Need some schooling on vitamins and supplements please?



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Colorado Springs,Co
Was considering taking a fish oil, glucosamine, or something for joint aches. Don’t really believe I have pain yet. As a side, may also do an over the counter Testosterone supplement. Realize this would need to be balanced with an estrogen blocker or balancer according to research. Don’t want to throw my system way out of whack with too much, so I would want to do a very low dosage. Guess I’m realizing age is starting on me and though excercise and a healthier diet has helped, just wanting extra motivation. Would say the aching is the more important part of my question though. Any experiences or help? Thanks for the replies!
I take an Omega 3-6-9 Jamiesom brand. Flax seed and fish oils. I also take magnesium (Jamieson)for leg cramps. I also take vitamin D. Been taking them for 20 years. Using as the directions on the bottle. Kim
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i thought i read somewhere that no survey has ever shown vitamins and supplements to really have any positive effect.
The only supplements the astronauts take for extended stay in space is vitamin D.The guy running your drug store is not the guy to ask.
That stuff is by it works?
I take a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement for my joint aches. It takes 3-5 days before I notice any difference, but I am convinced it helps. My doctor told me that it is one of the very few supplements that actually does what it says. I also take a good brand of vitamin for eye care based on my eye doctors advise, as I am showing the precursors of macular degeneration.
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Started taking the drug store brand of centrum silver +50. Only a couple weeks, seems like it's helping. But yeah about the vitamin D. Only it's calcium citrate and D3. The sun is about the only way to get it.
i used to take all the vitamin crap also ... i seen a heart doctor because a heart monitor said i had a heart attack ... it lied ... so the cardiologist set me straight ... only thing you really need is a silver centrum a day and eat a balanced diet .... silver centrum does help.... if i were to suggest something.... start taking essential oils .. i have been taking a shot of orange juice every morning with a drop of thieves oil and yet to have a cold in years ..... essential oils work PERIOD ...
I do the magnesium for leg cramps also. But what I use for arthritis pain is a cup of aloe vera juice in my V8 each day. The V8 greens helps with your eyes. What you want is the spinach it helps in that area. It takes about 30 days for the aloe vera juice to kick in. But what happens is the pain of getting up and down is all of a sudden it's gone but you don't notice that . Later on your thinking where did that pain go.
I would recommend consulting with your doctor before taking any vitamins or supplements. If you don't need them the best case is expensive pee.
As a general rule, supplements aren’t needed unless your diet is poor.

A Centrum silver to make sure you are getting all you need beyond your diet isn’t a bad idea and won’t hurt anything. Using glucosamine supplements for joint health is fine to if you are having joint issues and can help.

Most of the rest is unnecessary and may actually be harmful since supplements can interact with common meds and also tax the liver and kidneys.

Unless you know you are deficient in Calcium and vitamin D, those supplements are not needed and won’t help anything. Any others should be by physician recommendation only.

For those who make anecdotal claims of “I have been taking xyz for years and feel great (or have never been sick)”, it is not a basis to determine any benefit since the control of not taking them was not done. Therefore, the claim is unproven and there is no basis to believe it’s a true cause-and-effect.
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I agree consult your doctors. My eye doctor is the one who has me doing the greens for my eyes. my diabetes doctor has me doing vitamin D and and magnesium for cramps. my regular MD doctor has me doing the aloe vera for the arthritis.
Started taking fish oil on my Dr. recommendation after a blockage and angioplasty 25 years ago.. as far as joint pain no problems other than getting old.. no heart problems and I'm not the best patient.
I feel really good for 55. We'll, except for some stiffness here and there.

Doctor put me on D and I take Super"B" Complex for energy.
i thought i read somewhere that no survey has ever shown vitamins and supplements to really have any positive effect.
The only supplements the astronauts take for extended stay in space is vitamin D.The guy running your drug store is not the guy to ask.
That stuff is by it works?

I think the survey that say that the vitamins and supplements don't help we're done by the drug companies.

I would imagine that NASA has any vitamins or nutrients that the astronauts would need in space dialed into their meals.
I think the survey that say that the vitamins and supplements don't help we're done by the drug companies.

I would imagine that NASA has any vitamins or nutrients that the astronauts would need in space dialed into their meals.
No, the review of the supplements wasn’t funded by drug companies. It was an independent review by the medical community of physicians and health care experts.

Believe me, if the drug companies could make money from proven benefits of supplements, they would be doing it in a heartbeat. But the evidence just isn’t there to get anything approved by FDA to treat any disease or condition.

There isn’t any conspiracy to keep treatments under’s quite the opposite. Drug companies want treatments they can get approved and market for medical conditions and will spend billions to get them. If they can’t be proven to work in controlled clinical trials, they aren’t real...just hearsay.
The drug companies want to sell it's pills and make billions in the end. They don't want you and me to figure out that eating certain foods or taking a cheap vitamin pill overtime will cure us.

That's why I talk with my doctors about different ways of producing the same results that those kidney and liver killers are supposed to be holding in check. Because the drug companies do not want me to be cured they want me to spend the rest of my life taking their pills.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own beliefs.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I don’t think I’m expecting the joint pain to just be gone. Maybe it’s just part of the trade (wood flooring/carpenter) catching up with me? Maybe I did overdo it at work? Been having aches and I think this last year has really been the most noticeable. I’ll be 45 in a couple months and overall I do feel pretty good, some loss of motivation and stuff, but still believe I am in very good health. Eating better seems to be the best help and think I could do better with even just jogging in the morning before work. Hell, even just going for a walk with the dog. Again, thanks for the responses!
The drug companies want to sell it's pills and make billions in the end. They don't want you and me to figure out that eating certain foods or taking a cheap vitamin pill overtime will cure us.

That's why I talk with my doctors about different ways of producing the same results that those kidney and liver killers are supposed to be holding in check. Because the drug companies do not want me to be cured they want me to spend the rest of my life taking their pills.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own beliefs.

I’m sure you believe that, but I am a high level executive in the Pharmaceutical business...and what you believe is completely wrong.

Believe me, we want you cured because it would make the company richer than you can imagine. We have no interest in having just long term treatments that eventually fade and lets others move forward being only marginally better.

If eating certain foods helped, we would find ways to concentrate the active ingredients into dosage forms you could take making them more effective.

There is no conspiracy, we are doing all we can to get to the best treatments possible...because it is in everyone’s best interest that we do.
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I’ve looked at many sources as a resource to determine what works and what doesn’t. It appears as if supplementation only is beneficial if you are deficient in the vitamin or mineral. I for one am deficient in Vitamin D and this has been verified by my blood tests. This is very common malady today because many of us don’t work outside and get enough sun exposure to sustain adequate levels. When I do take a vit/supplement I will choose a high grade formulation with less fillers and front the best sources. You often get what you pay for. After taking 3,000-5,000 I.u.’s of vit D a day my levels are now high normal and I feel much better. Vit D is actually classified as a hormone and is involved in many body functions. Very often the amount found in the common multi mineral vitamin supplements don’t have high enough levels to actually boost your D at all. OTC testosterone replacements work marginally at best. Usually you have to take many pills throughout the day, and become quite costly, and the testosterone blood levels aren’t sustained for long enough periods of time. In short they don’t work that well. I’m myself am on testosterone replacement and take a shot once a week. That by far is the best bar none. It will give you adequate levels and sustained blood levels. Proven by science. Believe me the studies done on OTC testosterone replacement is on small sample sizes and boost very low t levels to maybe low normal. I also have worked for a large pharmaceutical company for many years. If you believe that there isn’t money in finding cure’s for ailments you’re wrong. There are now selective cancer treatments and ant-virals that go a long way to curing things like Hepatitis C and sending cancer in remission with minimal side effects. The companies are making billions on these. The reason why they do so well with pills to battle ailments is because our society is lazy and wants a quick fix. They don’t want to adapt a healthy lifestyle and exercise. That’s not the companies fault. Any questions feel free to reach out.
In addition, original post asked about anti-estrogen blockers for testosterone replacement and glucosamine. I have read that fish oil a higher quality grade chocie will have beneficial effects on your blood cholesterol panels and possibly reduce future risk but usually only if you have an imbalance of HDL to LDL and triglycerides. As I said before if you don’t need them they aren’t going to do much. Fish oil will also possibly help joint function. I don’t know enough about glucosamine to comment. If you take a normal prescribed testosterone replacement weekly about 100mg-150mg per week it shouldn’t elevate your testosterone levels enough to need an anti-estrogen unless you’re susceptible to that. The important number in regards to testosterone is free testosterone. That is the amount available in the blood for use. Accompanying the testosterone replacement you should for the most part eat healthy and exercise if possible. Every 6 months get blood work done to re-check levels.
Just drink those smoothies that the sports sciences guys feed the pro athletes.
It's got everything your body needs.
I take a mens multivitamin=no iron-cuz we do not eat enough fruits and vegies every day, and a magnesium pill and a baby aspirin. and drink water and red wine. eat chocolate, nuts, garlic, olive oil,
In my case supplements did not help and I've stopped all of them after ?? 15 years. I was "diagnosed" as "systemic," meaning something on the order of Lyme or Lupus. They have tested for "everything they can think of" and still don't know what causes my pain.

I took fish oil, Omega 3, Glucosomine, condroiten forgotten what else
maybe Snake Oil could help some of us?
....something we've all tried and many still use !
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I take a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement for my joint aches. It takes 3-5 days before I notice any difference, but I am convinced it helps. My doctor told me that it is one of the very few supplements that actually does what it says. I also take a good brand of vitamin for eye care based on my eye doctors advise, as I am showing the precursors of macular degeneration.

Yes! I take the same supplement. If I miss a day or too my knees really hurt and I can barely walk in the mornings.
The only thing I take (besides my happy pill) is Omega 3 on doc's recommendation for low good cholesterol.

Hoping to fix that with the exercise regimen