Need to get motivated

Todays update.

Engine bay camera locations documented & the wiring & components removed, Y pipe disconnected from manifolds, cross member nuts removed, oil drained from engine, all bell housing bolts out except two.

I need a new oil filter wrench, it is a lot easier to get the transmission bolt out behind it with the filter out of the way.

Always leave something for tomorrow. :)
I haven’t laid a finger on my car in almost 6 months. Engine is on the stand and the entire front suspension and steering is off it. Whenever I have spare time I always find something else to mess with instead of working on the car. Usually I say “don’t force yourself to do a hobby or you will hate it”. Screw that. This needs to be finished. Any advice?

If you don't have insurmountable "actual issues" then get off your *** and get to work.

I'm 70 and have some health issues. I'm borderline diabetic, my joints all hurt, and my shoulders are both AFU due to separate falls. And lately, just lately, I fell (off my phys therapy girl's table) and BROKE TWO RIBS. And I'm not well off money wise, by any means. For a bit over a year now, I work part time assembling electronics for power wheel chairs

If you don't have some or all of the above, and are young enough that old age is not a factor, then GET TO WORK!!!!!

(This is not meant to be harsh. I am trying to smile through the broken ribs as I type this!!)
Smiling with broken ribs is fine, but DO NOT laugh.

It hurts!
I'm in this non- motivated boat right now...I also go through massive spurts of progress then fizzle out for a while. Here lately it has been working on my truck as it's my daily driver. I think of it as garage bi-polar. I'm not in a manic state right to make things worse it's getting cold and I hate cold weather with a passion!!! I like to look at past projects to gain motivation....but it still comes in waves
If you don't have insurmountable "actual issues" then get off your *** and get to work.

I'm 70 and have some health issues. I'm borderline diabetic, my joints all hurt, and my shoulders are both AFU due to separate falls. And lately, just lately, I fell (off my phys therapy girl's table) and BROKE TWO RIBS. And I'm not well off money wise, by any means. For a bit over a year now, I work part time assembling electronics for power wheel chairs

If you don't have some or all of the above, and are young enough that old age is not a factor, then GET TO WORK!!!!!

(This is not meant to be harsh. I am trying to smile through the broken ribs as I type this!!)

Today is the first Saturday in nearly two months straight that I haven’t gotten up before dawn and hiked into the woods for the entire day. I’m not sitting around at home on my butt. I just chose to do other things rather than work on my car.
One more thing I do is I stockpile parts. I dont take anything apart until I have all the stuff to put it back together this was I can still drive the car and I dont half *** anything due to not having parts and wanting my car back. Once it does come apart I work like crazy to get it all back together and on the road.

My pops is the opposite, I see him blow an entire car (or three) apart for no good reason then he gets sick of it and they sit for a year, then he bitches about none of his cars working..

Sounds like you got another hobby going on. Its good to get away from the projects once in awhile. Soooo why are you complaining that your not gettin it done. Only so many hours in the day, week, whatever. Cant burn the candle at both ends without getting burnt out. Enjoy your other interest. Sometimes doing something other than working on the car can make that car working experience much more enjoyable when you get back at it. The car will be right where you left it, waiting for you to put it back together. I wouldent sweat it, your taking a break. Who knows, but maybe it was a well needed break.
Sounds like you got another hobby going on. Its good to get away from the projects once in awhile. Soooo why are you complaining that your not gettin it done. Only so many hours in the day, week, whatever. Cant burn the candle at both ends without getting burnt out. Enjoy your other interest. Sometimes doing something other than working on the car can make that car working experience much more enjoyable when you get back at it. The car will be right where you left it, waiting for you to put it back together. I wouldent sweat it, your taking a break. Who knows, but maybe it was a well needed break.

Maybe I am getting motivated. Sitting in a tree stand from sun up to sun down has me burnt out on hunting so maybe I’m switching gears.
Nothing motivates me more then going online ( here and other sites ) and Looking at pics of cars similar to mine that are completed or close to it. I love the old members restoration section here I go thru and find the old ones and look at them from Start to finish. That gives me motivation to see how far they came and how much more I need to get done to get mine to that point!!
Mmmmm deer chili, mmm deer summer sausage.

We process and prepare all of our own venison. I love summer sausage but personally for me there are so many better ways to prepare the meat that very little actually gets ground up. Most is turned into cuts that can be thrown on the grill.
Nothing motivates me more then going online ( here and other sites ) and Looking at pics of cars similar to mine that are completed or close to it. I love the old members restoration section here I go thru and find the old ones and look at them from Start to finish. That gives me motivation to see how far they came and how much more I need to get done to get mine to that point!!

I haven’t been on this forum in months. Today my browser has only been to two other sites besides this one haha
Today is the first Saturday in nearly two months straight that I haven’t gotten up before dawn and hiked into the woods for the entire day. I’m not sitting around at home on my butt. I just chose to do other things rather than work on my car.

My knees no longer allow that LOL. I miss being able to. Maybe, dedicate 1/2 hour a day or maybe 1 or two hours one day a week on the project?

One thing that hurts me bad is "no shop." So the tools must all come out and go back every time I touch the thing.
Almost all our tools are on wheels. Rolled out rolled in, every day...and I got another job.

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This could easily get posted in the political forum.

Do you want your car to run?

Are you willing to make it run?

Are you able to try?

Will you try?

Yes or no, that's up to you. If no. Can you afford to pay for someone to do it?

That's your answer and your future.
People will ask how is it I can enjoy a slant car, especially since i have had the "faster" ones? I explain it as I have always had anywhere from a couple to a dozen or more. IF I had just one, it would be exactly what I would pretty much want, within reason.
I am at the age I don't want any big $$ in cars just want to enjoy and not feel like I spent $ I shouldn't. Point I am getting at, sometimes maybe work does not get done on the project car because we feel guilty about the $ and time we put in it!?
So I work on my cheaper slants! and I do enjoy just tooling down the road in them!!! I have a decent teener I could drop in one, change it over to a 4 speed, change out the rear end,//.....BUT at my age the work is hard, and I hate to think of spending $ for all the parts!!
As the need for more speed increases I will direct my work toward hunting a CHEAP V8 driver!!!!! You know, some rust, bad paint and interior, rotted tires, need some glass, exhaust, and has a V8 someone thought was toast but it ain't!!!!!! NOW I have talked myself into some motivation! Varoom!!!?????????????/
Sometimes I think I want a slant just so I can hang a turbo/ supercharger on it!!!
Lets face it there are reasons these MODERN engines run like a striped *** ape!!!! TURBO!
The wife's daily run around is a Toyoto little pickup, I can scare her c***less getting on I 59 when there is traffic coming at us 85 mph!!!!! (That is always!!) When the speed limit is 75 that really means at least 85 in Tx.!? right?
Go over to sister site for FMJ bodies and look under JOKES for "funn'n in a 78 roadrunner, " video, They just changed over to a better carb, Just some good sounds and sites running thru the gears onsome back roads this fall. If that won't motivate, nothing will.
Sometimes I think I want a slant just so I can hang a turbo/ supercharger on it!!!
+1 on the turboed slanty!!
I wish I had more money to try all the things I want to do. I want to do a turbo magnum in my truck. I want to do a performance slant. I want to do a performance 318. Idk why but I like getting the most out of the engines that wasnt supposed to be performers. Anyone can build a 500hp big block with an unlimited budget. I want to build a screamer 318 or slant with a limited budget. That's something to brag about lol.
I’ll give you some motivation. I drove the Duster today, went to the feed store and threw 200 pounds of feed in the trunk. Then went to tractor supply to get a mineral block and as I’m standing in line, the woman in her 40s-50s came in and loadly told everybody in line “Someone has the most gorgeous rust bucket of an old muscle car out in the parking lot! I LOVE those things!!” I stood there smiling and as she walked past me I said thanks. When she asked if it was mine I said yes then she says “I love it! It makes me... *fans her face* wet” I got a good chuckle out of that! So just remember, driving these cars isn’t just for our enjoyment... they also turn on the ladies!! :D