NFL Playoffs - Who's Your Pic?

Jets, Patriots, Cowboys, and Cardinals for this weekends games.

Well, 3 out of 4 isn't too bad. Maybe I should have gone to Vegas and put some money down!
My picks for next week are Chargers, Saints, Cowboys, and Colts
Well, 3 out of 4 isn't too bad. Maybe I should have gone to Vegas and put some money down?
I would say so ocdart :cheers: Did you see the last game tonight ?
I think that was the first on side kick I have ever seen in the third 1/4 8)
:glasses7:Go Ravens!!!!:jocolor:

Uh, unless this is the new math, that's 1-3, not 1-4. So you're one game better than you originally thought!!!!


This is new math. I went to high school in Florida. LOL :read2:

I was taking a shower and thought did I put down 1-4.....Guess I did. 8)

Hope I didn't jinx myself for the Cards-Saints matchup Saturday afternoon.
WOW..I've seen lower scoring basketball games. Over 1000 yards in that game. 493 yds for the Packers and 531 yds for the Cards. I'd bust Adams on the horse collar penalties and if their kicker missed another big point i'd send him kickin rocks down the road. Chris Breman labeled it " A Roaster in the Toaster" Definatley had some action.
Small Block
Yeah Kurt showed his stuff yesterday. He's not a two time league MVP for nothing. I like him.
I really do not like the Packers. The Bucs played them twice a year untill the realignment. The stands here were all yellow with GB fans. Did you notice how many where at the game yesterday. It didnt look like much from the camera view, but when they cheered they were as loud as the Cards fans. I was telling Mary, Arizona is the new Florida for people getting out of the cold.
Thats what you call "smash mouth football" the Ravens smashed the Patriots right in the mouth..congrats Baltimore,Patriots need to do some serious rebuilding in the offseason..but atleast they got to play in a game yesterday unlike the "stoolers" who were home watching:thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm:
Did you see the last game tonight ?

No I didn't, Mike. In fact I didn't even see a total of 4 quarters of football all weekend. We had to go to a friends funeral on Saturday and only saw the last quarter of the 2nd game. Some other friends were camping down by the ocean about 30 miles away yesterday and had invited us down to see them. Got home to see a little bit of the 4th quarter of the Cards/Packers game but had to leave when they were tied at 38-all to go to a car club meeting.
I almost wish it would rain next weekend so I could stay inside and watch the games.
Thats what you call "smash mouth football" the Ravens smashed the Patriots right in the mouth..congrats Baltimore,Patriots need to do some serious rebuilding in the offseason..but atleast they got to play in a game yesterday unlike the "stoolers" who were home watching:thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm:

Ouch, That really hurts... I'm glad as a Pasties and Belicheat fan you probably stayed up all night crying over the Pasties loss, and in a flash of unequaled lack of brilliance, came up with that absolute gem of a comeback after watching your team suck harder that a Cheerleader squad on Prom night.

Ouch, That really hurts... I'm glad as a Pasties and Belicheat fan you probably stayed up all night crying over the Pasties loss, and in a flash of unequaled lack of brilliance, came up with that absolute gem of a comeback after watching your team suck harder that a Cheerleader squad on Prom night.


Whos says the comment was directed towards you???..don't flater yourself:thebirdm::thebirdm:..and unlike fans like you i don't live through my sports teams..get a life:thebirdm::thebirdm:..oh i forgot squellers suck:thebirdm::thebirdm:
The bolts are underrated as usual but you'll see. Of all the years of Charger football this is the year to win the Superbowl. GO BOLTS!
Anybody else catch the story of the missed hands to face call against the Cards?

It's crap like that, that make it look a little to "setup". These officals are flag happy and for that call to be missed at this point of the season and at that point of the game is unexcusable. I'm not whinning just stating facts.:read2:
Glad it wasn't my team(Bucs) on the bad end of that no call. Allthough this season they had alot of phantom penalties.
Anybody else catch the story of the missed hands to face call against the Cards?

It's crap like that, that make it look a little to "setup". These officals are flag happy and for that call to be missed at this point of the season and at that point of the game is unexcusable. I'm not whinning just stating facts.:read2:
Glad it wasn't my team(Bucs) on the bad end of that no call. Allthough this season they had alot of phantom penalties.

I sure did homecloned :angry7: and I agree unexcusable :angry7:
I sure did homecloned :angry7: and I agree unexcusable :angry7:

Yeah memike, I though Rodgers had in the bag too. Did you notice how he just stood there dumbfounded after the play? I'm sure he was wondering why that was missed.:angry7:

Great game up till that point though.

On another note, if he would have completed the wide open pass two plays over.
Getting ready.:rock: :drinkers: :happy1:

Card vs Saints. Should be a another shootout. Hopefully the officiating is better.
What I would like, =P~

Jets, Vikes, Ravens, Saints

What will happen :cheers:

Chargers, Vikes, Colts, Saints
I'll take the...Colts
Cardinals...hmmmm,all start with a "C"
Give us a line up for this Strong End homecloned :cheers: