My Valiant on Accurate exhaust web page



Early-A Body Nerd
FABO Gold Member
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Va
WOW. Gotta love the internet.Once stuff's on there its fair game. Went to Accurate Exhaust site to get some h-pipe info. & theres my valiant looking at me on the top of the comments page with Happy customer says Have accurates setup on my valiant Very nice fit and quality. Thought it was very cool until it set in that I didn't send them the info & they got it from a post on FABO back in October. Happy customer wants discount next time I use them.

Are you talking about the red Valiant there at top of the page?

Got to be some copy rights violations somewhere there! LOL
You should let em' know. They don't really have rights to use your images or words without your consent.

I'd finagle a discount out of them for doing that. ;)
I had a friend who once wrote to a company to complain. In his letter he said something like "I've been a customer for over 10 years & always been very happy with your quality & service but I am very disappointed with......."(whatever it was he'd recently purchased from them).

They printed part of his letter in their advertising.

"I've been a customer for over 10 years & always been very happy with your quality & service...."

It wasn't an outright lie, but it was misleading. My friend was pissed. :D I'd try milking ACCURATE for a discount. Can't hurt to ask. :toothy10:

Nice car, by the way.
I thought that was a familiar car. Looks great! I would really like to order that exhaust. Do you have or can you get a little video. I'd love to hear what it sounds like. Toolmanmike
I wouldn't mind hearing that as well. I've actually been on that web site lately checking stuff out. I had no idea that was your car though. I'd definately say something to them. Thats not cool to do something like that.
Oldschoolcuda, After I received your e-mail regarding the picture of your Valiant on our comments page we immediatley removed it. We apologize for posting the picture of your car on our web site and did not intend to cause any harm or hurt feelings. We do appreciate all of the business from the a-body forum members over the years and do offer discounts where we possibly can. Members should let us know at the time of any orders that they are members of the a-body forum for applicable discounts. Again my apologies.
Regards, Tom/Accurate LTD
For those of you that don't know, Tom is a stand-up guy. I've been doing business with them for years, mainly because it's a NW owned company. My buddy, who owns a resto shop has been using his product. Every Mopar I've had over the past 15 years has had Accurate products. I've used TTI and was not pleased with the fitment nor the customer service. Everytime I've called Accurate I've received top notch attention.
Tom seems like a stand up guy and I like the way he took care of this. . I think he just picked up a customer if I ever need parts.
man that is a bummer...i would have liked to have had my car up there. i don't see any harm in it.....
Tom. Thanks for your prompt response & like a previous poster stated your product is top notch and you obviously are a standup guy to have not just responded to my E-mail but posted about this also. Like I stated in my second e-mail the only prob. was not knowing about it. My Valiant would still have a scabbed together setup without accurate. Feel free to use my pic. on your site in the future if you would like and look forward to doing business with accurate along with other FABO members i'm sure.

Nice customer service.

They might have just gained yet another customer because of this. :)
Although this thread is almost 5 months old, I thought I would throw my .02 in. I dealt with Tom years ago and have always appreciated his honesty and dedication to the hobby. He is a great vendor to work with.