My son's first birthday - Happy Birthday Jake!



Skate And Destroy
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Stamford, CT
Just wanted to share this here since I spend enough time on this board and now know a few of you guys well enough. Today is my son Jake's first birthday and it's been an unbelievable first year. He's had more harrowing experiences than most people ever go through in a lifetime and has made it to a huge milestone no worse for the wear. I don't normally bring it up because it's private and I wouldn't want anyone to feel sorry for us, but I feel like it deserves mention since I'm so proud to be Jake's dad.

Here's the story in a nutshell: Jake was born with a congenital heart defect/condition called aortic stenosis evolving into Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.This disease essentially renders the left ventricle useless - the heart is working against an obstruction. Aortic stenosis is basically a malformed, leaky aortic valve at the bottom of the left ventricle which creates high pressure in the ventricle. The result of this is that scar tissue forms, essentially shrinking the ventricle into a tight, inflexible muscle mass. In the past, the only way to cure this would have been a series of thee very high-risk open-heart surgeries that re-route the blood vessels and take the left ventricle out of the equation. Often kids who have take this course (three-chambered hearts) don't do very well and have a compromised quality of life.

Instead, my wife had a procedure done in utero to stop the advancement of HLHS (scarring) and it was a success. Our doctor calls it the 'science fiction' procedure. We were #63 for that. Since then, it's been a little up and down for us. We spent about one third of the last year in the hospital. Over that time he's had 6 cardiac catheterizations. Last August he survived a full cardiac arrest which required 30 minutes of CPR and 5 shocks from the defibrillator. He thankfully did not sustain any neurological, tissue or organ damage. We were told at thast time that he may need a transplant and it would be risky because the backup of pressure in his heart had caused a secondary condition known as pulmonary hypertension. PH is a dangerously high blood pressure in the lungs. We knew we would be headed for open-heart surgery though and one month later he had an experimental procedure done to remove the remaining scar tissue and fix both his aortic and mitral valves. Jake did in fact had some scar tissue around his left ventricle but the chamber was functioning and was the right size. The surgery essentially scraped away the scar tissue to help the heart become more flexible and relax. It worked! He was only the fourth person ever to have this done with his particular condition and was only 6 months old at the time. The surgery really seemed to help him as he's never looked back.

He also had a fairly severe case of reflux that used to make him vomit violently several times a day. It's made a little comeback lately but thankfully is no longer a regular occurrence.

Jake had suffered some developmental delays because of the amount of time he spent in the hospital but despite that, he's pretty close to normal for his age. He's eating better and gaining weight a little faster. He's commando crawling, getting his teeth, babbling, pulling up to standing and cruising. He has a pretty much normal life. He loves his books and toys and can entertain himself for what seems like hours without fussing.

I'd also like to note that Jake might be the happiest baby I've ever encountered, he is always smiling and excited. He is definitely the strongest person I know, infant or otherwise. And I never like to refer to him as sick, just a few damaged parts.

I've been taking care of him and it's been an absolute joy. Someday soon I will get back to my career of fixing cars - we think he's OK enough now to leave him with a a nanny but we're not quite ready yet. We've only left him alone a few times yet. In any event, I'm going to start looking sometime in the next few months.

Thanks for reading, I'm happy to finally share this stuff with the board. FABO has definitely kept me going through some of this stuff, it was an outlet for entertainment which helped to keep my mind of things and pass the time.

Congratulations Jake! I love you more than anything!

- Greg


Touching story Rmchrgr. I am a Respiratory Therapist and sometimes work with kids like Jake. I love it.
Wow, Jake has had a rough start to his young life Greg. But, as you said, he's one happy, good looking little boy. All the best to Jake and your family.

:eek:ccasion: Advances in medicine continue to amaze me.
Happy Birthday Jake!!Sounds like he,s quite the little fighter and on his way to a normal lifestyle,after a real tough battle!I also have a 2 year old daughter(Haelee)she,s turned my life around.Haelee,s my pride and joy!
I am glad you shared this with us rmchrgr You and your son have been very strong and I pray this is a great day for you and your family.
I count my blessings every time I here how bad things can be.
Jake sure is a good looking and happy boy.

Happy Birthday Jake :rock: =D> :eek:ccasion::wave:

when I feel tired and hurting I can look at your son and feel better when I see a smile and bright brown eyes looking at us. He looks to be a very bright young man for just a year old, I am very happy to hear Jake is doing better and can entertain his self like you said, That is a sign of a great mind.:-D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!!!!!!! What a CUTIE!!! Greg your son is an extremely lucky little guy to have 2 great parents like you and your wife because lesser people wouldnt be able handle all that youve been through. Thanks for sharing that truly touching story and you can bet that we are all pulling for Jake to continue a healthy life that brings more and more joy each day!!!!
Happy birthday to a scrappy little kid! And you and your wife only did what you had to do, but to us on the outside, your will and courage are immeasureable and inspirational.
Happy B-Day Jake!

I have a very close friend who has a little boy who has severe cerebal palsy, is deaf and has COPD. Every day is a challenge for them. Good luck my friend and keep on keepin' on!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE !!! Thank you for sharing that personal story with us. I really like the fact that we are all family here and are here for eachother. Jake is one hell of a fighter and one tough little kid.
Thanks guys! He really is an amazing little boy. I cherish every moment I have with him. While we've been through a lot, we wouldn't change a thing.
His smile lights up a room.

If anyone is interested in finding out more, we have a "Care Page" set up online where we've documented all of the things that have happened to us in words and pictures. PM for the link.

And I did mean what I said about FABO helping me get through some of the tougher times. There's something to be said for distraction - life shouldn't be all about hospitals and pain. Really helps to brighten you day when you can think about things other than worrisome health issues.
At a boy Jake! What a great smile, Happy B Day too. :cheers:Happy to know this because now he is in all of our hearts and now when we say a few things to the big guy upstairs we can include Jake also.
Good job Mom and Dad, be proud of Jake and yourselves.
A very good friend of mine has gone through a similar scary start with his daughter, she was born very premature, 20 weeks I think, she weighed 1 lb 7 oz and had major problems. She had numerous surgerys for her bowels and later her eyes, the priest was in there about a half dozen times reading the last rights and then she'd pull through. It was about a year of hell and now she's around 13 years old and as healthy as any kid.

Happy Birthday to Jake, hope it's clear sailing from here on :cheers:
Happy B DaY!
My boy had health issues too,so I know how that feels. He is now 4,strong as a horse and twice as hard to catch!