My house was robbed on the 4th

Sorry to read serve your country proudly and this $hit has to happen...hope they catch the motherfiretruckers! Hopefully they didnt get much, might be a good idea to not let your daughter see this when you return home, might have a bad effect on her. Your family is in my prayers.

X2 on what was written above Corey, thank you Keith.
That's happened to me a couple times also. Think back to the people who knew you would be gone, or relatives who may not be quite on the up and up. Many times the people who do this are known to you. Only makes sense. They know where you live, what you have, where its at, all your habits, when you will be gone, when you're at work, and neighbors are used to seeing them around.

Yep. The police will tell you it was probably someone you know.
People will use social media like Facebook to broadcast their travel plans. I've seen it posted in this forum too.
Corey, Sorry to hear of this. Man you need to move out of Fayetteville. Come up north towards Clayton. Not so much in the way of troublemakers in this area.
So sorry to hear this! Happened to me twice in a one year period so I can relate to the feelings that are going through your head. Makes you wish you could get your hands on the dirty SOB's and give them some personal justice of your own. I bet in your case as was in mine, you were being checked out by someone for some time to learn your routine as to when you come and go. And either they saw you leave for your trip or noticed no activity after you left because of the holiday. No doubt, an ahole looking to score easy items to sell to support his drug habit and I'm sure there were more than one person involved. The shitty part is that it makes you feel so unsafe in your home. Made me wonder when they were going to come back and do it again. I did install a security system and made sure that when I went anywhere overnight that my neighbors that I "trusted" the most were aware of it and checked on the place. Dang...I sure feel for ya guy. I hope it never happens to you again. It ain't a good feeling! It sucks that we have to put up surveillence cameras to protect our stuff, but that's the world we live in now. Andy, Barney and Mayberry no longer exist anymore.
That totally sucks! People are desperate these days. Hope they catch the SOBs.
Sorry to hear this Corey, hope they catch the low lives.

i am sorry to hear of your troubles. I think the worst part is the violation of your privacy,and for me terrible dissapointment in the human race was all i really felt at the time of the theft.

I sincerely hope you or the police catch them,and i really hope you find those thieves before the cops do. Introductions all around to that gun they missed are in order.

We will be going home Sunday morning to do a full inventory to see what else is missing.

Try and remember to stay safe on the road trip home
And have a humble happy time today and enjoy your family :cheers:
I don't think Corey was even home long enough to establish a routine!! I am so angered that Corey has had to defend the rights of someone who would turn their backs on someone who put their life on the line everyday to defend their freedom. What is this world coming to!!

I also saw a newscast in my area (Detroit) where they were closing down fire stations due to the city's financial crisis. Neighbors were protesting the closings because of the danger of reduced fire protection. So what do the lowlife thieves do?? Break into the firehouses and steal equipment, all the pipes and wiring and anything else they can get their drug grubbing hands on!!!WTF!!!!!

I'm with the crowd here!! Your service means the world to me, and I would also like to help cover some of the cost of the deductible!! If you could please offer up some info, your good friends here on FABO would certainly help out!! God bless you and your family, and thanks again for your service to our country!! Geof
Corey sorry to hear this and prayers sent to you and your family.Please let us help.
Yes Geof (cosgig) it sure would be an honor to do what little I could
I wonder if I out rank him enough so I could give an order.. :-k
Ok guys. The paypal address is in the other thread. Let's help corey cover his deductable for sacrificing for our country.

Thanks Corey
Yeah I seen that on our local det news. That firehouse had thick 1/4 inch screens over the windows to deter thief and it was cut open clean, likely a battery power cut off wheel tools were used. Must had made a ton of noise but the locals figures nobody cares about them, how could they shut their firehouse down, so I guess nobody called 911 to report it

My home was rob once when I was just 5 years old, they left my bedroom alone and I was so happy about it, ha ha. Then I seen what a mess everything else was, we moved a few years later and I was happy to be out of there

I hope the insurance comes through for you, be sure to list everything that is missing
I feel for ya and hope they catch the fockers!!! I felt so VIOLATED when I came home to a ransacked home.... I had this happen to me by a neighbor who rented his house to some scum bags. They left town but did get caught in the end. fingerprints!!! paying the insurance dedcutible hurt, but I got the lastest tv's and dvd's (materialistic) and they missed my weapons stash as well. I am prosecuting still 3 yrs later. Finally they are going to pay! good luck and I hope they catch em. Stay Positive.
It is so sad what is happening in this country. The lack of respect that some have for others or themselves is staggering. I wonder what it will be like in another ten years because it does not seem to be getting any better. I hate thieves and vandals! So sorry to hear about your misfortune.
That's happened to me a couple times also. Think back to the people who knew you would be gone, or relatives who may not be quite on the up and up. Many times the people who do this are known to you. Only makes sense. They know where you live, what you have, where its at, all your habits, when you will be gone, when you're at work, and neighbors are used to seeing them around.

Very good advise, how did they know you where gone ????
Sorry to hear Corey.I,ve had my home broken into when I went away to bury my GF mother.It,s a terrible feeling when someone goes through your stuff.:wack:
There are few things worse than a thief. Get that inventory of what's missing to the police ASAP. They will canvas pawn shops and even eBay / craigslist for your missing items, so hopefully something personal and identifiable will turn up. You'd be surprised how many jobs are closed this way.