New Car.....


Johnny Dart

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
So Cal
Well,I bought it........Kind of a special car. The great Dick Landys 74 Dart.
Possibly the last Dart Dick drove,as this was his daily driver. There is all kinds of interesting stuff in the glove box,with Dicks signature. Everything from a Midas muffler reciept,to a Sears DieHard battery reciept. There is also the original window sticker.No,no cigar ash in the ash tray.The ashtray looks as though it was never used,even the lighter is missing.From what I understand,Dick never lit his cigars.Everything works on the car,even the air blows ice cold.The plan is to clean it up,and keep it exactely the way it was when I bought it.Any tune up parts will be the same brand as he used.It is truely a survivor,and that is how I will keep it. Cheers.


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Dude....that has got to be one of the greatest finds ever!! I applaud you for wanting to keep it exactly as is.
Man what shape that's in. A Dick Landy time capsule is probably worth some cash! I don't blame you for wanting to keep it stock, what a find Congrats!
And there is that story we all want our cars to have. Good find leave it as is you will kick yourself if you change anything.
Cool man. Is that Dick Landy's hat? How much you want for that? LOL
Well Dave,I am assuming it is,it was in the front seat when I bought it.
Give me $1000.00 and its

Just kidding,wouldnt sell it,it stays with the car,along with the switch blade I found inbetween the driver
That Dart is beautiful!! I love the nice clean stock look.

Congrats dude. Thats a collector for sure!

Mr Landy is a Mopar legend.
Great buy JohnnyDart! You gonna take the 'Dandy Dart' to Fall Fling? I'll look for you there if you do.
What running gear is in it?

Man what an awesome find!!!
Looks like it just drove off the lot...:cheers:

Everyone else has been too polite, so I'll ask. What'd you pay? =P~
amazing! looks like it jus came off the lot!! never been in a dart but i'd take a ride in it, and at the risk of soundin like a dumbass, who is dick landy?
If, I could Sing...... Memories..... Change that interior to black. Throw a Black Vinyl roof on there. I was crusing in the same car mid 1990's! Freakin Mustang with bald tires took her out

a head on low speed

What I pay.....Politly undisclosed.8)

Running gear...318,Auto,stock as far as I know..:-D

Fall Fling.....Maybe.

Just tunned the car up. Used the same Champions,brown dis cap/rotor,looking for a set of black Mopar small block plug wires to replace the ones that are in there.Everything will be kept as is.

The timing was 5deg's retarded,set it to 10 btdc,it really liked that.8)
Air blows cold !!!!

Got the Mopar oil filter Dick used on order,plan to change all fluids including the brake fluid.Also have a new idler arm on order,it is real sloppy.

Other than that,got it all waxed up today,and cruising it. Drives well.
So sweet, great find, brings a tear to ones eye! Enjoy great car and good time machine ride too:)