North Dakota Mopar Find 2.0



Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
Surrey ND
Some of you have read my post concerning my 1969 Charger find in ND. Well I stumbled onto another find. I have a good friend who I've bought and sold Mopar parts over the last 25 years. I got a call from him about 2 weeks ago and he asked me to swing out to his place so he could show me something I might be interested in. Of course knowing him the way I do I told him I would stop by the next afternoon. I almost forgot to go visit my friend the next day as I had a case of the bottle flu if you catch my meaning. As I was sitting there feeling sorry for my self my wife of all people says aren't you going to see what your friend wanted to show you. Well if I get that kitchen pass I'm taking it so I bundled up for a cold ND late April day and turned the seat heat on in my pickup and headed west. I knew something was up when I got to my friend's place when he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. We went into his shop and he showed me how he was coming on the 1970 Panther Pink T/A restoration. Man is that thing gonna be nice. After about 30 minutes of bsing he asked me if I wanted to go over to his cols storage shop and take a look at something. Of course I said sure. We walked to his other shop and he couldn't stop smiling. We walked in and there sat this.

Wow....that’s awesome! There is supposed to be a factory FM3 T/A just sitting down the road from me, get to see it soon!
My friend let me look this beauty over. It is a NOM car but does have a true T/A motor. It's a real FC7 car that was restored about 11 years ago. It still shows good.

We talked some more about the car while I looked it over. It was pretty cold in that non heated shop so we went back to his heated shop to continue our conversation. My friend asked me if I would be interested in buying the Challenger, I said of course if the price is right. He told me what he had to have for it and my wife's voice immediately popped into my head saying not a chance. After talking mopars for another hour I asked him if he would give me the chance to see if my wife would at least consider me adding another car to my collection, especially one that was in this price range, and he agreed. When I got home and told my wife about my visit I focused on how rare the Challenger is and it's only 20 miles from our house. She told me to see a psychiatrist and forget it, it's not happening. Why do wives always have to be a voice of reason!!!
We talked some more about the car while I looked it over. It was pretty cold in that non heated shop so we went back to his heated shop to continue our conversation. My friend asked me if I would be interested in buying the Challenger, I said of course if the price is right. He told me what he had to have for it and my wife's voice immediately popped into my head saying not a chance. After talking mopars for another hour I asked him if he would give me the chance to see if my wife would at least consider me adding another car to my collection, especially one that was in this price range, and he agreed. When I got home and told my wife about my visit I focused on how rare the Challenger is and it's only 20 miles from our house. She told me to see a psychiatrist and forget it, it's not happening. Why do wives always have to be a voice of reason!!!
Been there doing that now. We don’t owe anybody for anything and my wife has 30k in her bank account. I was recently read the riot act for what she considered fru fru unnecessary items for the Dart. When we got married She could barely balance her checkbook or boil water. Now she has me on an allowance and is a great cook. It is a classic case of the student teaching the master. Damn it!!!!
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My wife grew up in a Mopar family. One of the main reasons I'm a Mopar guy know is that I rode in her brother's 72 340 4 speed Demon about 30 years ago (man time flies) and got hooked. She has been forgiving of my car craziness but she's starting to think the craziness is getting clinical!!!
My wife gives me greif everytime I mention another car, but never has anything nice to say when I sell one.
My wife grew up in a Mopar family. One of the main reasons I'm a Mopar guy know is that I rode in her brother's 72 340 4 speed Demon about 30 years ago (man time flies) and got hooked. She has been forgiving of my car craziness but she's starting to think the craziness is getting clinical!!!
Sure would like to see another car in your garage to come over and droll over Rob.
Miss seeing ya my friend and hope to see ya this summer.
Hi Fred...think you can put in a good word to my wife? She's not buying it from me!
Hi Fred...think you can put in a good word to my wife? She's not buying it from me!
Maybe if Dallas and I come over the 3 of us can beg her to change her mind.
Flowers and chocolate always helped me with my wife.
Man and Mopars is like the farmer and land... farmer wants no more land, just what joins him.
Hey that car is only 20 miles down the road!!!
Just get rid of something big, then buy it. Forgiveness is easier than permission. My wife's the same way with my fascination with old silver face cassette decks......a little cheaper than Mopars but its the same thing..."Another one??? where are you gonna put have 3 already!" yes, but I dont have this model yet! And I already cleared a space for it....see?
I sold my race car last year but unfortunately mamma didn't raise no dummy. She knows what I sold that for and what this one would cost!
While we aren't in the market for another old car, if we had the funds and I came across something that I really wanted there wouldn't be a problem with my wife. She even told me to finish MY Barracuda before HER GTS...

Now, to convince her at the end of the year to upgrade the 2000 Durango to a new one might be a little more difficult...
If you guys haven't seen my post about my other ND find...its a pretty good read also.
Damn, you done good! Both with the wife and the Challenger. That is just about the only Challenger I would want to own at this point, right color, model, and definitely right year.