Nice technology GMC



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Feb 15, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago/ Metro

Just heard the new Arcadia is equipped with a sensor in rear seat.
So if you leave your kid in the car seat and forget about your kid an alarm will be activated so the child won't die from heat exhaustion.......

OMG. Get the fuckin gun..........
I didn't know car manufacturers needed to think for normal parents.
remember the new normal is the Gov doing everything for you so you do not have to think for yourself (or your child)
Ideally if they are gonna do this since the cars are fully intergrated these days would be that the doors wont lock, and the windows automatically roll down. It probably would be a matter of writing some simple computer code to do this.

An alarm eventually people would tune out. This is the reason why in addition to there being aural warnings, and visual warnings in the cockpits of the commercial aircraft i work on for a living , they also have a "stick shaker" for the control column. This is because of "norms"
I'm actually surprised you can still open a door with a car rolling.
My rental Hyundai told me to straighten wheel when I started the car. "Hey, I'm pulling out of a parking spot, Ji!"

Just heard the new Arcadia is equipped with a sensor in rear seat.
So if you leave your kid in the car seat and forget about your kid an alarm will be activated so the child won't die from heat exhaustion.

My first thought when I heard that... A YETI bodied (better insulated ) vehicle makes a heck of a lot more sense. This would allow anyone to wait comfortably inside.
Relying on electronic technology seems to be the only answer today.
I'm actually surprised you can still open a door with a car rolling.

You can't in some models. I worked at a tire store and alot of times I will open the door to see where I am on the lift and the vehicle puts itself in park still rolling.
My first thought when I heard that... A YETI bodied (better insulated ) vehicle makes a heck of a lot more sense. This would allow anyone to wait comfortably inside.
Relying on electronic technology seems to be the only answer today.

One EMP burst and we won't even be able to get out of our cars. :D
Or call anyone.
Or get cash
Or water
Or electricity
Or food

Our society would flip the hell out.
You can't in some models. I worked at a tire store and alot of times I will open the door to see where I am on the lift and the vehicle puts itself in park still rolling.
