new knee


stan marshall

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
northern mi
I had a complete knee replacement on march 23th. I got out of the hospital last friday and it seemed i was doing good. Every day it gets worse instead of better. Even with heavy narcotics i can hardly stand to move it but if i don't exersize the operation will not turn 0k. If i don't get better soon they may have to go back in and i sure don't want that. I could use all the prayers i can get.
I had a micro knee surgery and back surgery last year so i had to give up working on my 67 fastback. A couple of weeks ago i sent it down state to a friend who is the best welder i know. He is going to repair the front frame and replace all rusted areas with new steel. The windshield was out so the front floors are bad but the rear half of the car is not bad as it was sold in kentucky.
Thanks stan
from what i hear from friends that have had it done the first two weeks are the worst after that it gets better. My Dad needed both knees done and he just had the worst one done and it was so painful he has not had the other one done yet and may not. I hope it gets better Stan and we will be Glad to Pray for you.
Hope that your knee gets better soon. My prayers go out to ya.

I just noticed that you have this in the "PARTS FOR SALE" thread. Are you selling your old Knee????:-D:angry7:
My doctor is also a friend of mine. He told me 7 years ago that I needed to have both hips and both knee's replaced. He also told me that the longer I go before I have them done the better. I can take a lot of pain before I will ever have them done. I hope it all works out for you Stan. And remember to keep bending it no matter how much it hurts.

Good luck with the knee. I've had one ACL replacement, it gets worse before it gets better. Hang in there!
Hang in there, Stan. It does get better.
I had a total replacement done on my left knee in early January 2008 and returned to my regular weekly bowling in April 2008. It was the best thing I've ever done.
Before the replacement, I was constantly on the lookout for the shortest route to get anywhere walking and stairs were definitely not my friend. Now I don't care how long I need to walk and stairs are no problem.
Did you have a joint replacement specialist do the surgery?
The key to a quick recovery is to do everything your therapist tells you. Follow their instructions to the letter.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or just need to vent.
I had my left knee worked on a few years ago. They sucked out all the crap that was floating around in there, smoothed out all the bone spurs, torn miniscus, broke the chunk of bone that held the muscle and moved it over 1 1/2", put in 2 screws and a plate. It took 1 year and a bunch of PT for it to stop hurting. I can even run now if I want to.
The first 3 weeks were hell for me. Just make sure that you keep moving no matter how much it hurts. I made the mistake of laying in bed for a few days and the first time I got up to goto the bathroom all the blood rushed to the bottom of my heel and I hit the floor.
Hang in there Stan. Also, I will move this to the "General Discussion" forum so that people here in the "For Sale" forum don't start asking the location of your knee and how much shipping will be. ;)
My mom had both her knees replaced at the same time and was walking a mile a day in 6 months. She was 72 at the time. I'm sure it hurt like hell but she never mentioned it and just did as the doctors said and she was zipping around in no time. She never had a problem with those new knees for the rest of her life.

Here's hoping that you can find the will and the heart to get better and here's a prayer that the doctors didn't screw up either.
Thanks for all your prayers and advice. I had my first back 41 yrs ago and have had several since. I don't ever remember pain this bad. A long as it is normal to hurt this bad i will make it. I thought that because it hurt so bad the dr must have screewed up. I am doing my exersizes no matter what i feel like.
I had my right hip replaced in October 08 and it was the best thing I did for myself in recent years. Before the op, I was only sleeping ~1-2 hrs a night, the pain was so bad, and walking, sheesh, hardest part of life then. After the operation, I was lucky and recovered quickly, and, other that when the weather is changing for the worst, am relatively pain free to this day,

Stay with it, knees are harder when replaced to rehab than hips are, but in due time, things will be ok!!!

Prayers for ya!!!
