Need some help with thoughts and prayers


Nite Moves

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
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I havent been myself as of late and depression i fight with everyday....usually i win. Been havin a **** week with work and things not going as planned. My father in law,(Dad) to me is having surgery. He has prostate cancer and he has to have a total resection of his prostate,All of it gone. Hes not out of recovery as of yet and wiating for a call from my wife. If you happen to have a moment could you just think of him gettin better and maybe a prayer. Thanks. Im not one to do this sort of thing but i think i need it as well. Thank you FABO family, Edd
I had prostate cancer in 2006, had my prostate removed and am doing well all these years later. I hope your Dads was caught early enough that it hasn't spread.

Guy's get yourselves checked!!! I know a PSA test isn't all that accurate but it's all we've got. If you wait until you have symptoms it may be too late.
The technology and options have changed a lot since 2006, but if any of you have questions and would like to chat. I'm here.
My prayers are with you and him.
Prayers for you and your father in law. God lets people go through tough times so you will draw near to Him so place all your trust and cares in him and listen for His answer
Done, And kudos to you for reaching out To others. That's exactly what you need to do .If there's one lesson I've heard over and over regarding these sorts of struggles is that we can not do it alone.Best of luck to you ,and keep us posted.
I wish him all the best in recovery.
I had mine removed just over 5 years ago.
I just had my check-up and I'm still clean as a pin!
He will be fine..:prayer:
Done, And kudos to you for reaching out To others. That's exactly what you need to do .If there's one lesson I've heard over and over regarding these sorts of struggles is that we can not do it alone.Best of luck to you ,and keep us posted.

Well said. Prayers for your entire family Edd. My Step Dad went thru this as well about 15 years ago and he is doing fine.
All will be good my friend!
I hope everyone is going to be OK and Wishing you and your family the best
prayers sent for a full recovery.

I wish I could offer you good advise for your depression , personally. I realize depression can range from mild to wild. all I know is I've got to the age where I can't do the things easily i'm used to, and it gets me down. I just try to thank the good Lord for what He has blessed me with, and persevere. if it gets to the point you need professional help, please get it. good luck to you and your family.
The doc caught mine early when he said " aren't you glad its not my thumb ".
Removed seven years ago. Great technology now. Get checked, its invasive butt (lol) mandatory. Prayers for sure.