Moving east... job... scared ,sell everything



live free or die
Nov 2, 2007
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Weare,New Hampshire
I'm SCARED!! I've been trying to get a federal job ,I guess I'm thinking future and all that. Anyway I had my first interview this week. Sounded promising... Bethesda,Md.
I don't know if I can handle the life on the east coast. Wyoming is so peaceful and easygoing.It just now is setting in that this fantasy may come true. Wife and I are both nervous about it. She'll stay here for awhile til I'm sure about the job, and our house is on the market but......
I don't have to tell you all how crazy I know I am ...
We talked last night about it and I may be selling a pile of stuff, cars included..
I guess I was living in wonderland thinking this day may not come.. Am I going to like or get use to the eastcoast way of living???
Washington is a great town, lot's of stuff to do. The museums are incredible. You'll have sports teams to root for. There's restaurants, entertainment and all sorts of things to occupy your time. The ocean is relatively close. There's a bunch of drag strips in the area too.

There's also traffic, crime, incredibly expensive housing and millions of people crammed into a very small area. And don't forget the oppressive, pavement-melting summer humidity.

Good luck!
Be prepared for a busy life. For some reason if you live on the east coast you have to be doing something 24hrs a day.
I had a friend that tooka Federal job in DC just long enought to get status and transfer out. He was from small towns too (in Iowa and Montana) but did what he had to do to get his dream job working as a wildlife refuge manager. He now works in North Dakota and gets all the fishing and hunting he can handle. I don't know if I could pack up and leave Montana for DC because of the lack of hunting opportunities. Good luck with your future plans.
I work in Bethesda, but I tele-commute so I live about 80 miles away in the 'country' and travel once a week to go into the office. There's plenty of 'country' and wide open spaces and resonably priced homes and acreage in the surrounding areas, Gaithersburg and beyond to the north/ west and Fredricksburg, and beyond in Virginia to the south The down side.... Traffic
the commute can be up to 2 hours one way living in those areas, It's all what you want or willing to accept, A lot of people really enjoy the 'city' life but it wasn't for me. Try and schedule a few visits to the area, drive around during 'rush' hours' see how you can cope and go from there. The Government jobs are opening up, the pay is terrific and the schools are of the best in the country.

Good Luck
I feel for ya,I,d be scared also.I haven,t moved in 18 years,and have accumilated alot of stuff over the years!Be prepared to oil ALL your vehicles!
Don't be scared the east coast is where its at..change can be good for you!!!
It will be a big change for you, but I am sure you will be fine. Good luck to you and your family.
The one thing that I think you MUST have in D.C. is one of those Garmin GPS navigation gizmo's to get around that crazy city. In New York, much is laid out in a grid fashion.

The country is not far away from the metro DC area.

The weather in the mid Alantic states should have a little more rain, slightly colder, but not to bad and warm summers. Theres lots to do.

Perhaps a move to the outter sides where the country starts to begin will be good for the soul as city living can be one heck of an adjustment.
Good luck if you decide to make the sister lives near DC and works in Bethesda, she was with the forest service in Denver before moving back to the east coast.
Her bo does alot of hunting and fishing in that area, nothing like Green River trout fishing but decent, so if your into that you shouldn't have a lack of it back here.
Traffic SUCKS....

rmchrgr failed to mention 1 key ingredient that in the DC area.....................

50 million lying, greedy and cut-throat politicions !!
One of our companies software vendors is from the Baltimore area. I have been there several times for conferences and training. It is the absolute best! If I ever leave here (not here by choice, but WAY too much crap to have to pack up to move again...), it will be for the DC area.

Good Luck, and you can drop off the cars in ND on your way through, I'll take good care of them and you can visit them whenever you want. 8)
The traffic around DC is one of the worst in the country and the housing prices are totally ridiculous. Most people who work around DC have to live very far away if they want a nice house, very far. Make sure you look into that before you decide because that good salary will be eaten right up with high housing prices. They aren't as bad as they were two years back but they are far from affordable.

On the positive side, you can get historic tags for your old cars which are cheap then you will be exempt from emissions and inspections. But the best part is you will be able to attend Chryslers at Carlisle every year!! And yes there are a lot of drag strips in the area and loads of gear heads too. The other positive thing is there are a lot of jobs in the area. This part of the country is really not feeling the recession like other areas.
Please don't sell anythng!!! Bring it with you we need more parts and cars here.
get rid of your guns! Not a gun friendly state!

If your gonna be livin near D.C. you might want to get more guns! LOL! East coast is beautiful!


And if you don't like the geography.........................

I was born in bethesda Md. Thats all I can say about that. I live in Fredericksburg Va. about 65 miles from there. Busy life around here and alot of traffic and people that cant drive. Anyway why get rid of your cars? Store them in case you cant deal with Md and go back to Montana. My two cents worth.
I was born in bethesda Md. Thats all I can say about that. I live in Fredericksburg Va. about 65 miles from there. Busy life around here and alot of traffic and people that cant drive. Anyway why get rid of your cars? Store them in case you cant deal with Md and go back to Montana. My two cents worth.
My son lives in Fredricksburg...
I'm just hanging, waiting, drinking, anxious for the phone call.
I'm also going to pipe up and say, don't sell the cars. Or anything.
I think from what I reading here that it will be change but most likely
a new experience that you can handle and enjoy, I hope all goes well wyoduster, I have never experienced anything like that.