My Dads Challenger Got Overhauled!

Good job Mike. It did look much better on tv than the pix. Great prank too. It's a wonder your still alive after you had to act like you lost it in a race.:eye: I bet your dad's glad he didn't kill ya now. He sure looked happy. That was the best part.
GoodysGotaCuda said:
was told the episode will air dec 12th

What the hell, now I missed it because it's aired already! WTF! That really piss'es me off cause I really wanted to see that. Even had it marked on the calender as per your post. Just freakin great, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
GoodysGotaCuda said:
45,000? absolutely not, try about an 8th of that or so...

I believe that as someone else has stated, I agree your in for a surprise at tax time.

1/8th of $45,000 is roughly $5,600.

The gear vendors overdrive ALONE runs 2500+, Brand new hemi, wanna bet that runs in the ball park of no less than 5 g's, not to mention TTI headers, they run no less than 700 bucks, and even if he prices the wheels at cost, your looking at a couple hundred apiece not to mention the rubber. Then theirs that killer sound system, the overhauled trans, rear end and gears, full exhuast system, and I am sure uphopholstry and paint wernt free either. I highly doubt parts alone were under 15 to 20 g's.

But hey, if you really don't get bent at tax time, bravo and good for you. I am still pissed that I missed the show. :sad1:
I saw the show last night. You seemed very comfortable on TV. The Challenger looks tons better on TV than the photos that were posted. I really like Foose's work but I didn't like the way he overruled your paint descision. In my opinion you were right as the silver on the roof does nothing for the car. But maybe I would love it in person.
Congrats! Bob
Saw it lastnite...Friggin awsome!!!
Is there some sort of contract that your dad had to sighn saying that he wont change anything (silver)? What about a contract saying that he will take it to other overhaulin events or shows?
Not to change the topic but hows your cuda doin?
360scamp said:
Saw it lastnite...Friggin awsome!!!
Is there some sort of contract that your dad had to sighn saying that he wont change anything (silver)? What about a contract saying that he will take it to other overhaulin events or shows?
Not to change the topic but hows your cuda doin?

A) you'd have to be pretty stupid to really change something like paint on a car like that. Good idea, but as far as value and such, I wouldn't dare. It really doesn't take away from the car in person imo, it has grown on me.

B)Yes there is a year contract with overhaulin to take it to whatever events they please on their dime

C)Cuda is in a very reputable frame/body shop getting fixed.
Mike, do you want be to lock this thread so you can feel like this is Mopars ? LOL
Man I have never seen so many people get jelous before. Everytime you start a thread someones got to wine till it gets locked.
haha i know it. well over there, whats his name was trying to stir things up and get a total rumor going over what he said. totally rediculous, im glad it got locked right after that guys reply. those guys are terrible over there, cracks me up lol.

why else would i post there? lol
I caught the 1st 20 minutes of it on a late night re-air on the 5th...then I fell asleep. DAMN! I hate it when I do that. :sleepy1: I can't stay awake for the life of me sometimes. LOL! I wanted to see the finished product. I usually catch about 2/3's of those episodes every season and just happened to miss this one. I'll guess I'll have to look for it another time.
First off I thought the car turned out great Foose can do one of mine any time. I am curious as to how that 392 runs any track time with it? I bet it's a blast to drive a new Hemi and an E-body are a match made in Heaven.
I saw that episode before I joined this forum, I like the car a lot, not crazy about the silver stripe either but the rest is awesome. Not every car lends itself well to the retomod look but I think the E-bodies really do. Must have been a really great experience overall, other than being in Dad's **** books for a week, that probably wasn't too great. We're taxed to the hilt in Canada but one thing we don't tax is things like lotterys so I assume up here if they did it, and I hear they are going to, you would just get the car no strings attached.
With that prank they used, I thought your dad was gonna let you have it! Car looks great except the wheels and that stupid silver stripe he added to the back roof after you told him to go plain! He's great and all but i would've :violent1:
welp we'll see. if we cant afford it... we cant afford it. from what oh told us, we can. if its anything crazy, theres no way.
I lost my cars in Katrina and got a 72 Challenger in trade for all of my lost cars. My fiance' sent my info to overhaulin last summer. Now I know why they did not do my car!!! Congratulations!! Looks good.