Need advice on my engine progress



Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2015
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getting close to finishing assembly of my 5.9. I've got the distributor on the way, and almost everything I need to finish the top end.

im wondering where I should go from here. I could buy a test stand and break the engine in on that, but I don't have a tranny yet. I can't put the engine in the car anyway until I buy the coilover front end kit and get at least the engine bay painted.

So I'm tempted to just leave the engine on the current stand and not fire it. But if I do that do I need to go ahead and prime the oil pump? The engine could be sitting for a couple of years before I fire it. Do I just turn it by hand and reprime it now and then? Or fire it up and run it every so often on a test stand?
I just realized I'd have no way to mount a starter. Thoughts?
prime it before you fire it, fire it on stand and brake cam in if its flat tappet,assembly lube be dried up or dripped off in 2 years...then spray wd40 into carb while at high idle till motor boogs out, loosen up rockers and seal it up good till ready to install an hotrod for engine storage artical!
Don't install the rockers, spray wd40 or marvel mystery oil in the exhaust ports and spark plug holes, turn it over by hand a time or two, then tape all the ports up and leave it alone until you are ready to fire. I wouldn't prelim or run it if it's hanging around for years.
Don't install the rockers, spray wd40 or marvel mystery oil in the exhaust ports and spark plug holes, turn it over by hand a time or two, then tape all the ports up and leave it alone until you are ready to fire. I wouldn't prelim or run it if it's hanging around for years.
Any need to prime the oil pump?

Like said seal the engine from atmosphere., Or else it will breath. When it breathes with the weather it will accumulate moisture.........and then it will rust.This may be less of a problem in Austin, than it is up here,lol.
It's either that or fill it to the top with oil.
Or submerge it in oil.
Or zip-lock it in a big plastic bag or box.
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