My Co-pilot... ruh-roh!



How many is too many?
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
My 2 year old rescue dog has slowly been getting used to riding in cars. Usually it was to go to the Vet or the kennel so she wasn't a big fan. Lately I've been making an effort to take her on short hops to the parts store etc.. She usually lays in the floor but Sunday she finally decided to sit up in the seat and I rolled the window down enough for her to discover doggie heaven. I was about to walk out of O'Reilly's and saw this.


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Outstanding. We took one of our Coonhounds someplace last week. In the past she was all over the place. But this time she just hung out. She was looking out one of the back door windows and stepped on the window button.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback we had before our current one could tell the days of the week by the way I was dressed.
Long pants meant "workday" and he wouldn't even get up when I was getting ready to leave, but shorts (hey, it's SoCal and we wear shorts year 'round) meant "WEEKEND" and he'd beat me to the door when he heard my keys jingle because he knew he always got to go with me.
I'd leave the windows down 'cause he'd just sit there in the passenger seat looking out the window.
With him being almost 100 pounds, I never worried about anyone taking either my truck or anything out of it!
If I change clothes or jingle keys she is on me in a heartbeat wanting to go to the shop.
Good on You mguner, good on You say I... however,
ScampMike said:
she looks like she is checking the rear view before backing out... probably a good thing she doesn't have thumbs...
LOL!!! beat Me to it ScampMike
Kinda like 'hey mguner THX for the rescue, Love Ya to the Moon, but this is now My Car & Shop, get over it !!!
LOL !!!
she looks like she is checking the rear view before backing out... probably a good thing she doesn't have thumbs...

Fortunately this one is the 4 speed car so her dexterity just can't get there..... :)