not only new member, but new to computer



Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
blue ridge, va
brand new to computers and internet, kids are old enough to need it for school so i gave in. now if they could only get me off it. always lookin for bargains on needed parts. need misc parts for 70 swinger 340, 70 swinger 6 cyl, 71 demon, 72 swinger, and 73 gold duster. gave 340 to wife, 72 to daughter, and duster to son. that leaves me with the worst two. story of my life! lookin for about 4 8 3-4's, and maybe two factory consoles. with those a-body 8 3-4 prices, iguess ill bu cutting truck or c-bodies down. dont like to sell too much but will have some extras off of 74 scamp, and 73 dart parts cars if anybody needs somethin. love yalls site!
Welcome aboard! I see your dart what color, and do you have stripes on it? very creative never seen one with those on it may we see more car ****!
Wecome. I want to see better pics of the 2 tone also.
Glad you made it out of the stone age dude! Look out for E-bay now! You'll be a terminal patient.... pun intended!:cheers:
brand new to computers and internet, kids are old enough to need it for school so i gave in. now if they could only get me off it. always lookin for bargains on needed parts. need misc parts for 70 swinger 340, 70 swinger 6 cyl, 71 demon, 72 swinger, and 73 gold duster. gave 340 to wife, 72 to daughter, and duster to son. that leaves me with the worst two. story of my life! lookin for about 4 8 3-4's, and maybe two factory consoles. with those a-body 8 3-4 prices, iguess ill bu cutting truck or c-bodies down. dont like to sell too much but will have some extras off of 74 scamp, and 73 dart parts cars if anybody needs somethin. love yalls site!
TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL , AND YOU WILL LEARN MORE ! Sometimes it's good to give-in. Welcome to the site :cheers: I had to buy myself a laptop because my three son's were tired of me always being on their computer.:hiding:
I did not touch a computer till I joined here and here is where I stay.
I came out of the cave in 1-06.
We have some of the best of the best tec's around and allot of great folks.
Nice to here you are taking good care of your Mopar family .
Jump on in and enjoy.
540, you'll be clickin' and postin' and finding great deals in no time, and will soon wonder how you get along so well without it before. See? You've already found the BEST MOPAR SITE there is!!!!!!!!
4 days on a computer and ive met more a-body people than ive met in 30 years of livin! sure do like yalls site. think ill be spendin some time here. as for the pics.... ive tried to upload more, but the computer keeps tellin me they're too large. tryin to figure it out. if i can they'll be up soon. i also appereciate yalls compliments...but you should know that the pics make it look alot better than in person. shes goin down hill fast!
4 days on a computer and ive met more a-body people than ive met in 30 years of livin! sure do like yalls site. think ill be spendin some time here. as for the pics.... ive tried to upload more, but the computer keeps tellin me they're too large. tryin to figure it out. if i can they'll be up soon. i also appereciate yalls compliments...but you should know that the pics make it look alot better than in person. shes goin down hill fast!

Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 965 How to make my photos internet friendly-


High resolution digital cameras are commonplace today. They produce great quality photos with ease. These are great for looking at when on your own computer, but they are not so great for the web. Why? Simply put, size. A digital camera will give you photos that are HUGE by internet standards. Huge photos take a long time to download for viewing. Some cameras can give you photos that are 1 meg or more in size. A pic of this size can take up to 30 seconds for a dialup user to fully download to his computer to see. Doesnt sound like a long time, try staring at your computer for 30 seconds while doing nothing.

Accordingly our system here has limitations on size of photos you can upload.

Ok, so what to do with your pics. Everyone should have an image resizer. I recommend a microsoft product called PowerToys Image Resizer. It's free and can be obtained here: Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP Download and install the Image Resizer.

Image Resizer Directions
This PowerToy enables you to resize one or many image files. When resizing you can choose from one of four standard sizes or choose a size that you specify. You can also choose to resize the original image or create a new one. Right click any image(s) and select 'Resize Pictures' in the context menu.

Using this program can reduct a 1meg photo to 50Kb or about 5% of original size without losing any discernable quality.

There are many programs out there that can do what this one does, but this one is free and simple to use.

Admin............................................................. I tried this info in Joeys thread and it worked for me. I could not figure out how to send his listed link though. {newbie also} but you should be able to find this thread.:read2:
Welcome 540demon, I happened across this website about 3 years ago. At the time I was looking for a console too. I actually found an A-body 4 spd. console here for $75.00! That was then, this now but there are still deals to be had. You can find a lot of great parts here and the people are among the best. Keep at the computer and it`ll become second nature before you know it.
Glad to have you with us! This computer stuff kinda grows on ya...most of it's trial & error. You found a great bunch.....I can honestly say without these guys and this forum, my project would be languishing away under a tarp....still!
Here's a link....
Check out the rest of the great resto threads as well. These guys have been so encouraging and supportive, it's unbelievable!!!
Again, welcome aboard!
This is a great site, lot's of good people here. I was on another mopar site when I first started using a comp. and even though they had some good people there thay also had alot of dillholes.