Need some prayers!

Damn. I just saw a show on them and Black Widows. Nasty is an understatement! All the best to you and the wife BD. Prayers coming!
This is good news! We'll keepthe prayers comin!
I'm hoping she'd not getting worse.We were up all night.She had Tynol 3 and I've been giving her my vicodin 325/7 and it's not working .We go to see the doc @1115.I told her I have you guys praying for her and she thanks all of you.
Doc said no surgery.Its looking better.She is still gonna be sore as it heals.He took the packing out.
I just went back and read where the bite was, guess she set down on it ? this isn`t meant to replace going to the doctor, but if a person will rub a bite or sting vigorously w/ hyd. peroxide, on a cotton ball, and keep it wet w/ it for a while, it will help remove the poison in many cases. brown recluses are pretty numerous in these parts too. I have been bit by something 2 times. when the center started getting bigger every day and turning white w/ puss, I started rubbing it w/ hyd. per. hard and cleaning them out. started healing in about 3 days. they started w/ a terrible itch, don`t know exactly when I was bit . hope for the best for her.
At Doc's office and it healing good.Thanks again for everyone's prayers and we'll wishes!