My Small Part to Save the World (from on-the-loose plastic bags)



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Local Wal-Mart has an army of kids/retired people that bag groceries. I assume they work for tips. The Wal-Mart cashier just informed me that plastic bags will be eliminated in the near future. I see some cheap-*** orange shopping/tote bags with handles are now being offered for sale there at the counter (I would not trust them for capacity nor longevity. I have a better idea. I plan on bringing in a couple of 5 gallon buckets (I have dozens of 'em at home).


suggestion: Stop shopping at Wal-Mart.

You won't believe how happy you can be until you go into a Wal-Mart after a two year hiatus, and realize that you're free to leave any time you let go of the cart.
i love going to walmart...always makes me feel better about myself
We have had that come into effect here in Australia no more plastic shopping bags just reusable plastic at 5c each or some type of plastic woven material at 99c or bring your own bags or baskets whatever you need now the back of the car looks like it belongs to a homeless person with all the empty bags in it after a fortnights shopping
We have had that come into effect here in Australia no more plastic shopping bags just reusable plastic at 5c each or some type of plastic woven material at 99c or bring your own bags or baskets whatever you need now the back of the car looks like it belongs to a homeless person with all the empty bags in it after a fortnights shopping
Are you safe from the wildfires PeeDee? My cousin lives in Burleigh Waters Queensland but is safe for now.
I always reuse the plastic bags to line my trash cans at home and I know many of us recycle them in that way. Is it another case of the few ruining it for the rest of us?

I remember the large brown paper grocery bags used back in the '60's and '70's. We used those for trash and always kept one under the sink. Every once in awhile, when full and pulling it out to dump in the metal trash can outside, the bottom would break through after having become wet from the trash. Made a big mess on the floor every time.

We reuse the plastic shopping bags for:
Grandkids dirty diapers
Lining trash cans in the bathrooms and laundry room
Lining paint trays so we don't have to wash them out
Keeping grease rags in
AND for whenever we feel the need to kill the random out of control Dolphin here in Arizona.
(Which is rare, as you can imagine):D
I always reuse the plastic bags to line my trash cans at home and I know many of us recycle them in that way. Is it another case of the few ruining it for the rest of us?

I remember the large brown paper grocery bags used back in the '60's and '70's. We used those for trash and always kept one under the sink. Every once in awhile, when full and pulling it out to dump in the metal trash can outside, the bottom would break through after having become wet from the trash. Made a big mess on the floor every time.

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That sure brought back memories Dibbon. We use the plastic bags for garbage liners as well and work great but they don't break down very well. So why not make ones that do?
I have been cleaning up around here and because of the dust I usually store everything (rags, sponges, sand paper) in those grocery/convenience store plastic bags. Well I found these week that with regard to the stuff that was stored the longest, when I pick up the plastic bag, it falls apart almost into dust. I don't know how all those in the ocean, etc. hold up so long because mine definitely don't.
lets not forget using them instead of packing peanuts
when tied in a knot first, these bags do an excellent job of protecting parts during shipping
I loved those brown bags, made awesome text book covers. Buy 40 thing and no bags. When the bagger asks if you need help taking the stuff out the car, tell him "Damn right, cuz I didnt buy any bags"
Are you safe from the wildfires PeeDee
Yep no problems with fires where i live now about 10 years ago we lived in a bush area with 1road in and out or by boat via the river, now we are in suburbia and i sorely miss the bush.
I also remember the paper bags and using them to cover school books
Remember being asked, "paper or plastic?" I imagine curb side pickup of online order will eventually go to neither/nothing. The items would go into whatever bags, boxes, buckets, you have in your vehicle.