New Years resolutions



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
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How you doing with yours?
I didn't get mine fully enacted until Friday the 7th. I was drinking too much liquor (Crown Royal chased with iced tea) and smoking too many menthol cigarettes. I dropped all that. Coffee too for about 12 days.
Two weeks behind me. I haven't had any DT symptoms or missed any of it. I feel better, sleep better, and my libido is up. I had heard that smoking will take the lead out of your pencil.
Evidently true.
I didn’t make any resolutions this year but if I did it would be to lose well and get in better share. My problem is I can’t do it by diet alone and it’s to cold to walk and I won’t go to planet fitness till Covid numbers decline. Thankfully I’ve never smoked and I cut back on my drinking several years ago. I have a cold bottle of fireball in the refrigerator, a quart of apple pie moonshine, and a fifth of vodka I cracked open the evening of the Presidential election and had one drink. I didn’t quit, I just lost my taste for it. Kinda crazy.
How you doing with yours?
I didn't get mine fully enacted until Friday the 7th. I was drinking too much liquor (Crown Royal chased with iced tea) and smoking too many menthol cigarettes. I dropped all that. Coffee too for about 12 days.
Two weeks behind me. I haven't had any DT symptoms or missed any of it. I feel better, sleep better, and my libido is up. I had heard that smoking will take the lead out of your pencil.
Evidently true.

I rarely even see my pencil anymore, but "was a time in my prime i could really lay it down and now i'm not as good once if i ever was" Toby Keith says hi.
How you doing with yours?
I didn't get mine fully enacted until Friday the 7th. I was drinking too much liquor (Crown Royal chased with iced tea) and smoking too many menthol cigarettes. I dropped all that. Coffee too for about 12 days.
Two weeks behind me. I haven't had any DT symptoms or missed any of it. I feel better, sleep better, and my libido is up. I had heard that smoking will take the lead out of your pencil.
Evidently true.
Keep up the good work. There are lots of ways to make new habits stick, sounds like you're doing a great job.

I haven't made any official resolutions, but I did begin to do some organizing here at home and moving stuff into the shop in town. Hopefully someday, I'll have normal house again that doesn't look like a car parts store/junkyard. Lots of room on the shelves to fill!

This year I resolved to make NO resolutions. That way I am not unhappy or stressed out when I break them.