Ninja bike assholes - I hate em.

I didn't know the story regarding your friend.

The original post irked me a little and I responded with a bit of defiance. Not the most mature response on my part, I freely admit. But I don't always act my age. Pull my finger.

Meet a tree going 115 on his Buell. He had been racing flat track bikes since he was in his early teens. Rode dirt bikes his whole life and had a motorcycle from the time he turned 16 until he hit that tree when he was 23. He was being an idiot and lost traction and that was it.

Taught me a valuable lesson as a young man that liked going fast.
Saw a guy last year fly by us on the freeway, doing at least 100, weaving through traffic like a madman. We were late for a wedding, and I told the wife maybe she should ride with him, she might make it on time! Not 2 miles up the road, traffic slows to a halt. I knew right away why, and the pieces of mini van, motorcycle and rider, were scattered all over the freeway. His body was slumped up against the concrete barrier separating the sides... I’ll bet the minivan driver never saw him coming, maybe changed a lane, maybe without signaling, and got hit! Wouldnt have mattered anyway, he was going waaaay to fast to react to a signal, and I can tell you, by the time you realize a bike going that fast is overtaking you, there is zero time to react, for you, or them!
Super Quick Until I Die

Had a an idiot Harley rider coming up behind me doing 80/90 in a 40, one lane each way, driver in front of me was making a left turn to get on express way . I went around her in the wider lane provided for that reason. Dumbass was coming so fast I didn't realize he`d be on top of me before I could get around the other car, "not my responsibility to watch behind me anyway , wreck would have totally been his fault, I did nothing wrong. He dodged me , then turned around an d flipped me off, course I flipped him off w/ both hands. The dumb bastard shot the gas to it , and went thru the next intersection ( 4 way stop) about 90 , dodging cars there too. If their that stupid , I wont dodge them, their the ones that are going to lose!
Also the dumbass lizard skinned Harley riders like to ride the center line around here, making people move to avoid them, guess who wont move. He clips a car w/ his handle bars, guess whose going to lose in this one ! I also had one of the dumb bastards try to pass me in my barracuda
getting on the four lane, guess he thot his Harley was hot, when I looked in the mirror after getting on, he gave up very quickly and started driving the speed limit. I`m getting prejudice against them all. Most are dumbasses !
Where I live, there are a lot of young combat Marines coming home from war. They are looking for that "High" adrenaline rush they got in combat. So, they buy a sport bike to try to commit suicide on. Not that they know it at the time. HUGE problem here. Young Marines dying on bikes. Every day.....Going too fast....invincible...just like they were told going into combat....
I stopped riding sport bikes because they are just too fast and I dont have the self control to resist twisting the throttle.

As for cars/trucks winning the battle... do the math on a 500lb object traveling at 80 mph ! You will get injured when they hit you !
You'd be surprised.... the consistent customer you could always count on coming in to the shop when I sold motorcycles.... not the combat vet, not the ghetto hood rat wanting a BOOsa (had a few of those), not the punk kid that's going be the next Rossi without ever touching a race track (enough of those, too)..

The one you could always count on, at least twice a week, every week....some guy dragging in the ol' lady, and she's so pregnant you think you're going to need a mop in a minute. After awhile, you start thinking you need to advertise at Lamaze classes.

Then you realize you don't need to.

And he always knows nothing about bikes, wants the fastest thing he can afford, and you wonder if it'd just been easier for him to push her down the stairs instead of suicide by motopenis.
My approach is the same as when a fight breaks out that I have no part of. Do you run into the middle of the fight and get involved or move away from the knuckleheads. I prefer the latter.

You CAN NOT control what other people do when driving. Give them room and let them go. Knuckleheads don't care about your right of way. Maybe swerve into them, that'll teach them. See first paragragh...
Right of way is to the vehicle ahead, not behind. There is no reason why the car should be giving way to the overtaking motorcycle. It is the other way around.

This is true, and California did recently legalized lane splitting. However, while passing cars, it must only be done at no more than 15 mph more than the cars and only below 40 mph. Before the law was passed, the majority of law enforcement looked the other way unless you were being reckless.

It is better if you don't swerve or change lane positions when a bike is passing. I don't get why people exaggeratedly swerve out of their lane to the center median as a bike passes, and it pisses my off when other riders take their hand off the bars to wave at the person doing that to thank them. Don't encourage swerving. Keep your hands on the bars, one finger covering the front brake and don't ride like an ***.

Passing on single lane roads is still illegal unless done on a divided roadway without a solid double yellow.

I ride and see idiots on bikes passing cars at much faster speeds with no possibility of stopping should they need to. It's not smart, and dangerous for others. Many do it with one hand on their Ape Hanger handle bars.

Today, there's a report of a 5 car fatality accident where 2 girls and an adult were killed when their 2015 Escalade overturned and they were ejected. All the airbags went off including the side impact ones. No bikes involved, but they charged one young man with DUI (marijuana, which is also legal, but not while driving) and gross vehicular homicide.
They should also charge the driver of the Escalade for Gross vehicular homicide for not having the minors wearing seat belts. It's just as deadly.
Not a biker.
What gets my goat is the f’ers come out of nowhere and burn past like im standing still.
Scares the **** out of me.
Had i known they were coming up from behind i would move to give them all the space i can.
Nope, solid double line on a two lane highway. Balls out.
Hope he doesen lay there suffering too long....
These guys were not lane splitting. First off that's not legal in Colorado, second lane splitting means riding between lanes of traffic going the SAME direction. NOT riding down the middle of the double yellow line between traffic going both directions. No excuse for this bullshit, period.

I was wondering how people missed this.

Passing on a double yellow with on coming traffic isn't justified no matter how many excuses you want to make.

Around here, every summer, the signs coming out, "watch out for motorcycles."

Yup, their about to do something stupid like what you just pointed out.

I'm sure I'll get blasted for what I just said. Oh, well.

Know who I hear complain about other riders the most? Outriders for charity rides. Buddy of mine used to do it. The childish attitudes of idiots passing each other on the shoulders, doing wheelies in the middle of a pack of other riders, passing cars in packs with on coming traffic.

One of the reasons he only rides with those he knows personally
Anybody that knows, knows that those bikes are uncomfortable at the speed limit, they have to be in high gear to be ridden properly. (well, maybe not the best way to explain it, but) just let them pass and move on with your day. I don't like it when they wipe out and traffic is stopped for 40 minutes though.
Life time biker here.

I too hate the “Crazy Riders” that often show a careless riding style. They give the rest of us a bad rap. It’s extremely annoying with that and other antics of extreme stunt riding and ultra rude behavior.

Nothing like 30 riders swerving in and out and around you in traffic at 50-60 mph. So many times I jamm on the brakes because they don’t know there bikes and surroundings. Sure beats running them over but then again, it makes me so mad I’m starting NOT to care anymore.

Oh! I almost forgot when they gang up in huge numbers and stop traffic on the hwy. for wheelies in groups. Oh what a joy that is!

Love it when the kids on the crotch rockets tailgate me. Used to have them get so close to the back bumper of my pickup they would disappear in all three mirrors.

Sure, your bike may stop on a dime, but that doesn't mean you have the reaction time to use the brakes.

Figured if one hit me if I had to lock on the brakes and flipped into my truck, I wouldn't stop, I'd just drive straight to the hospital.
Love it when the kids on the crotch rockets tailgate me. Used to have them get so close to the back bumper of my pickup they would disappear in all three mirrors.

Sure, your bike may stop on a dime, but that doesn't mean you have the reaction time to use the brakes.

Figured if one hit me if I had to lock on the brakes and flipped into my truck, I wouldn't stop, I'd just drive straight to the hospital.

and charge him for the ride
"They" routinely pass everyone on the interstate at crazy speeds and frequently weaving in and out of cars.
But if the get hit, it's someone else's fault?

"There's a lot of boneheads that can cause you to lay your bike down. SteelHorse Law can help."
- Neal Boortz -

My problem with "them" is when accidents happen on the interstate, it makes me late.
I'm sure I'll get blasted for what I just said. Oh, well.
Anybody that knows, knows that those bikes are uncomfortable at the speed limit, they have to be in high gear to be ridden properly. (well, maybe not the best way to explain it, but) just let them pass and move on with your day.
Are you SERIOUSLY saying that YOU think that since those bikes are uncomfortable at the speed limit that they are completely justified in terrorizing the roads and that we (since we are the insensitive ones) should just suck it up and accept the inevitable. Screw that. I am certainly not saying that I would ever do anything to endanger anyone (bike or car) that was driving like an idiot, but I'll be damned if I am going to just suck it up and act like this behavior is acceptable.
Lane splitting should only be done when traffic is at a standstill or no more than 10mph. Besides, it’s illegal to pass when traffic is doing the speed limit.
So driving home tonight, 2 lane hwy along the foothills.
Here comes this asshole on a bike coming up behind me fast. Passes me and 2 or 3 other cars doing probably 85 in a 60, all across double yellow lines, and then several other sets of 2 or 3 cars. Then here comes his buddy trying to keep up doing the same thing, and driving straight down the double yellow line passing cars on our side, with cars coming the the other way. Cars are swerving over to the right as this jerk goes by because they don't want to die.
Freaking jerks endangering everyone else on the road, obeying absolutely No traffic laws, middle of rush hour with tons of cars on the road, just because they have ninja bikes and they want to go fast.
If I saw them crashed, on the side of the road, on fire, I wouldn't stop to piss on them.
I need to remember what forum we're in....F 'em. Ride like a maniac, I don't care if you crash and burn, just as you said it! Total irresponsibility.
Don't hold them up. Only stupid states don't allow lane splitting.

As a lifetime rider, I can say people like you are more dangerous than a sport bike rider.

I beg to differ with your opinion. I've watched bikers split lanes in stopped traffic going 25-35MPH between stopped cars and one of the cars pulls out wide to turn, parts everywhere guy didn't fare to well either. He did get a ticket given to him right as they were taking him to the hospital. I think he lost a leg. and I have had a biker doing the splitting/passing rear end me.

not technically lane splitting but just the same it was deadly.
I was pulling out to pass a 30mph driver after oncoming traffic had just cleared (60 speed linit 2 lane road)and turned signal on ,looked in the Rear view mirror, All clear and moved out to pass hammering it to get around the slow car and got rear ended by a bike going about 100. Saw parts of the bike and him go over my car. Luckily one of the drivers about 15 cars back of me had a dash cam and caught the (yeah he passed all 15 cars and is now dead) biker passing ALL those cars and coming up on me full tilt, splitting lanes is a death warrant when you go at speed. It was originally made to get through in slow or jammed traffic but is now used just cause they feel like it. I have No simpathy for the bike riders that do it anymore. Yes I ride a restored 75 GoldWing touring bike and have been riding for over 43 years, no I don't Lane split, I like to live, there are enough problems with cage drivers that I just won't tempt fate. AND I now have a nifty new toy (dash cam recorder with front and rear cameras)
I get more frustrated and irritated at the wide range of complete jackasses that will sit through a left turn arrow , wait until the light turns yellow before hitting the gas , or rolling through a stop sign making a right turn forcing me to hit the brakes to keep from smashing into the back of them all because they are completely unaware of their surroundings or have a fkn phone stuck in their face. the idiots on the bikes cannot compare to the dumbasses that somehow managed to get a drivers license and are allowed to bring their stupidity out on public roads.
Does this thread have anything to do with the slogan " Start seeing motorcycles?"

I got a 56 Panhead and I won't even drive any distance because of these weekend
wanna be bikers 20- 30 deep sweerving in and out of traffic to end up stopping at the the same light as the cars they passed

What a joke.
These are the people that give bikers,motorcyclist, enthusiast a bad name.

These are the people that end up dead.
And the poor person driving their car
goes to jail in a lot of cases.

Ive got a new slogan.
"Start driving like you want to live"
or" Start seeing cars, they can kill you."
Where I live, there are a lot of young combat Marines coming home from war. They are looking for that "High" adrenaline rush they got in combat. So, they buy a sport bike to try to commit suicide on. Not that they know it at the time. HUGE problem here. Young Marines dying on bikes. Every day.....Going too fast....invincible...just like they were told going into combat....

I see that every time I go down there Tim.
On the way home from work tonight I came upon a 3 car accident that was recent. Police there tending to the injured when a dingle on a crotch rocket decided it would be fun to go past it doing a wheelie standing on the seat.
I myself though it was funny to see the other officer that was just arriving turn around and bust him for it.