New drag racing laws in Canada (long read)



Ontario, Canada
Jul 18, 2007
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Ontario, Canada
Speeding crackdown Sunday

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Officer Tom Doherty writes a ticket after he observed a motorist travelling 25 kp/h over the speed limit on Ninth Line in Oakville in this Toronto Star file photo. This time, it was just a ticket. As of midnight Saturday, if police nab anyone going 50 kp/h above the posted speed limit, they will impound your car and suspend your driver's licence for a week. There is no appeal.

As of 12:01 Sunday, police can take your car and suspend your licence if you're caught going 50 kp/h (30MPH)over the limit

Sep 28, 2007 02:35 PM
Curtis Rush
Staff Reporter

Ontario's new street-racing law goes into effect on Saturday at midnight and OPP Sgt. Cam Woolley predicts "shock and awe" over the tough new provincial legislation.
If a driver is caught going 50 kilometres over the speed limit, police have the power to impound the vehicle for seven days, issue a minimum $2,000 fine and suspend your driver's licence for seven days.
And there is no right of appeal in the case of a suspension or impoundment, police say.

Safety officials are upbeat about the new law.
"This is going to be a good day for safety," Brian Patterson, president of the Ontario Safety League, said.
What a difference a day will make for many.
On Saturday, before the legislation kicks in, if you are caught going 160 km/h in a 100 zone, you would receive a summons to appear in court and be on your way.

A few hours later, when the legislation becomes law, that same offence will get your car impounded immediately "and you better get your bus pass out," according to Patterson.
Woolley said police have been looking for "an immediate consequence" for some time.

The way it is now, there are many court delays as well as plea bargains to get fines reduced and police felt somewhat handcuffed to mete out swift punishment and cut the carnage on the roads.
"With this law, you will lose your car up front," Woolley said. "That will have a tremendous effect."

The new law will be sweeping in breadth and is designed to catch everyone, not just teenage street racers, according to OPP superintendent Bill Grodzinski.
He expects to see penalties handed out to everyone from teenage drivers to "your 50-year-old businessmen in suits driving really expensive vehicles, sometimes with their families in them."
"This legislation is a pretty powerful tool," he said.
Patterson with the Safety League agrees.
"There are going to be some hot-rock racers upset and there will also be some upset BMW owners."

This new law, ushered in after several street-racing incidents led to crashes that killed innocent people this past summer, is the toughest piece of highway legislation in the country, according to Grodzinski.
"It came about because of the extraordinary carnage on our highways this past summer," he said.

Julian Fantino, commissioner of the OPP, points out that the new law applies to unsafe lane changes, tailgating and not driving to suit the conditions, such as going over the speed limit in a snowstorm and risking lives.

Infractions also include any kind of "stunt" driving, such as popping wheelies or doing "doughnuts" by spinning your vehicles.
Also falling under the law will be motorists who cut off another vehicle.
Motorists who have no intention of street racing could still be snared in the same trap if they aren't paying attention to their speed as they come off the highway.
"If a motorist is coming off the 400-series highway at 100 kilometres an hour and hits an 80-zone and then goes through a small town with a 50-zone, they will be 50 over the limit and will get their car impounded," Woolley said.

Affected will be everyone from couriers making deliveries to people racing to get to the drycleaners before it closes.
The upcoming Thanksgiving Day weekend will be a key barometer on how the new law will work, Woolley said.
The safety league's Patterson said he expects at least 300 vehicles to be impounded on that holiday weekend alone — based on previous statistics.

Police are warning people not to rush too fast to get to Thanksgiving Dinner.
"If somebody is rushing up to Thunder Bay and they get their car impounded going through Powassan, we'll take their car and they may not get a bus to Thunder Bay until Tuesday," Woolley said.
Cars will be impounded no matter if it's your vehicle or your employer's vehicle, police say.

Woolley said that impound lots are being cleared to make room for an upswing in business.
He said that last year, about 2,500 motorists were charged after being caught going 50 kilometres over the speed limit and the numbers are close to 5,000 when the other infractions covered under this law are factored in.

"We're serious about this law and we consider this fair warning," Woolley said.
Based on police accident reports, excessive speed contributes to more than 25 per cent of fatal crashes and close to 20 per cent of crashes with serious injuries, Fantino said.
Ah yes another quilty to proven innocent law. I see that Canada is doing it also, the US is also starting this crap. I by no means condone speeding but making a law that gives the officer the power to be judge, jury and executioner is absolutey wrong and illegal.

first your gun rights, then your cars- no appeal
social_lied medicine
coming to a nation near you
first your gun rights, then your cars- no appeal
social_lied medicine
coming to a nation near you
But it's for our own good, right? How can an individual, other than a police officer, possibly know whats good for them? If it just saves one life, it will all be worth it! :wack:
This was provincial legislation that we (the public) did not vote on. Our 'elected' officials decided it was best for us.

Time to get a Lada, I guess.
Oh dear god...

Probably the same whiny ***** behind it that was behind the gun legislation boondoggle.And the gun reggie program has cost Canadians 2 billion and counting.

They (libs)passed some legislative crap in B.C awhile back giving worksafe "the right" to peer into any and all medical files you have if you file a claim.

I disabused them of that notion.Our charter of rights gives us the right to privacy.Just told em that and they changed thier tune.

One thing is for sure.If Canadians continue to roll over for every piece of legislated crap,they will keep ramming it down our throats.

Do yourselves a favour and become involved.Join the counsil of Canadians or get a membership with the opposition party in your province.

As long as we have our heads up our asses they'll keep it up!
Looks like the politicians in Canada want everyone in a protective bubble too huh?.My dad said one time that americans rights will steadily erode and the majority will do nothing until the goverment takes away our t.v. sets.
Looks like the politicians in Canada want everyone in a protective bubble too huh?.My dad said one time that americans rights will steadily erode and the majority will do nothing until the goverment takes away our t.v. sets.

Your dad is a wise man and is probably right
Looks like the politicians in Canada want everyone in a protective bubble too huh?.My dad said one time that americans rights will steadily erode and the majority will do nothing until the goverment takes away our t.v. sets.

That's why they want to take our guns away from us so we won't be able to have another revolution and fight back.

You know this is typical political Bull Sh#T. These SOB's bring in new laws and then sit back and pat themselves on the back and say what an important job they are doing while flushing our tax dollars down the "toilet" on commitees and junkets to other countries to see how they handle things. I know from personal experience that in Alberta, and probably every other province in this country, that the police have always had the right to confiscate your car or (my case was a motorcycle) and you don't get it back till you go to court. The infraction was called "DANGEROUS DRIVING" and you could get it for speeding excessively or causing an accident etc. and the fine 30 yrs ago was $500.00. So to the point, they just pissed away more of our money to bring in a law they likely already had on the books.

So why is Germany's autobahn one of the safest highways in the world and there is no speed limit? Better drivers training? More serious attitude towards driving?
Cars don't kill people. People kill people... I have no problem with locking up a driver for his crime. Crushing their property as they are now doing in Southern California is going too far...

Destroying a classic car is no different than destroying a classic painting, or piece of architecture. Not that the photo in the article above shows any classics, but the potential is there.
Cars don't kill people. People kill people... I have no problem with locking up a driver for his crime. Crushing their property as they are now doing in Southern California is going too far...

Destroying a classic car is no different than destroying a classic painting, or piece of architecture. Not that the photo in the article above shows any classics, but the potential is there.

That California law is specifically targeted at street racers, it is meant to discourage street racing, which it does.

Simple soulution:

As far as the Canada law, its a little harsh, but it make you think twice about going over 100mph. I thought Canada had a few unlimited roads the other side of the Rockies?
As far as the Canada law, its a little harsh, but it make you think twice about going over 100mph. I thought Canada had a few unlimited roads the other side of the Rockies?

Sorry Flyboy, no unlimited roads that I know of only a few drivers that think they're driving on them.

What bothers me the most about this, is the power given to police. There is no appeal process. Oh well, nothing we can do about it now..Our representitives spoke for us.

Coming soon to a community near you, ughh.