
He is in good health and has been interviewed by a prestigious college for their living history project.
I have it from him personally that his medicare is being rationed under Obamacare.
They have denied him a spinal Xray already.
Check the link

No one should be surprised about Obama's actions or the WWII veterans reactions. He is simply following his
"Hugo Chavez" approach to governing, an arrogant dictator with no regard for the U.S. Constitution. Shame on those who voted to elect him president! As a WWII veteran, I couldn't agree more with the actions of the veterans. This is certainly not the nation for whom we laid our lives on the line.

Mississippi vets did not let the barriers stop them from seeing their monument.

73HCode, thanks for posting. God bless all of our WWII vets. I wish I could have been there to see it! :prayer:

My Dad is a 91 yr old WWII vet who served in the Pacific, his youngest brother was KIA during Operation Market Garden and his middle brother finished out his tour in Europe, going house to house in Germany.

God bless America!
Fortunately, any relatives I've had that served in WWII are gone, so they didn't have to see this.
""The world is gonna hate us anyway.""

that is a correct statement-- as for any vet/patriot being denied access to a memorial-- what a shame!!!-- I heard Mt Rushmore was closed, really a huge rock-- & our gov't closed it!!

bet the damn senators/congressmen will get their pay-- a** holes

Obama is quite a leader, I'm sure Michelle has a new place to go visit to de-stress.

This story put a smile on my face. This country is so *** backwards.
A beautiful testament, to the generation that kicked everybody's ***. And still charging.